Publications for Benjamin Weiner, updated April 2007

Web copies of preprints:

Benjamin J. Weiner et al. (DEEP1 Team). 2005, ``The DEEP Groth Strip Galaxy Redshift Survey. III. Redshift Catalog and Properties of Galaxies,'' ApJ, 620, 595 astro-ph/0411128.

The main data table in the DEEP1 redshift catalog paper is abbreviated for publication. A full machine-readable table is published in the ApJ electronic edition; in the meantime, the machine-readable table is available from my papers directory. The DEEP public database is at

Refereed publications and preprints:

B.J. Weiner et al. 2007, ``AEGIS: Extinction and Star Formation Tracers from Line Emission,'' 2007, ApJL, 660, L39

S.A. Kassin, B.J. Weiner et al. 2007, ``The Stellar Mass Tully-Fisher Relation to z = 1.2 from AEGIS,'' 2007, ApJL, 660, L35

L. Lin, D.C. Koo, B.J. Weiner et al. 2007, ``AEGIS: Enhancement of Dust-enshrouded Star Formation in Close Galaxy Pairs and Merging Galaxies up to z ~ 1,'' 2007, ApJL, 660, L51

K.G. Noeske, B.J. Weiner et al. 2007, ``Star Formation in AEGIS Field Galaxies since z=1.1: The Dominance of Gradually Declining Star Formation, and the Main Sequence of Star-forming Galaxies,'' 2007, ApJL 660, L47

K.G. Noeske, S.M. Faber, B.J. Weiner et al. 2007, ``Star Formation in AEGIS Field Galaxies since z=1.1: Staged Galaxy Formation and a Model of Mass-dependent Gas Exhaustion,'' 2007, ApJL, 660, L43

C.J. Conselice et al. 2007, ``AEGIS: The Diversity of Bright Near-IR-selected Distant Red Galaxies,'' 2007, ApJL, 660, L55

M. Davis et al. 2007, ``The All-Wavelength Extended Groth Strip International Survey (AEGIS) Data Sets,'' 2007, ApJL, 660, L1

B.F. Gerke et al. 2007, ``The DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey: AEGIS Observations of a Dual AGN at z = 0.7,'' 2007, ApJL, 660, L23

C.M. Pierce et al. 2007, ``AEGIS: Host Galaxy Morphologies of X-Ray-selected and Infrared-selected Active Galactic Nuclei at 0.2 <= z < 1.2,'' 2007, ApJL, 660, L19

E.N. Kirby et al. 2007, ``The DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey: Redshift Identification of Single-Line Emission Galaxies,'' 2007, ApJ, 660, 62

M.C. Cooper et al. 2007, ``The DEEP2 galaxy redshift survey: evolution of the colour-density relation at 0.4 < z < 1.35,'' 2007, MNRAS, 376, 1445

B.F. Gerke et al. 2007, ``The DEEP2 galaxy redshift survey: the evolution of the blue fraction in groups and the field,'' 2007, MNRAS, 376, 1425

B.J. Weiner et al. 2006, ``A Survey of Galaxy Kinematics to z \sim 1 in the TKRS/GOODS-N Field. I. Rotation and Dispersion Properties,'' 2006, ApJ, 653, 1049, astro-ph/0609090. See

B.J. Weiner et al. 2006, ``A Survey of Galaxy Kinematics to z \sim 1 in the TKRS/GOODS-N Field. II. Evolution in the Tully-Fisher Relation,'' 2006, ApJ, 653, 1027, astro-ph/0609091. See

R.P. Schiavon et al. 2006, ``The DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey: Mean Ages and Metallicities of Red Field Galaxies at z \sim 0.9 from Stacked Keck DEIMOS Spectra,'' 2006, ApJL, 651, L93

J.J. Harker, R.P. Schiavon, B.J. Weiner, S.M. Faber, 2006, ``Population Synthesis Models for Late Buildup of the Red Sequence,'' ApJL, 647, L103

C.N.A. Willmer et al. 2006, ``The DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey: The Galaxy Luminosity Function to z ~ 1,'' ApJ, 647, 853

S.A. Kassin, R.S. de Jong, B.J. Weiner. 2006, ``Dark and Baryonic Matter in Bright Spiral Galaxies,'' ApJ, 643, 804

J.X. Prochaska, B.J. Weiner, H.-W. Chen, J.S. Mulchaey. 2006, ``Probing the IGM/Galaxy Connection Toward PKS0405-123 III: The Galaxy Survey and Correlations with OVI Absorbers,'' ApJ, 643, 680

M.C. Cooper et al. 2006, ``The DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey: The Relationship Between Galaxy Properties and Environment at z ~ 1,'' MNRAS, 370, 198

J.M. Lotz et al. 2006, ``The Evolution of Galaxy Mergers and Morphology at $z<1.2$ in the Extended Groth Strip,'' ApJ submitted, astro-ph/0602088

K. Bundy et al. 2006, ``The Mass Assembly History of Field Galaxies: Detection of an Evolving Mass Limit for Star Forming Galaxies,'' ApJ, 651, 120

S.M. Faber et al. 2005, ``Galaxy Luminosity Functions to z \sim 1: DEEP2 vs. COMBO-17 and Implications for Red Galaxy Formation,'' ApJ in press, astro-ph/0506044

