# # UCODB tlib -- basic shareable code for sybase, oracle, pg95 support # shareable code for wisql and fosql (and wisqr) # # Current Release Version: $Version$ # # Copyright Tom Poindexter (code from wisql 1.3) # Copyright the UC Regents (code by De Clarke from wisql 1.4.0 and later) # #@package: DBUI fileBox fileOK fillLst handleList1 pickList2 \ getFont noOp pickList setMsg dataHelp dictDisp setMeta \ showError mailText proFile printBox saveEdit selInsert \ showText startMsg findExpr dumpLB termCheck mailMaven \ saveText editFile isXess whichFY cryWolf doUserCmd rotCmd sigTrap \ stopScript proc cryWolf {newmsgs} { global mfname mfdir msgtbl global Banner RemindDay Mavens Facility Mail LogFiles AllsWell # globals # mfname : name of mailfile # mfdir : writable dir in which to build it # Mavens : list of recipients # msgtbl : database table of message sending info # RemindDay : day of week (Mon Tue) on which to send persistent messages # Facility : facility code of message (arbitrary string) # Mail : explicit path of correct mail sender # LogFiles : paths of any relevant logfiles to read # Banner : banner string # AllsWell : flag; if 1, send an All's Well if no msgs -- # : otherwise, no news is good news. if {![info exists AllsWell]} {set AllsWell 0} set mailmsg "" set today [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%m/%d/%Y"] set weekday [clock format [clock seconds] -format %a] # # We have a database table called messages, whose fields are # msgtxt, msgdate, sendct, lastsend, facility... # the pkey is the msgtext, so be careful what you log. # # We have list of lines of text incoming, and # we are building a mail message body to be sent to Mavens. # We don't have to worry about preserving history (except # for regulating message delivery) since the logfiles keep all # occurrences of every message. # # If a message in messages was NOT found today, it is resolved # and must vanish from the messages list, with a # confirming message in the output. # If a message in messages IS found today, we need to figure out # its history and mail or not mail it.... # If the sendct is < 3 then mail it. # If the sendct is >= 3 and today is "remind day", send the message. # Flag it if it's been sent more than 6 times already. # If a message found today is NOT in messages, then it must # be added and sent for the first time. # # set oldmsgs "" set sqlcmd "select msgtxt from $msgtbl where facility = '$Facility'" set sqt $msgtbl doSQL 1 while {1} { set mt [sybNext 1] if {$mt == ""} {break} lappend oldmsgs [stringFix2 $mt out] } # # First weed out the resolved errors # lassign [intersect3 $oldmsgs $newmsgs] killem sameold addem puts stderr "oldmsgs : $oldmsgs" puts stderr "newmsgs : $newmsgs" puts stderr "sameold : $sameold" puts stderr "addem : $addem" puts stderr "killem : $killem" set resolved "" foreach k $killem { lappend resolved "RESOLVED $today : $k" set k [stringFix2 $k in] set sqlcmd "delete from $msgtbl where msgtxt = '$k'" doSQL 1 } # # now insert the new errors # foreach a $addem { set sqlcmd "insert into $msgtbl values ('$a','$today',0,NULL,'$Facility')" doSQL 1 } # # now process the msg table to add lines to our mail message # # set sqlcmd "select * from $msgtbl where sendct < 3 and facility = '$Facility' order by sendct, msgtxt" doSQL 1 set cols [sybCols 1] while {1} { set line [sybNext 1] if {$line == ""} {break} eval lassign \$line $cols if {$sendct == 0} { set flag " NEW :" } else { set flag " RECENT :" } lappend mailmsg "$flag [crange $msgdate 0 11] $msgtxt" } # if {$weekday == "$RemindDay"} { set sqlcmd "select * from $msgtbl where sendct >= 3 and facility = '$Facility' order by sendct, msgtxt" doSQL 1 set cols [sybCols 1] while {1} { set line [sybNext 1] if {$line == ""} {break} eval lassign \$line $cols set flag " " if {$sendct > 6} { set flag ** } lappend mailmsg "$flag RECURRING: [crange $msgdate 0 11] $msgtxt" } } # # # Old messages # if {$weekday == "$RemindDay"} { set sqlcmd "update $msgtbl set sendct = sendct+1, lastsend = '$today' where sendct >= 3 and facility = '$Facility'" doSQL 1 } # # Recent messages # set sqlcmd "update $msgtbl set sendct = sendct+1, lastsend = '$today' where sendct < 3 and facility = '$Facility'" doSQL 1 ## now put the message together and send it if {$mailmsg != ""} { lappend mailmsg "----------\nFor more info check the log files : $LogFiles" } if {$AllsWell} { if {$mailmsg == ""} { lappend mailmsg "" lappend mailmsg "All is Well" lappend mailmsg "" } } if {$mailmsg != ""} { set ofp [open $mfdir/$mfname w] puts $ofp "\n----------------\n$Banner\n----------------\n" foreach l $mailmsg { puts $ofp "$l" } puts $ofp "---------------------------------------------------------" foreach l $resolved { puts $ofp "$l" } close $ofp system "$Mail -s Messages_from_$Facility $Mavens < $mfdir/$mfname" } } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/dataHelp,v 1996/10/12 01:08:25 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:18:58 PDT 1995 proc dataHelp {table fld} { global dictionary # global datahelping # set datahelping 1 if {$fld == ""} {set fld "TABLEDEF"} # The ddict format was changed on Jan 20 1994, so that base, owner # and table are separate fields (dbase, owner, tbln). We ignore # dbase at this point, because of the unique nomenclature of our # tables. We assume dbo if no owner is specified. We could at # some future date insist on FQ object names and use the base # value as well. set base "" set temp [split $table .] case [llength $temp] in { {3} { lassign $temp base owner table } {2} { lassign $temp owner table } {1} { set table $temp set owner "dbo" } } if {$dictionary == "NONE"} { set title "No Dictionary" set text "Sorry, there is no Data Dictionary." } else { set sqlcmd "select ddesc from $dictionary where ((owner = '$owner' and tbln = '$table') or tbln = 'ANYTABLE') and fldn = '$fld'" set sqt "$dictionary" set res [doSQL 1] if {[lindex $res 0] == "ERROR"} { echo "Serious problem here" echo "$sqlcmd" echo "$res" exit 1 } set text "[stringFix [sybNext 1]]" set hdr "Table $table - Field $fld" if {$text == ""} { set title "No Dictionary Info" set text "Sorry, there is no Data Dictionary entry for table $table, field $fld in the dictionary table $dictionary." } else { set title "Data Dictionary Info" } } dictDisp "$title" "$text" "Done" l "$hdr" } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/dictDisp,v 1.2 1998/05/14 01:35:30 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:18:59 PDT 1995 proc dictDisp {tt at bt ju ht} { set w .ddictbox catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w -class Dialog wm title $w "$tt" wm geometry $w "+150+150" wm iconname $w "DataDict" frame $w.top -relief raised -border 1 frame $w.bot -relief raised -border 1 pack $w.top -side top -fill both -expand true pack $w.bot -side top -fill both -expand true case $ju in { {l} { set just left } {r} { set just right } {default} { set just center } } set font [getFont $w mediumhel] message $w.top.hdr -font "$font" -text "$ht" -relief raised -border 0 -aspect 1000 -background antiquewhite message $w.top.msg -justify $just -font "$font" -text "$at" -aspect 500 -background ivory pack $w.top.hdr -side top -expand true -ipadx 5 -ipady 5 pack $w.top.msg -side top -expand true -ipadx 5 -ipady 5 button $w.bot.dismiss -text $bt -command "destroy $w" -padx 0 -pady 0 -background white -foreground red -activebackground black -activeforeground yellow pack $w.bot.dismiss -expand true -ipadx 12 -ipady 12 bind $w "destroy $w" focus $w } proc doUserCmd {{cmd {}} {t {}}} { #$Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/doUserCmd,v 1.5 1999/03/09 22:43:04 de Exp $ global UserCmd lfp CmdRing CmdPtr LastPtr global errorCode errorInfo set stamp [clock format [clock seconds]] if {$t == ""} {set t .cmdEdit.top.txt} if {$cmd == ""} { if {$UserCmd != ""} { set cmd "$UserCmd" } else { mkMsg "No command to execute" return } } incr CmdPtr if {$CmdPtr == 10} {set CmdPtr 0} # puts stderr "delete first line and replace : $t delete 1.0 1.end" set err [catch {$t delete 1.0 1.end}] if {!$err} { eval $t insert 1.0 \{# User Command $CmdPtr\} set cmd [$t get 1.0 end] } set CmdRing($CmdPtr) "$cmd" set LastPtr $CmdPtr set err [catch {$t configure -foreground red} res] mkMsg "Script is Executing" set err [catch {uplevel #0 eval $cmd} res] if {$err} { set ec $errorCode set ei $errorInfo set er $res set err [catch {$t configure -background yellow} res] if {!$err} { update idletasks puts stderr "$er" mkMsg "Error(s) in your command indicated by yellow command area" mkAlert "ERROR" "\{$er\}" "OK" v showerr } else { puts stderr "$er" } catch {puts $lfp "$stamp : CMDFAIL\n\t[join [split "$cmd\nERR: $er" \n] "\n\t"]"} } else { catch {puts $lfp "$stamp CMD OK\t\n\t[join [split $cmd \n] "\n\t"]"} catch {$t configure -background ivory} } set err [catch {$t configure -foreground black} res] } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/dumpLB,v 1996/10/12 01:08:25 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:19:07 PDT 1995 proc dumpLB {lbwidget txwidget} { # Given the names of a list box and a text widget, dump the # contents of the listbox into the text widget. # (How do we know whether to clear or not? Well, let's just # always clear for now.) $txwidget delete 1.0 end loop i 0 [$lbwidget size] { $txwidget insert end "[$lbwidget get $i]\n" } update } proc editFile {box tfile ext op} { # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/editFile,v 1.3 1999/03/27 01:19:19 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:19:14 PDT 1995 global env set win .[lindex [split $box .] 1] set wlist [winfo children $win] $win configure -cursor watch foreach child $wlist { $child configure -cursor watch } set unique [getclock] set uname [id user] if {[info exists env(HOME)]} { set hdir $env(HOME) } else { set hdir /u/$uname } if {![file isdirectory $hdir]} { puts stderr "Cannot find user $uname home directory $hdir." puts stderr "using /tmp" set hdir /tmp } if {$ext == ""} { set fdir $hdir set ext $unique } else { set fdir $hdir/.$ext } if {![file isdirectory $fdir]} { if {[file exists $fdir]} { set fdir /tmp puts stderr "using /tmp" } else { system "mkdir $fdir" } } set fe [lindex [split $tfile .] [expr [llength [split $tfile .]] - 1]] if {$fe != "$ext"} { set tfile $tfile.$ext } # give priority to file in current dir set tf $tfile if {![info exists $tfile]} { set tf $fdir/$tfile } set err [catch {set tfp [open $tf $op]}] if {$err} { puts stderr "Cannot open file $tf for operation $op" return } if {$err} { set of "/tmp/$tfile.$unique" set tfp [open $tf w] } case $op in { {w} { set lines [split [$box get 1.0 end] \n] foreach line $lines { puts $tfp "[stringFix2 $line out]" } puts stderr "Output is in file $tf" } {r} { $box delete 1.0 end for_file line $fdir/$tfile { $box insert end "$line \n" } } } close $tfp $win configure -cursor {} foreach child $wlist { $child configure -cursor {} } } # tcl procs saved on Fri Nov 08 18:11:48 PST 1996 proc fileBox {win filt initfile startdir execproc} { set win_title $win regsub -all {_} $win_title " " win_title set win [translit A-Z a-z $win] catch {destroy $win} toplevel $win wm title $win [string range $win_title 1 end] wm transient $win . set xpos [expr [winfo rootx .]+[winfo width .]/6] set ypos [expr [winfo rooty .]+[winfo height .]/6] wm geom $win 350x400+${xpos}+$ypos wm minsize $win 350 200 if {[string length $startdir] == 0} { set startdir [pwd] } # text, data (side by side) then list below frame $win.td -background antiquewhite frame $win.td.t -background antiquewhite frame $win.td.d -background antiquewhite frame $win.l -background antiquewhite label $win.td.t.l4 -text "Directory:" -anchor w -background antiquewhite button $win.td.md -text "Create\nDir" -command "mkDirectory \[$win.td.d.dir get\]" -background lavender -activebackground lavender -activeforeground magenta2 entry $win.td.d.dir -relief sunken -width 30 -background ivory $win.td.d.dir insert 0 $startdir label $win.td.t.l1 -text "Filter:" -anchor w -background antiquewhite entry $win.td.d.fil -relief sunken -width 30 -background ivory $win.td.d.fil insert 0 $filt label $win.l2 -text "Files:" -anchor w -background antiquewhite scrollbar $win.l.hor -orient horizontal -command "$win.l.lst xview" -relief sunken -troughcolor bisque -background ivory -activebackground mistyrose scrollbar $win.l.ver -orient vertical -command "$win.l.lst yview" -relief sunken -troughcolor bisque -background ivory -activebackground mistyrose listbox $win.l.lst -yscroll "$win.l.ver set" -xscroll "$win.l.hor set" -relief sunken -selectmode single -height 12 -background azure selection handle $win.l.lst "handleList1 $win.l.lst NoFilterProc" label $win.l3 -text "Selection:" -anchor w -background antiquewhite scrollbar $win.scrl -orient horizontal -relief sunken -command "$win.sel xview" -troughcolor bisque -background ivory -activebackground mistyrose entry $win.sel -relief sunken -xscroll "$win.scrl set" -background ivory selInsert $win $initfile frame $win.o -relief sunken -border 1 button $win.o.ok -text "Ok" -command "fileOK $win \"$execproc\"" -background lavender -activebackground lavender -activeforeground magenta2 button $win.filter -text "Filter" -command "fillLst $win \[$win.td.d.fil get\] \[pwd\]" -background lavender -activebackground lavender -activeforeground magenta2 button $win.can -text "Cancel" -command "destroy $win" -background white -foreground red -activebackground black -activeforeground yellow pack $win.td.t.l4 -side top -fill x pack $win.td.t.l1 -side top -fill x pack $win.td.d.dir -side top -fill x pack $win.td.d.fil -side top -fill x pack $win.td.t -side left pack $win.td.md -side right pack $win.td.d -side right pack $win.td -side top pack $win.l2 $win.l $win.l3 -side top -fill x pack $win.sel -side top -fill x pack $win.scrl -side top -fill x pack $win.o $win.filter $win.can -side left -expand 1 -padx 20 pack $win.l.ver -side right -fill y pack $win.l.hor -side bottom -fill x pack $win.l.lst -side left -fill both -expand 1 pack $win.o.ok -side left -expand 1 -padx 5 bind $win.td.d.fil "$win.filter invoke; break" bind $win.td.d.dir "catch \{cd \[$win.td.d.dir get\]\}; $win.filter invoke; break" bind $win.sel "$win.o.ok invoke; break" bind $win.l.lst "+selInsert $win \"\[$win.td.d.dir get\]/\[%W get \[ %W nearest %y \] \]\" " bind $win.l.lst "selInsert $win \[lindex \[selection get\] 0\]; $win.o.ok invoke; break" bind $win "$win.o.ok invoke; break" fillLst $win $filt $startdir selection own $win focus $win.sel } proc fileOK {win execproc} { # might not have a valid selection, so catch the selection catch { selInsert $win [lindex [selection get] 0] } set f [lindex [$win.sel get] 0] if [file isdirectory $f] { #set f [file dirname $f] #set f [file dirname $f] cd $f set f [pwd] $win.td.d.dir delete 0 end $win.td.d.dir insert 0 $f fillLst $win [$win.td.d.fil get] $f } else { # we don't know if a file is really there or not, let the execproc # figure it out. also, window is passed if execproc wants to kill it. # execproc can have arg(s) appended, as long as they are single or # properly escaped eval $execproc $win $f } } proc fillLst {win filt dir} { $win.l.lst delete 0 end cd $dir set dir [pwd] if {[string length $filt] == 0} { set filt * } set all_list [lsort [glob -nocomplain $dir/$filt]] set dlist "../" set flist "" foreach f $all_list { if {[file size $f] == 0} {continue} if [file isfile $f] { lappend flist [file tail $f] } if [file isdirectory $f] { lappend dlist [file tail $f]/ } } foreach d $dlist { $win.l.lst insert end $d } foreach f $flist { $win.l.lst insert end $f } $win.l.lst yview 0 set idx [expr [string length [file dirname [file dirname $dir]] ]+1] $win.l.lst xview $idx } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/findExpr,v 1996/10/12 01:08:25 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:19:07 PDT 1995 proc findExpr {ind line} { # Note: arg line must have been Tokenized! # returns 2 inds to use in an lrange expression # we know where we think the expression begins, but it might be a # a multi-word delimited expression: we will lose all BSL QQ # and LCB that begin it, but save any [] or () delimited strings set junk "BSL LCB RCB QQ" set odelim "LSB LPA" set cdelim "RSB RPA" # strip out all extraneous chars foreach j $junk { regsub -all "$j" $line "" line } # kill leading spaces set line [string trimleft $line] # Now get the word we think is the expr set temp [lindex $line $ind] # if the word contains a known open delim, then find the index of the # word containing the close delim matching it (making an assumption # here that there are not nested delims of same type in the expr!) foreach o $odelim { set of [string first $o $temp] if {$of >= 0} { break } } set c [lindex $cdelim [lsearch $odelim $o]] set cloc [string first $c $line] if {$cloc >= 0} { set cend [expr {$cloc + 2}] set sub [crange $line 0 $cend] set slen [llength $sub] return "[lrange $line $ind [expr {$ind + $slen - 1}]]" } else { return "[lrange $line $ind $ind]" } } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/getFont,v 1996/10/12 01:08:25 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:18:49 PDT 1995 proc getFont {w name} { case $name in { {banner} { set desired "-*-helvetica-bold-o-*-*-20-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" set fallback "-*-helvetica-bold-o-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" } {banneri} { set desired "-*-helvetica-bold-o-*-*-17-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" set fallback "-*-helvetica-bold-o-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" } {mediumcou} { set desired "-*-courier-*-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" set fallback "-*-courier-*-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" } {mediumcoui} { set desired "-*-courier-*-o-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" set fallback "-*-courier-*-o-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" } {mediumhelb} { set desired "-*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" set fallback "-*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" } {mediumhel} { set desired "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" set fallback "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" } {messagehel} { set desired "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" } {messageheli} { set desired "-*-helvetica-medium-o-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" } {mediumtim} { set desired "-*-times-medium-r-normal-*-*-180*" set fallback "-*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" } {courier} { set desired "-*-courier-*-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" set fallback "-*-courier-*-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" } {helvetica} { set desired "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" } {smallcou} { set desired "-*-courier-*-r-*-*-9-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" set