# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # # Dashboard version 1.42 Layout Save File V2! # $Header$ # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # # WARNING DANGER WILL ROBINSON! # Edit this file at your own risk. # Manually editing this file is not for the unwary. # Be VERY CAREFUL what you do. Make a BACKUP COPY first. # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # #--------------------------------------------------------- # OPEN and INITIALIZE any KTL Services you will need global ktuilib catch {loadlibindex $ktuilib/data/data.tlib} res puts stderr "data.tlib $res" catch {loadlibindex $ktuilib/data/data.tlib} res puts stderr "data.tlib $res" catch {loadlibindex $ktuilib/data/data.tlib} res puts stderr "data.tlib $res" catch {loadlibindex $ktuilib/data/data.tlib} res puts stderr "data.tlib $res" catch {loadlibindex $ktuilib/data/data.tlib} res puts stderr "data.tlib $res" catch {checkSim} # DONE initializing services #--------------------------------------------------------- global dbdVersion set cvs(Id) {$Id$} set cvs(Revision) {$Revision$} scan $cvs(Revision) "%*s %s" dbdVersion ######################### Initial State Recovery ################### global InitCond set InitCond 0 # set err [catch {initGUI} res] if {$err} { Log "ERROR executing initGUI" E Log "$res" E } # #======== Hacky Little GlobalVars for Developers ======= set InitFile "" #======== Enforce Last Known Main Window Geometry ======= wm geom . 983x467+88+111 global WindowId MeterId GraphicId ReconList NewMlist NewGlist set WindowId 0 set MeterId 0 set GraphicId 0 set AlarmId 0 #==================== Save incidentally used KW ============ global OddKW set OddKW "data.MYVAR" if {!$Fake} {checkKTL $OddKW} else {makeVars $OddKW} #======================== PKWs and Alarms =================== #----------------------------------------------- Log "Restoring PKwords" D #----------------------------------------------- # PseudoKeywords: # # #=================== List of all dashboards in tool ============ # global WindowId global Windows #W============================================================================= newWindow {{name {DashBoard-II KTL GUI 1.41: obsr : Fake-Devel}} {geom 983x467+88+111}} newCanvas { {basic { {name .f1.c} }} {condits { {{name Default} {exp {}} {uexp {}}} }} {attribs { {{background ivory} {borderwidth 2} {closeenough 1.0} {confine 1} {cursor {}} {disabledtile {}} {height 400} {highlightbackground #d9d9d9} {highlightcolor Black} {highlightthickness 1} {insertbackground Black} {insertborderwidth 0} {insertofftime 300} {insertontime 600} {insertwidth 2} {offset 0,0} {relief sunken} {scrollregion {}} {selectbackground #c3c3c3} {selectborderwidth 1} {selectforeground Black} {state normal} {takefocus {}} {tile {}} {width 850} {xscrollcommand {}} {xscrollincrement 0} {yscrollcommand {}} {yscrollincrement 0} {basic 1} {bd borderWidth} {bg background}} }} } # Contents of Window Log "Restoring Meters DB 0" D #-------M---------------------------------------- newMeter { {basic { {name myvar_BarGauge} {kw data.MYVAR} {min 0} {max 100} {kfmt %s} {ksyty char} {interv 500} {type BarGauge} {R 1} {W 1} {enum 0} {vals {}} {state bound} {tolv 0} {flavour normal} }} {condits { {{name Default} {exp {}} {uexp {}} {on 0}} {{name Hot} {on 0} {uexp {MYVAR > 50}} {exp {$data(MYVAR) > 50 }}} }} {attribs { {{xpos 588.0} {ypos 194.0} {dynavals 0} {alabels {}} {alabfont {Helvetica -12}} {altbackground #d9d9d9} {altbarcolor green} {alttextcolor white} {alttickcolor gray70} {background ivory} {barbackground cornsilk} {barborderwidth 2} {barcolor gold} {barrelief groove} {base 0.0} {blabels {}} {blabfont {Helvetica -12}} {borderwidth 2} {command {}} {cursor {}} {font {Helvetica -12}} {height 150} {hpadding 2} {interval 500} {max 100.0} {min 0.0} {mode bargraph} {orient horiz} {precision 6} {relief sunken} {showminmax 1} {showvalue 1} {showbase 1} {sliderlength 10} {textcolor black} {tickcolor blue2} {tickinterval 0.0} {ticklength 4} {tickwidth 1} {showwing 0} {wingwidth 3} {wingtrigger 0.66} {showwingoverlay 1} {wingcolor red} {title