Modern Observational Techniques: Spring 2006

Instructor: Mike Bolte

The files below contain the detailed content of the classes. Further down the page are additional pdf-format files that contain the powerpoint slides from the lectures (a greatly abbreviated version of the class content).

Overview and syllabus (pdf file)

Signal-to-Noise Lecture (pdf file)

Observing Lecture (pdf file)

Preliminary processing Lecture (pdf file)

Imaging Camera Lecture (pdf file)

Homework Problem #1: Due April 27 (pdf file)

Homework Problem #2: Due May 4 (pdf file)


Homework Problem #3: Due May 18 (pdf file)

Homework Problem #4: Due June 2 (pdf file)

Alternative Homework Problem #4: Due June 2 (pdf file)

Powerpoint Lectures 1/2 This file contains the powerpoint lectures from the first two classes (introduction through preliminary processing) (pdf file)

Powerpoint Lectures 3 and 4 This file contains the powerpoint lectures from the third and fourth classes (Imaging cameras, aperture photometry, PSF-fitting photometry, photometric calibration) (pdf file)

Powerpoint Lectures 5 and 6 This file contains the powerpoint lectures from the fifth and sixth classes (Surface photometry, star-galaxy separation) (pdf file)

Powerpoint Lecture 7 This file contains the powerpoint lectures from the seventh class (Introduction to the Near-IR), (pdf file)

Powerpoint Lectures 8 and 9 This file contains the powerpoint lectures from the eigth and ninth classes (Spectometers and spectra) (pdf file)

Powerpoint Lectures 10 and 11 This file contains the powerpoint lectures from the tenth and eleventh classes (spectra reduction) (pdf file)

Example Latex file

DAOPHOT executables for Mac OS X

DAOPHOT executables for Linux




Slit Spectra Reduction, Massey et al. (.ps file)

Powerpoint lectures (gzipped tar file)

Rough Course Outline (non-pdf version of ``Overview and Syllabus'')

  1. Computing/reduction packages
  2. Digital Detectors and Signal-to-Noise
  3. Writing Observing Proposals
  4. Planning and executing an observing run
  5. Data Reduction
  6. Infrared
  7. X-ray Observing

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