fallback "-*-courier-*-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" } {smallhel} { set desired "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-9-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" set fallback "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" } {smallhelb} { set desired "-*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-9-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" set fallback "-*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" } {secure} { set desired "-misc-secure-*-*-*-*-16-160-*-*-*-*-*-*" set fallback "-*-symbol-*-r-*--18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" } {default} { set desired "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" } } set err [catch {message $w.notawindow -font $desired -text "NOT"}] if {$err} { echo "Could not find font $desired\nusing $fallback" set ret $fallback } else { set ret $desired } catch {destroy $w.notawindow} return $ret } ######################## # # handleList1 # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/handleList1,v 1996/10/12 01:08:27 de Exp $ # # called during a request for primary selection for listboxes and text # that bind the "selection get" command for button-2 # proc handleList1 {w filtproc offset max} { set doproc [string length [info commands $filtproc]] if $doproc { set s "[$filtproc $w]" } else { # set s [$w get [lindex [$w curselection] 0] ] set i [$w curselection] set n "" set s "" foreach r $i { set l [$w get $r] append s "${n}$l" set n "\n" } } return [string range $s $offset $max] } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/isXess,v 1996/10/12 01:08:26 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:19:16 PDT 1995 proc isXess {} { global xess_connection set xess_connection 0 set isxess [info commands xess] if {$isxess != ""} { set xess_running [xess scan] if {$xess_running != ""} { set err [catch {xess connect xs}] if {$err} { .msg configure -text "Problem connecting to Xess" } else { .msg configure -text "Xess connection enabled!" set xess_connection 1 } } else { .msg configure -text "Xess spreadsheet not running" } } else { .msg configure -text "This Tk does not have the Xess extension." } } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/mailMaven,v 1996/10/12 01:08:26 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:19:10 PDT 1995 proc mailMaven {subject text} { global maven set unique [getclock] set tmpf [open /tmp/mail.$unique w] puts $tmpf $text close $tmpf catch {exec mail -s $subject $maven < /tmp/mail.$unique} exec rm /tmp/mail.$unique } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/mailText,v 1.3 1998/12/07 20:18:33 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:19:01 PDT 1995 proc mailText {box username} { set win .[lindex [split $box .] 1] set wlist [winfo children $win] $win configure -cursor watch foreach child $wlist { $child configure -cursor watch } set self 0 if {$username == ""} { set username [id user] set self 1 } set unique [getclock] set of "/tmp/fmail.$unique" set ofp [open $of w] if {$self} { puts $ofp "Because you left the recipient blank, you mailed this report to yourself.\n\n" } # if you can't get a size, then it must be a text box not a list box set err [catch {set len [$box size]} res] if {!$err} { loop i 0 $len { puts $ofp "[stringFix2 [$box get $i] out]" } } else { set text "[$box get 1.0 end]" puts $ofp "$text" } close $ofp system "/usr/ucb/Mail -s Sybase_Report $username < $of" system "/bin/rm -f $of" $win configure -cursor {} foreach child $wlist { $child configure -cursor {} } } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/noOp,v 1996/10/12 01:08:25 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:18:51 PDT 1995 proc noOp args { set tmp [lindex $args 0] } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/pickList,v 1.4 1998/03/22 21:44:01 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:18:52 PDT 1995 proc pickList {win heading geom plist callproc} { global bitmapdir # puts stderr "Entering pickList window name $win callproc $callproc..." # make sure we do NOT create windows whose names start with upcase # letters (illegal in Tk 3.2) set win_title $win regsub -all {_} $win_title " " win_title set win [translit A-Z a-z $win] catch {destroy $win} toplevel $win wm title $win [string range $win_title 1 end] wm iconbitmap $win @$bitmapdir/picklist.xbm # try to use appropriate string processing when selected text is pasted selection handle $win "handleList $win 0 end" # catch-22 ! the proc is not in info commands until it is # loaded and it isn't loaded until it is called. HACK # try catching a call with no args, in the hope that it will # error out and do nothing (DANGER Will Robinson, DANGER) set err [catch $callproc] set doproc [string length [info commands $callproc]] # puts stderr "pickList doproc is $doproc for callproc $callproc" # puts stderr "info commands $callproc is [info commands $callproc]" # FIX THIS -- this is a mistake # try to place window away from the main toplevel set tg [winfo geom .] set temp "" set ptr 0 while {$ptr < [clength $tg]} { set curchar [crange $tg $ptr $ptr] case $curchar in { {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0} { append temp $curchar } {x} { set xsiz $temp set temp "" set lookingfor ysiz } {+ -} { case $lookingfor in { {ysiz} { set ysiz $temp set temp "" set xpsign $curchar set lookingfor "xpos" continue } {xpos} { set xpos $temp set temp "" set ypsign $curchar } } } } incr ptr } set ypos $temp # set topgeom [split [split [winfo geom .] x] +] if {$xpsign == "+"} { set newx [lindex [split [expr {$xpos + $xsiz * .80}] .] 0] } else { set newx [expr {$xpos - 10}] } if {$ypsign == "+"} { set newy [lindex [split [expr {$ypos + $ysiz * .25}] .] 0] } else { set newy [expr {$ypos - 10}] } # set newx [expr {[lindex $topgeom 1] + [lindex [lindex $topgeom 0] 0]} ] # set newy [expr {[lindex $topgeom 2] + 10}] # set newy [expr {[lindex $topgeom 2] + [lindex [lindex $topgeom 0] 1]} ] wm geom $win ${geom}+${newx}+$newy set w [lindex [split $geom x] 0] set h [lindex [split $geom x] 1] wm minsize $win $w $h frame $win.l -background antiquewhite frame $win.f -background antiquewhite frame $win.b -relief sunken -borderwidth 1 -bg bisque set font [getFont $win mediumcou] label $win.l.l -text $heading -anchor w -font $font -background antiquewhite scrollbar $win.f.vert -orient vertical -command "$win.f.box yview" -relief sunken -background ivory -activebackground mistyrose -troughcolor bisque listbox $win.f.box -yscroll "$win.f.vert set" -relief sunken -font $font -background ivory if $doproc { bind $win.f.box "$win.b.ok invoke" } foreach lem $plist { $win.f.box insert end $lem } if $doproc { if {[crange $callproc 0 0] == "."