H.-W. Chen, J.X. Prochaska, B.J. Weiner, J.S. Mulchaey, G.M. Williger. 2005, ``Probing the Intergalactic Medium-Galaxy Connection toward PKS 0405-123. II. A Cross-Correlation Study of Ly-alpha Absorbers and Galaxies at z \lt 0.5,'' ApJ, 629, L25

N.P. Vogt et al. (DEEP1 Team). 2005, ``The DEEP Groth Strip Survey. I. The Sample,'' ApJS, 159, 41

B.F. Gerke et al. (DEEP2 Team). 2005, ``The DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey: First Results on Galaxy Groups,'' ApJ, 625, 6

Benjamin J. Weiner et al. (DEEP1 Team). 2005, ``The DEEP Groth Strip Galaxy Redshift Survey. III. Redshift Catalog and Properties of Galaxies,'' ApJ, 620, 595

D.C. Koo et al. (DEEP1 Team). 2005, ``The DEEP Groth Strip Galaxy Redshift Survey. VIII. The Evolution of Luminous Field Bulges at Redshift z \sim 1,'' ApJS, 157, 175

J.X. Prochaska, H.-W. Chen, J.C. Howk, B.J. Weiner, J.S. Mulchaey. 2004, ``Probing the IGM/Galaxy Connection Toward PKS0405-123. I: UV Spectroscopy and Metal-Line Systems,'' ApJ, 617, 718

A.L. Coil et al. (DEEP2 Team). 2004, ``The DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey: Clustering of Galaxies in Early Data,'' ApJ, 609, 525

H.A. Kobulnicky et al. (DEEP1 Team). 2003, ``The DEEP Groth Strip Survey. VII. The Metallicity of Field Galaxies at 0.26 < z < 0.82 and the Evolution of the Luminosity-Metallicity Relation,'' ApJ, 599, 1006

D.S. Madgwick et al. (DEEP2 Team). 2003, ``The DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey: Spectral classification of galaxies at z ~ 1,'' ApJ, 599, 997

K. Gebhardt et al. (DEEP1 Team). 2003, ``The DEEP Groth Strip Survey IX: Evolution of the Fundamental Plane of Field Galaxies,'' ApJ, 597, 239

L. Simard, C.N.A. Willmer, N.P. Vogt, V.L. Sarajedini, A.C. Phillips, B.J. Weiner, D.C. Koo, M. Im, G.D. Illingworth, and S.M. Faber. 2002, ``The DEEP Groth Strip Survey. II. HST Structural Parameters of Galaxies in the Groth Strip,'' ApJS, 142, 1

B.J. Weiner, T.B. Williams, J.H. van Gorkom, and J.A. Sellwood. 2001, ``The disk and dark halo mass of the barred galaxy NGC 4123. I. Observations,'' ApJ 546, 916

B.J. Weiner, J.A. Sellwood, and T.B. Williams. 2001, ``The disk and dark halo mass of the barred galaxy NGC 4123. II. Fluid dynamical simulations,'' ApJ 546, 931

B.J. Weiner and J.A. Sellwood. 1999, ``The properties of the Galactic bar implied by gas kinematics in the inner Milky Way,'' ApJ 524, 112

B.J. Weiner and T.B. Williams. 1996, ``Detection of H-alpha emission from the Magellanic Stream,'' AJ 111, 1156

Conference proceedings:

B.J. Weiner. 2003, ``The dark matter density problem in massive disk galaxies,'' in Dark Matter in Galaxies, ed. S. Ryder et al., IAU Symposium 220, in press, astro-ph/0310666

Weiner, B.J. and the DEEP Collaboration. 2002, ``Evolution in the linewidth-magnitude relation to z>1 from the DEEP Groth Strip survey,'' in The Mass of Galaxies at Low and High Redshift, ed. R. Bender and A. Renzini, ESO Symposia series, Springer-Verlag in press.

Weiner, Vogel, and Williams, 2001, ``Optical emission from high velocity clouds and the ionization sources in the Galactic halo,'' astro-ph/0109055, in Extragalactic Gas at Low Redshift, ed. J.S. Mulchaey and J. Stocke, ASP Conference Series, v. 254 (ASP: San Francisco), 256

Weiner, Vogel, and Williams, 2001, ``Distance constraints for high velocity clouds from optical emission lines,'' in Gas and Galaxy Evolution, VLA 20th Anniversary Conference proceedings, ed. J.E. Hibbard, M.P. Rupen, and J.H. van Gorkom, ASP Conference Series, v. 240 (San Francisco: A.S.P.), 515

Weiner and Sellwood. 1996. ``Properties of the Galactic bar from hydrodynamical simulations,'' in Unsolved Problems of the Milky Way, IAU Symp. 169, ed. Blitz and Teuben, (Dordrecht: Kluwer), 145

Weiner, Sellwood, and Williams. 1996, ``Fabry-Perot observations and hydrodynamical simulations of the barred spiral NGC 4123,'' in Barred Galaxies, ed. Buta et al., ASP Conf series 91, 489

Work in progress:

B.J. Weiner, S.N. Vogel, and T.B. Williams. ``Optical Line Emission from High Velocity Clouds: Distance Limits and the Nature of HVCs,'' in preparation.

B.J. Weiner, S.N. Vogel, and T.B. Williams. ``Optical Emission from the Magellanic Stream,'' in preparation.

ADS Abstract Service Astrophysics preprint archive

Benjamin Weiner, April 2007 bjw at