MYVAR} {vpadding 2} {width 30} {basic 1} {visible 1} {dynarange 0}} {{barcolor red}} }} } #-------M---------------------------------------- newMeter { {basic { {name myvar_StripChart} {kw data.MYVAR} {min 0} {max 100} {kfmt %s} {ksyty char} {interv 500} {type StripChart} {R 1} {W 1} {enum 0} {vals {}} {state bound} {tolv 0} {flavour normal} }} {condits { {{name Default} {exp {}} {uexp {}} {on 0}} }} {attribs { {{xpos 544.0} {ypos 286.0} {background ivory} {stripcolor gold} {stripborderwidth 0} {command {updMeter 1}} {interval 500} {up 1} {font {Helvetica -12}} {textcolor black} {tickcolor blue2} {cursor {}} {altbackground red} {altstripcolor green} {alttickcolor gray70} {alttextcolor white} {showticks 1} {guaranteedrawing 0} {min 0} {max 100} {numstrips 40} {title MYVAR} {width 2} {height 80} {borderwidth 2} {stripwidth 2} {numticks 11} {relief sunken} {striprelief raised} {data {}} {userbits 0} {cbloc -1} {basic 1} {visible 1} {dynarange 0} {dynavals 0}} }} } #-------M---------------------------------------- newMeter { {basic { {name myvar_DialGauge} {kw data.MYVAR} {min 0} {max 100} {kfmt %s} {ksyty char} {interv 500} {type DialGauge} {R 1} {W 1} {enum 0} {vals {}} {state bound} {tolv 0} {flavour normal} }} {condits { {{name Default} {exp {}} {uexp {}} {on 0}} }} {attribs { {{xpos 426.0} {ypos 220.0} {background ivory} {tickcolor blue2} {majortickcolor blue4} {textcolor black} {needlecolor navy} {cursor {}} {altbackground red2} {altneedlecolor green} {alttickcolor white} {altmajortickcolor gray70} {alttextcolor white} {borderwidth 2} {numticks 30} {majorticks 5} {radius 60} {font {Helvetica -12}} {relief raised} {showvalue 1} {minvalue 0} {maxvalue 100} {begindegree 300} {enddegree 60} {title MYVAR} {interval 500} {command {}} {highlightbackground #d9d9d9} {highlightcolor Black} {highlightthickness 0} {basic 1} {visible 1} {dynarange 0} {dynavals 0}} }} } #-------M---------------------------------------- newMeter { {basic { {name myvar_Slider} {kw data.MYVAR} {min 0} {max 100} {kfmt %s} {ksyty char} {interv 500} {type Slider} {R 1} {W 1} {enum 0} {vals {}} {state bound} {tolv 0} {flavour normal} }} {condits { {{name Default} {exp {}} {uexp {}} {on 0}} }} {attribs { 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{ {{xpos 79.0} {ypos 217.0} {activebackground red3} {background #d9d9d9} {beginangle -140} {bigincrement 0.0} {borderwidth 2} {command {}} {cursor {}} {digits 0} {endangle 140} {font *-helvetica-medium-r-*-100-*} {foreground Black} {from 0.0} {highlightbackground #d9d9d9} {highlightcolor Black} {highlightthickness 2} {knobborderwidth 3} {knobcolor red3} {label {}} {markcolor White} {minortickinterval 6.0} {radius 30} {relief flat} {repeatdelay 300} {repeatinterval 100} {resolution 1.0} {showtags 1} {showvalue 1} {state normal} {takefocus {}} {tickcolor Black} {tickinterval 11.0} {to 100.0} {variable data(MYVAR)} {basic 1} {visible 1} {dynarange 0} {dynavals 0}} }} } Log "Restoring Graphics DB 0" D #-------G---------------------------------------- newGraphic { {basic { {name {G0 Anonymous}} {itype rectangle} {type rectangle} {widget {}} {kw {}} }} {condits { {{name Default} {exp {}} {uexp {}} {on 0}} }} {attribs { {{geom {0.0 0.0 100.0 50.0 }} {activedash {}} {activefill {}} 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{activeoutlinetile {}} {activestipple {}} {activetile {}} {activewidth 0.0} {dash {}} {dashoffset 0} {disableddash {}} {disabledfill {}} {disabledoutline {}} {disabledoutlinestipple {}} {disabledoutlinetile {}} {disabledstipple {}} {disabledtile {}} {disabledwidth 0} {fill azure} {offset 0,0} {outline blue} {outlineoffset 0,0} {outlinestipple {}} {outlinetile {}} {state {}} {stipple {}} {tags g1} {tile {}} {updatecommand {}} {width 3.0} {xpos 227.0} {ypos 65.0} {coords {50.0 50.0 100.0 100.0}} {scale 1} {basic 1} {visible 1} {unfold {}} {bindLeave {}} {bindEnter {}} {bindReturn {}} {bindKeyPress {}} {toplayer 0}} }} } #-------G---------------------------------------- newGraphic { {basic { {name {G2 Anonymous}} {itype radiob} {type radiob} {widget .f1.c.radiob2.rb} {kw {}} }} {condits { {{name