} { button $win.b.ok -text "Transfer" -relief raised -borderwidth 2 -command "catch \{dumpLB $win.f.box $callproc\}" -padx 0 -pady 0 -background lemonchiffon -activebackground lemonchiffon -activeforeground magenta2 } else { button $win.b.ok -text "OK" -relief raised -borderwidth 2 -command "catch \{ $callproc \[selection get\] \} " -padx 0 -pady 0 -background lemonchiffon -activebackground lemonchiffon -activeforeground magenta2 # -command "$callproc \[selection get\] " # -command "$callproc \[selection get\] ; destroy $win;break " } } button $win.b.can -text "Cancel" -relief raised -borderwidth 2 -command "destroy $win" -padx 0 -pady 0 -background white -foreground red -activebackground black -activeforeground yellow pack $win.l -side top -fill x pack $win.f -side top -fill both -expand true pack $win.b -side bottom -fill x pack $win.l.l -side top -fill x -anchor nw pack $win.f.vert -side right -fill both pack $win.f.box -side left -fill both -expand true if $doproc { pack $win.b.ok -side left -fill x -expand true } pack $win.b.can -side right -fill x -expand true #$win.f.box select from 0 bind $win.f.box "$win.f.box size" bind $win.f.box "$win.f.box size" } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/pickList,v 1.4 1998/03/22 21:44:01 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:18:52 PDT 1995 proc pickList2 {win heading geom plist callproc {exists {0}}} { global bitmapdir # puts stderr "Entering pickList window name $win callproc $callproc..." if {!$exists} { # make sure we do NOT create windows whose names start with upcase # letters (illegal in Tk 3.2) set win_title $win regsub -all {_} $win_title " " win_title set win [translit A-Z a-z $win] catch {destroy $win} toplevel $win wm title $win [string range $win_title 1 end] wm iconbitmap $win @$bitmapdir/picklist.xbm } # try to use appropriate string processing when selected text is pasted selection handle $win "handleList $win 0 end" # catch-22 ! the proc is not in info commands until it is # loaded and it isn't loaded until it is called. HACK # try catching a call with no args, in the hope that it will # error out and do nothing (DANGER Will Robinson, DANGER) set err [catch $callproc] set doproc [string length [info commands $callproc]] # puts stderr "pickList doproc is $doproc for callproc $callproc" # puts stderr "info commands $callproc is [info commands $callproc]" if {!$exists} { # FIX THIS -- this is a mistake # try to place window away from the main toplevel set tg [winfo geom .] set temp "" set ptr 0 while {$ptr < [clength $tg]} { set curchar [crange $tg $ptr $ptr] case $curchar in { {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0} { append temp $curchar } {x} { set xsiz $temp set temp "" set lookingfor ysiz } {+ -} { case $lookingfor in { {ysiz} { set ysiz $temp set temp "" set xpsign $curchar set lookingfor "xpos" continue } {xpos} { set xpos $temp set temp "" set ypsign $curchar } } } } incr ptr } set ypos $temp # set topgeom [split [split [winfo geom .] x] +] if {$xpsign == "+"} { set newx [lindex [split [expr {$xpos + $xsiz * .80}] .] 0] } else { set newx [expr {$xpos - 10}] } if {$ypsign == "+"} { set newy [lindex [split [expr {$ypos + $ysiz * .25}] .] 0] } else { set newy [expr {$ypos - 10}] } # set newx [expr {[lindex $topgeom 1] + [lindex [lindex $topgeom 0] 0]} ] # set newy [expr {[lindex $topgeom 2] + 10}] # set newy [expr {[lindex $topgeom 2] + [lindex [lindex $topgeom 0] 1]} ] wm geom $win ${geom}+${newx}+$newy set w [lindex [split $geom x] 0] set h [lindex [split $geom x] 1] wm minsize $win $w $h } frame $win.l -background antiquewhite frame $win.f -background antiquewhite if {!$exists} { frame $win.b -relief sunken -borderwidth 1 -bg bisque } set font [getFont $win mediumcou] label $win.l.l -text $heading -anchor w -font $font -background antiquewhite scrollbar $win.f.vert -orient vertical -command "$win.f.box yview" -relief sunken -background ivory -activebackground mistyrose -troughcolor bisque listbox $win.f.box -yscroll "$win.f.vert set" -relief sunken -font $font -background ivory foreach lem $plist { $win.f.box insert end $lem } if $doproc { if {!$exists} { if {[crange $callproc 0 0] == "."} { button $win.b.ok -text "Transfer" -relief raised -borderwidth 2 -command "catch \{dumpLB $win.f.box $callproc\}" -padx 0 -pady 0 -background lemonchiffon -activebackground lemonchiffon -activeforeground magenta2 } else { button $win.b.ok -text "OK" -relief raised -borderwidth 2 -command "catch \{ $callproc \[selection get\] \} " -padx 0 -pady 0 -background lemonchiffon -activebackground lemonchiffon -activeforeground magenta2 # -command "$callproc \[selection get\] " # -command "$callproc \[selection get\] ; destroy $win;break " } bind $win.f.box "$win.b.ok invoke" button $win.b.can -text "Cancel" -relief raised -borderwidth 2 -command "destroy $win" -padx 0 -pady 0 -background white -foreground red -activebackground black -activeforeground yellow } else { bind $win.f.box "catch \{ $callproc \[selection get\] \}" } } pack $win.l -side top -fill x pack $win.f -side top -fill both -expand true if {!$exists} { pack $win.b -side bottom -fill x } pack $win.l.l -side top -fill x -anchor nw pack $win.f.vert -side right -fill both pack $win.f.box -side left -fill both -expand true if {!