Telescope Scheduling:
UC/Keck Proposal
Evaluation System

parsePropMail U024Hr returned 39

Welcome, Proposal Author. You are are an unprivileged user of this facility.

You now have several options; you can:

Proposal Number
(from Keck; please include the leading and trailing letters, i.e. U002M, not just 002)
This proposal will be reviewed by the UC TAC for the next semester's schedule.

You can also take a look at a few example TAC files.

Access statistics:

I think I'll clean up /tmp a bit while I'm at it . . .

These pages were created using CGI-Tcl.
They are based on the Tcl98 program committee pages by Michael McLennan.

Please report any problems with this script to Webmaster.
Authors: Michael McLennan (1998) De Clarke (1999-2004)