Default} {exp {}} {uexp {}} {on 0}} {{name Locked} {on 0} {uexp {$Locked}} {exp {$Locked }}} }} {attribs { {{activebackground azure} {activeforeground blue} {activetile {}} {anchor center} 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300.0 70.0 }} {activedash {}} {activefill {}} {activeoutline {}} {activeoutlinestipple {}} {activeoutlinetile {}} {activestipple {}} {activetile {}} {activewidth 0.0} {dash {}} {dashoffset 0} {disableddash {}} {disabledfill {}} {disabledoutline {}} {disabledoutlinestipple {}} {disabledoutlinetile {}} {disabledstipple {}} {disabledtile {}} {disabledwidth 0} {fill {}} {offset 0,0} {outline gray} {outlineoffset 0,0} {outlinestipple {}} {outlinetile {}} {state {}} {stipple {}} {tags g4} {tile {}} {updatecommand {}} {width 3.0} {xpos 202.0} {ypos 57.0} {coords {50.0 50.0 100.0 100.0}} {scale 1} {basic 1} {visible 1} {unfold {}} {bindLeave {}} {bindEnter {}} {bindReturn {}} {bindKeyPress {}} {toplayer 0}} }} } #-------G---------------------------------------- newGraphic { {basic { {name {G5 Anonymous}} {itype text} {type text} {widget {}} {kw {}} }} {condits { {{name Default} {exp {}} {uexp {}} {on 0}} }} {attribs { {{geom {0.0 0.0 }} {activefill {}} {activestipple {}} {activetile {}} 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bold}}}} }} } #-------G---------------------------------------- newGraphic { {basic { {name {G12 Anonymous}} {itype entry} {type entry} {widget .f1.c.entry12.ent} {kw {}} }} {condits { {{name Default} {exp {}} {uexp {}} {on 0}} }} {attribs { {{background white} {borderwidth 2} {cursor xterm} {disabledtile {}} {exportselection 1} {font {Helvetica -12}} {foreground Black} {foregroundtile {}} {highlightbackground #d9d9d9} {highlightcolor Black} {highlightthickness 1} {insertbackground Black} {insertborderwidth 0} {insertofftime 300} {insertontime 600} {insertwidth 2} {invalidcommand {}} {invcmd invalidCommand} {justify left} {offset 0,0} {relief sunken} {selectbackground #c3c3c3} {selectborderwidth 1} {selectforeground Black} {show {}} {state normal} {takefocus {}} {textvariable Desired(data,MYVAR)} {tile {}} {validate none} {validatecommand {}} {vcmd validateCommand} {width 10} {xscrollcommand {}} {geom {0 0}} {xpos 212.0} {ypos 180.0} {coords {50 50}} {basic 1} {unfold {}} {bindEnter {}} {bindLeave {set data(MYVAR) $Desired(data,MYVAR)}} {bindReturn {set data(MYVAR) $Desired(data,MYVAR)}} {bindKeyPress {}} {tags g12}} }} } #-------G---------------------------------------- newGraphic { {basic { {name {G13 Anonymous}} {itype entry} {type entry} {widget .f1.c.entry13.ent} {kw {}} }} {condits { {{name Default} {exp {}} {uexp {}} {on 0}} }} {attribs { {{background white} {borderwidth 2} {cursor xterm} {disabledtile {}} {exportselection 1} {font {Helvetica -12}} {foreground Black} {foregroundtile {}} {highlightbackground #d9d9d9} {highlightcolor Black} {highlightthickness 1} {insertbackground Black} {insertborderwidth 0} {insertofftime 300} {insertontime 600} {insertwidth 2} {invalidcommand {}} {invcmd invalidCommand} {justify left} {offset 0,0} {relief sunken} {selectbackground #c3c3c3} {selectborderwidth 1} {selectforeground Black} {show {}} {state normal} {takefocus {}} {textvariable pseudo(MYPK)} {tile {}} {validate none} {validatecommand {}} {vcmd validateCommand} {width 10} {xscrollcommand {}} {geom {0 0}} {xpos 212.0} {ypos 214.0} {coords {50 50}} {basic 1} {unfold {}} {bindEnter {}} {bindLeave {}} {bindReturn {}} {bindKeyPress {}} {tags g13}} }} } #-------G---------------------------------------- newGraphic { {basic { {name {G14 Anonymous}} {itype button} {type button} {widget .f1.c.button14.but} {kw {}} }} {condits { {{name Default} {exp {}} {uexp {}} {on 0}} }} {attribs { {{activebackground #ececec} {activeforeground Black} {activetile {}} {anchor center} {background #d9d9d9} {bitmap {}} {borderwidth 2} {command {mkDashboard 1}} {cursor {}} {default disabled} {disabledforeground #a3a3a3} {disabledtile {}} {font {Helvetica -12 bold}} {foreground Black} {height 0} {highlightbackground #d9d9d9} {highlightcolor Black} {highlightthickness 1} {image {}} {justify center} {offset 0,0} {padx 11} {pady 4} {relief raised} {state normal} {takefocus {}} {text PopUP} {textvariable {}} {tile {}} {underline -1} {width 0} {wraplength 0} {geom {0 0}} {xpos 306.0} {ypos 293.0} {coords {50 50}} {basic 1} {unfold {}} {bindEnter {}} {bindLeave {}} {bindReturn {}} {bindKeyPress {}} {tags g14}} }} } keylset Windows($WindowId) meters $NewMlist graphics $NewGlist incr WindowId #W============================================================================= newWindow {{name {DashBoard 1}} {geom 856x438+223+318}} newCanvas { {basic { {name .db1.f1.c} }} {condits { {{name Default} {exp {}} {uexp {}}} }} {attribs { {{background ivory} {borderwidth 2} {closeenough 1.0} {confine 1} {cursor {}} {disabledtile {}} {height 400} {highlightbackground #d9d9d9} {highlightcolor Black} {highlightthickness 1} {insertbackground Black} {insertborderwidth 0} {insertofftime 300} {insertontime 600} {insertwidth 2} {offset 0,0} {relief sunken} {scrollregion {}} {selectbackground #c3c3c3} {selectborderwidth 1} {selectforeground Black} {state normal} {takefocus {}} {tile {}} {width 850} {xscrollcommand {}} {xscrollincrement 0} {yscrollcommand {}} {yscrollincrement 0} {basic 1}} }} } # Contents of Window Log "Restoring Meters DB 1" D Log "Restoring Graphics DB 1" D keylset Windows($WindowId) meters $NewMlist graphics $NewGlist incr WindowId foreach cmd $ReconList { eval $cmd } reconObject C 0 0 reconCondits set GraphicId -1 catch {set GraphicId [eval max [array names Graphics]]} incr GraphicId set MeterId -1 catch {set MeterId [eval max [array names Meters]]} incr MeterId #----------------------------------------------- Log "INIT_SERVICE calls before restoring alarms" D #----------------------------------------------- catch {init_data} res puts stderr "init_data res $res" catch {init_data} res puts stderr "init_data res $res" catch {init_data} res puts stderr "init_data res $res" catch {init_data} res puts stderr "init_data res $res" catch {init_data} res puts stderr "init_data res $res" #----------------------------------------------- Log "Restoring Alarms LAST" D #----------------------------------------------- global Alarms Acondits #A--------------------------------------------------- newAlarm { {basic { {name Choice} {beep 0} {clist {0 1 2}} }} {condits { {{ign {}} {sev W} {msg {You chose Blue}} {cod {}} {col {}} {uexp {$Choice == 'blue' }} {exp {$Choice == 'blue' }} {dynamsg {You chose Blue}}} {{ign {}} {sev W} {msg {You chose Red}} {cod {}} {col {}} {uexp {$Choice == 'red' }} {exp {$Choice == 'red' }} {dynamsg {You chose Red}}} {{ign {}} {sev W} {msg {OUCH, MYVAR is too high}} {cod {}} {col {}} {uexp {MYVAR > 50 }} {exp {$data(MYVAR) > 50 }} {dynamsg {OUCH, MYVAR is too high}}} }} } #----------------------------------------------- # set err [catch {limitAlarms data} res] if {$err} { Log "ERROR executing limitAlarms data" E Log "$res" E } # #----------------------------------------------- # set err [catch {limitAlarms data} res] if {$err} { Log "ERROR executing limitAlarms data" E Log "$res" E } # #----------------------------------------------- # set err [catch {limitAlarms data} res] if {$err} { Log "ERROR executing limitAlarms data" E Log "$res" E } # #----------------------------------------------- # set err [catch {limitAlarms data} res] if {$err} { Log "ERROR executing limitAlarms data" E Log "$res" E } # #----------------------------------------------- # set err [catch {limitAlarms data} res] if {$err} { Log "ERROR executing limitAlarms data" E Log "$res" E } # #----------------------------------------------- reconCondits Acondits #----------------------------------------------- catch {acceptCurr data} res puts stderr "acceptCurr data res $res" catch {acceptCurr data} res puts stderr "acceptCurr data res $res" catch {acceptCurr data} res puts stderr "acceptCurr data res $res" catch {acceptCurr data} res puts stderr "acceptCurr data res $res" catch {acceptCurr data} res puts stderr "acceptCurr data res $res" #----------------------------------------------- #-------------------THE END---------------------