$exists} { if $doproc { pack $win.b.ok -side left -fill x -expand true } pack $win.b.can -side right -fill x -expand true } #$win.f.box select from 0 bind $win.f.box "$win.f.box size" bind $win.f.box "$win.f.box size" } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/printBox,v 1.3 1999/06/24 00:59:42 de Exp $ # proc printBox box { # box is the name of any listbox global exedir set len [$box size] set uniq [clock seconds] set file "/tmp/Box$uniq" set output "" loop i 0 $len { append output "[string trimright [string trimleft [$box get $i] \{ ] \} ]\n" } write_file $file "$output" puts stderr "Wrote box contents to $file" if [file exists $exedir/anyprint] { exec $exedir/anyprint << $output } else { exec lpr << $output } } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/proFile,v 1996/10/12 01:08:25 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:19:01 PDT 1995 proc proFile app { profile off profdata set fh [open prof.out w] foreach i [array names profdata] { puts $fh [list $i $profdata($i)] } close $fh profrep profdata cpu 1 $app.prof {$app.tlib profile} } proc rotCmd {{dir {}} {t {}}} { #$Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/rotCmd,v 1.1 1997/05/14 17:37:25 de Exp $ global UserCmd lfp CmdRing CmdPtr LastPtr if {$dir == ""} {set dir next} if {$t == ""} {set t .cmdEdit.top.txt} set ptr $LastPtr if {$dir == "next"} { incr ptr } else { incr ptr -1 } # ugly if {$ptr < 0} {set ptr 9} if {$ptr > 9} {set ptr 0} if {[info exists CmdRing($ptr)]} { puts stderr "Display command $ptr" set cmd $CmdRing($ptr) $t delete 1.0 end $t insert 1.0 "$cmd" set LastPtr $ptr } } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/saveEdit,v 1996/10/12 01:08:26 de Exp $ # proc saveEdit {box filename} { set unique [getclock] set win .[lindex [split $box .] 1] set wlist [winfo children $win] $win configure -cursor watch foreach child $wlist { $child configure -cursor watch } set of "$filename.$unique" set err [catch {set ofp [open $of w]}] if {$err} { set of "/tmp/$filename.$unique" set ofp [open $of w] } set lines [split [$box get 1.0 end] \n] foreach line $lines { puts $ofp "[stringFix2 $line out]" } close $ofp $win configure -cursor {} foreach child $wlist { $child configure -cursor {} } echo "Output is in file $of" } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/saveText,v 1.2 1998/03/14 08:17:57 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:19:11 PDT 1995 proc saveText {box filename} { set unique [getclock] set win .[lindex [split $box .] 1] set wlist [winfo children $win] $win configure -cursor watch foreach child $wlist { $child configure -cursor watch } set of "$filename.$unique" set err [catch {set ofp [open $of w]}] if {$err} { set of "/tmp/$filename.$unique" set ofp [open $of w] } set err [catch {set len [$box size]} res] if {!$err} { loop i 0 $len { puts $ofp "[stringFix2 [$box get $i] out]" } } else { set text "[$box get 1.0 end]" puts $ofp "$text" } close $ofp $win configure -cursor {} foreach child $wlist { $child configure -cursor {} } echo "Output is in file $of" } ######################## # # selInsert # # insert into a selection entry, scroll to root name # # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/selInsert,v 1996/10/12 01:08:26 de Exp $ # proc selInsert {win pathname} { $win.sel delete 0 end $win.sel insert 0 $pathname set idx [expr [string length [file dirname [file dirname $pathname]] ]+1] $win.sel xview $idx if {[info tclversion] < 7.4} { $win.sel select anchor 0 } else { $win.sel get } } # setMeta # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/setMeta,v 1.2 1996/12/10 06:08:15 de Exp $ # proc setMeta ser { global metabase base fys serfys # puts stderr "setMeta $ser" if {![info exists metabase($ser)]} { puts stderr "No metabase set for $ser, unable to setMeta." puts stderr "If you are running forms, prepare for failure." return } set mb $metabase($ser) set base $mb catch {set fys $serfys($ser)} foreach g [info globals] { upvar #0 $g $g set v "" catch {set v [set $g]} if {$v != ""} { # echo "check global $g value $v" if {[crange $v 0 4] == "META."} { # puts stderr "$g\n changed $v ..." regsub META $v $mb $g # puts stderr " to [set $g]" } } } } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/setMsg,v 1996/10/12 01:08:25 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:18:57 PDT 1995 proc setMsg {mwidget msg_text} { $mwidget configure -text "$msg_text" update } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/showError,v 1.2 1998/12/16 21:44:33 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:19:00 PDT 1995 proc showError elist { global bitmapdir # make sure we do NOT create windows whose names start with upcase # letters (illegal in Tk 3.2) set win .errorbox catch {destroy $win} toplevel $win wm title $win "Error Detected" wm iconbitmap $win @$bitmapdir/picklist.xbm wm geom $win 700x300+200+200 wm minsize $win 400 300 frame $win.l frame $win.f frame $win.b -relief sunken -borderwidth 1 set font [getFont $win mediumhelb] label $win.l.l -text "Error output" -anchor center -font $font scrollbar $win.f.vert -orient vertical -command "$win.f.text yview" -relief sunken scrollbar $win.horz -orient horizontal -command "$win.f.text xview" -relief sunken set font [getFont $win mediumcou] listbox $win.f.text -yscroll "$win.f.vert set" -xscroll "$win.horz set" -relief sunken -font $font set errtext "TEXT OF ERROR MESSAGE:\n" foreach lem $elist { $win.f.text insert end "\n$lem" append errtext "$lem\n" } button $win.b.ok -text "Done" -relief raised -borderwidth 2 -command "destroy $win" -padx 0 -pady 0 button $win.b.prt -text "Print" -relief raised -border 2 -command "printBox $win.f.text" -padx 0 -pady 0 eval button $win.b.mail -text \"Mail to DBA\" -relief raised -border 2 -command \{mailMaven SYBASE_APPLICATION_ERROR \{$errtext\} \} pack $win.l -side top -fill x pack $win.f -side top -fill both -expand true pack $win.horz -side top -fill x pack $win.b -side bottom -fill x pack $win.l.l -side top -fill x -anchor nw pack $win.f.vert -side right -fill y -fill x pack $win.f.text -side left -fill both -expand true pack $win.b.mail -side left -ipadx 40 -ipady 2 pack $win.b.prt -side left -ipadx 40 -ipady 2 pack $win.b.ok -side right -ipadx 40 -ipady 2 } proc showText {win heading geom tlist {min {}} } { global bitmapdir # make sure we do NOT create windows whose names start with upcase # letters (illegal in Tk 3.2) set win_title $win regsub -all {_} $win_title " " win_title set win [translit A-Z a-z $win] catch {destroy $win} toplevel $win wm title $win [string range $win_title 1 end] wm iconbitmap $win @$bitmapdir/picklist.xbm wm geom $win ${geom}+200+200 set w [lindex [split $geom x] 0] set h [lindex [split $geom x] 1] wm minsize $win $w $h frame $win.l -background antiquewhite frame $win.f -background antiquewhite frame $win.b -relief sunken -borderwidth 1 -background antiquewhite # is this a minimal show box? if {$min == ""} {set min 0} else {set min 1} set font [getFont $win mediumhelb] label $win.l.l -text $heading -anchor center -font $font -background antiquewhite scrollbar $win.f.vert -orient vertical -command "$win.f.text yview" -relief sunken -background ivory -troughcolor bisque -activebackground mistyrose scrollbar $win.horz -orient horizontal -command "$win.f.text xview" -relief sunken -background ivory -troughcolor bisque -activebackground mistyrose set font [getFont $win mediumcou] set sfont [getFont $win courier] listbox $win.f.text -yscroll "$win.f.vert set" -xscroll "$win.horz set" -relief sunken -font $font -background ivory foreach lem $tlist { $win.f.text insert end "$lem" } button $win.b.ok -text "Done" -relief raised -borderwidth 2 -command "destroy $win" -padx 0 -pady 0 -background white -foreground red -activebackground black -activeforeground yellow button $win.b.prt -text "Print" -relief raised -border 2 -command "printBox $win.f.text" -padx 0 -pady 0 -background lavender -activebackground lavender -activeforeground magenta2 button $win.b.shrink -text "Smaller" -relief raised -border 2 -command "$win.f.text configure -font $sfont; $win.b.shrink configure -state disabled" -padx 0 -pady 0 -background lavender -activebackground lavender -activeforeground magenta2 if !$min { button $win.b.mail -text "Mail to:" -relief raised -border 2 -command "mailText $win.f.text \[$win.b.recip get\]" -padx 0 -pady 0 -background lavender -activebackground lavender -activeforeground magenta2 entry $win.b.recip -relief sunken -border 2 -width 20 -background ivory button $win.b.save -text "Save as:" -relief raised -border 2 -command "saveText $win.f.text \[$win.b.filen get\]" -padx 0 -pady 0 -background lavender -activebackground lavender -activeforeground magenta2 entry $win.b.filen -relief sunken -border 2 -width 20 -background ivory } pack $win.l -side top -fill x pack $win.f -side top -fill both -expand true pack $win.horz -side top -fill x pack $win.b -side bottom -fill x pack $win.l.l -side top -fill x -anchor nw pack $win.f.vert -side right -fill both pack $win.f.text -side left -fill both -expand true pack $win.b.shrink -side left -ipadx 20 -ipady 2 pack $win.b.prt -side left -ipadx 20 -ipady 2 if !$min { pack $win.b.mail -side left -ipadx 30 -ipady 2 pack $win.b.recip -side left -ipady 2 pack $win.b.save -side left -ipadx 20 -ipady 2 pack $win.b.filen -side left -ipady 2 } pack $win.b.ok -side right -ipadx 20 -ipady 2 } proc sigTrap {} { global onStop puts stderr "Got Script Stop Interrupt SIGUSR1" stopScript # If the specific app needs some kind of cleanup after a script # is aborted... if {[info exists onStop]} { foreach c $onStop { uplevel #0 $c } } return -code error -errorcode STOP -errorinfo "Script Interrupted" } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/startMsg,v 1996/10/12 01:08:26 de Exp $ proc startMsg msg_text { # Try the forms version. set err [catch {.msg configure -text "$msg_text"}] if {$err} { # No? try the wisql version set err [catch {.m.msg configure -text "$msg_text"}] if {$err} { echo "$msg_text" } } update } proc stopScript {} { #$Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/stopScript,v 1.1 1998/12/16 21:45:43 de Exp $ global UserCmd lfp CmdRing CmdPtr LastPtr global errorCode errorInfo Script set Script 0 foreach a [after info] { after cancel $a } mkMsg "Script Interrupted!" set t .scriptEdit.top.txt set err [catch {$t configure -background yellow} res] if {!$err} { update idletasks after 250 set err [catch {$t configure -background ivory} res] update idletasks set err [catch {$t configure -foreground black} res] } else { puts stderr "OUCH no such widget $t" puts stderr "stopScript is confused" } } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/termCheck,v 1996/10/12 01:08:25 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:19:08 PDT 1995 proc termCheck {} { # global exedir # # # Do I have a controlling terminal, or have I been detached? # Return 1 if detached, 0 if all is well... # warning messages. # set pid [fork] if {$pid == 0} { execl $exedir/detached } return [lindex [wait $pid] 2] } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/whichFY,v 1.4 2000/01/03 18:40:18 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:19:18 PDT 1995 proc whichFY {} { # which fiscal year is it Right Now? lassign [fmtclock [getclock] "%m %y"] mon yr set mon [string trimleft $mon 0] set yr [string trimleft $yr 0] if {$yr == ""} {set yr 0} if {$mon > 6} { set yr [expr $yr + 1] if {$yr > 99} { set yr [expr $yr - 100] } } return "f[format %02d $yr]" } #@package: Dot pgLayout processFlags proc pgLayout {} { # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/pgLayout,v 1.1 1998/07/15 22:01:00 de Exp $ # write out the digraph def global Page Lang Tile Stretch Rota Flags Grow # set res "" # no, let dot order things for you if {$Tile} { # We default to B size always on tiling. puts stderr " This plot is just too big, I'm going to tile it." if {$Page == "A"} { append res "page=\"8.5,11\"\;\n" puts stderr " You forced me to use A-size tiles, so I hope you" puts stderr " have a lot of patience and sticky-tape." } else { puts stderr " I'm also going to use 11x17 as the tile size, so" puts stderr " you might start looking for an 11x17 printer :-)" append res "page=\"11,17\"\;\n" } append res "ranksep=1.0\;\n" append res "nodesep=0.5\;\n" } else { # always assume A size unless lang is hpgl, in which case E size if {$Lang == "hpgl"} { puts stderr " HPGL selected, E size 32x42 page..." puts stderr " I'm going to warn you right now that this probably" puts stderr " won't work. dot seems to have trouble scaling " puts stderr " HPGL plots, but you can fix it by editing the " puts stderr " output file." append res "size=\"42,32\"\;\n" set rota 0 } else { # assume PostScript for now, A size 8.5x11 with margins if {$Page == "B"} { if {$Rota} { append res "size=\"16,10\"\;\n" } else { append res "size=\"10,16\"\;\n" } } else { if {$Rota} { append res "size=\"10,7.5\"\;\n" } else { append res "size=\"7.5,10\"\;\n" } } } append res "ratio=compress\;\n" append res "nodesep=0.25\;\n" if {$Stretch} { puts stderr " decided to stretch ranks" append res "ranksep=3.0\;\n" } else { append res "ranksep=0.5\;\n" } } # if {$Rota} { puts stderr " decided to rotate plot" append res "rotate=90\;\n" } # if {$Grow == "H"} { puts stderr " ranks grow horizontally" append res "rankdir=LR\;\n" } # set res [string trimright $res \n] return "$res" # } proc processFlags {} { # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/processFlags,v 1.1 1998/07/15 22:01:00 de Exp $ global Lang Tile Stretch Rota Flags Grow global NumPath Quiet Describe Footer Page # # Layout logic (oof). # returns a block of text to be placed in the body of the digraph def # # check for override flags: # L landscape # T tiled # C compressed (not tiled) # A force letter # B force 11x17 # H force ranks to grow horizontally # X force HPGL # D show description in box as well as agent name (default off) # N show Mpath numbers (default off) # Q quiet: don't show anything but meme name (default off) # F print footer (title) on plot (default off) # n number 0 - 9 means something special, pass it back as return # set res "" # if {$Flags != ""} { foreach f [split $Flags {}] { switch -- $f { {L} {set Rota 1} {C} {set Tile 0} {T} {set Tile 1} {F} { set Footer 1 } {H} {set Grow H} {X} { set Lang hpgl set Tile 0 set Rota 1 } {A} {set Page A} {B} {set Page B} {N} {set NumPath 1} {Q} {set Quiet 1} {D} {set Describe 1} {0} - {1} - {2} - {3} - {4} - {5} - {6} - {7} - {8} - {9} {lappend res $f} {default} { puts stderr "Unrecognized flag $Flags" } } } } return $res # } #@package: GenericDB getCols queryDB nextRec showCount proc getCols {} { global DB pgHan pgCt sybmsg PGtypes set cols "" set found "" case $DB in { {SYB} { set flds [sybCols 1] set lens $sybmsg(collengths) set typs $sybmsg(coltypes) set i 0 foreach c $flds { if {$c == ""} { set c C$i } if {[lsearch $found $c] >= 0} { set c ${c}_$i } set l [lvarpop lens] set t [lvarpop typs] keylset cols $c "$t $l" lappend found $c incr i } } {PG} { set att_list [pgCols $pgHan] set i 0 foreach a $att_list { set cn [lindex $a 0] if {$cn == ""} { set cn C$i } if {[lsearch $found $c] >= 0} { set c ${c}_$i } set ct [keylget PGtypes([lindex $a 1]) typname] set cl [lindex $a 2] # TEMPORARY hardwire if {$cl < 0} { set cl 32 } keylset cols $cn "$ct $cl" lappend found $c incr i } } {default} { puts stderr "Sorry, Oracle not supported yet." } } # puts stderr "returning cols: $cols" return "$cols" } proc nextRec {} { global pgHan pgCt DB table moreRec sybmsg case $DB in { {SYB} { set rec [sybNext 1] if {$sybmsg(nextrow) == "NO_MORE_RESULTS"} { set moreRec 0 } } {PG} { set rec [pgNext $pgHan] if {[lindex $rec 0] == "ERROR"} { set moreRec 0 set pgCt 0 return "" } incr pgCt -1 if {$pgCt == 0} {set moreRec 0} } {default} { puts stderr "Sorry, Oracle not yet supported." } } return "$rec" } proc queryDB sqlcmd { global pgHan pgCt DB table moreRec set sqt $table set moreRec 0 case $DB in { {SYB} { set res [doSQL 1] } {PG} { lassign [pgSQL 1] pgCt pgHan res # puts stderr "queryDB res $res" # puts stderr "Got pgCt $pgCt pgHan $pgHan" if {[crange $res 0 3] == "WARN"} { set res "ERROR \"$res\"" } if {$pgCt} {set moreRec 1} } {default} { puts stderr "Sorry, Oracle not yet supported." } } if {[lindex $res 0] == "ERROR"} { set moreRec 0 return "$res" } else { set moreRec 1 return "OK" } } proc showCount {} { # # use the housekeeping channel dbpipe2 # global server table Qtable DB # # Qtable is the form of the table name to be used in # query. PG does not accept the qualified own.tbl form, # but Sybase does. if {$table == ""} { setMsg .m.msg "Sorry, you haven't selected a table yet." return } set Qtable $table if {$DB == "PG"} { set Qtable [lindex [split $table .] end] } # set sqlcmd "select count(*) from $Qtable" set res [queryDB $sqlcmd] puts stderr "showCount query res $res" set rc [nextRec] puts stderr "showCount got count $rc" setMsg .m.msg "$server: selected table $table has $rc records" } #@package: GenericUI mkAlert mkDialog Prompt mkEdit mkMsg askUser proc Prompt {args} { #$Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/Prompt,v 1.1 1998/12/09 21:42:44 de Exp $ global UserResp Mode if {[info exists Mode]} { if {$Mode == "batch"} { Error "You can't use Prompt in a batch exec" return } } set msg "[stringFix2 $args out]" eval mkDialog .confirm_Chg \{ -text \"$msg\" \} \"\{OK\} \{set UserResp 1\}\" \"\{Sorry No Can Do\} \{set UserResp 0\}\" vwait UserResp return $UserResp } proc askUser args { #$Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/askUser,v 1.1 1999/01/15 00:32:38 de Exp $ global UserInput UserResp Mode if {[info exists Mode]} { if {$Mode == "batch"} { Error "You can't use Prompt in a batch exec" return } } set UserInput "" set msg "[stringFix $args]" set w .ask catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w message $w.m -text "$msg" -background antiquewhite -aspect 5000 entry $w.e -textvariable UserInput -background ivory -relief sunken -width 40 button $w.b -text "OK" -background lavender -activebackground lavender -activeforeground magenta2 -command "set UserResp \$UserInput; destroy $w" pack $w.m -side top -expand true -fill x pack $w.e -side top -expand true -fill x pack $w.b -side top -expand true -fill x } proc mkAlert {tt at bt ju nam {font {}}} { # global datahelping if {$nam == ""} { set w .alertbox } else { set w .nam } catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w -class Dialog wm title $w "$tt" wm geometry $w "+150+150" wm iconname $w "ReadMe" frame $w.top -relief raised -border 1 -background antiquewhite frame $w.bot -relief raised -border 1 -background antiquewhite pack $w.top -side top -fill both -expand true pack $w.bot -side top -fill both -expand true case $ju in { {l} { set just left } {r} { set just right } {v} { set just verbatim } {default} { set just center } } if {$font == ""} { set font [getFont $w mediumhel] } if {$just == "verbatim"} { set l [expr [llength [split $at \n]] + 1] text $w.top.msg -width 60 -height $l -background ivory $w.top.msg insert 1.0 $at $w.top.msg configure -state disabled } else { eval message $w.top.msg -justify $just -font $font -text $at -background ivory } pack $w.top.msg -side top -expand true -fill both -ipadx 5 button $w.bot.dismiss -text $bt -command "destroy $w" -padx 0 -pady 0 -background lavender -activebackground lavender -activeforeground magenta2 # If called from wisql with ctrl-mouse-3, then ... if {$nam == "showsql"} { eval button $w.bot.tran -text "TRANSFER" -command \{.m.s.sql delete 1.0 end\; .m.s.sql insert 0.1 $at \} pack $w.bot.tran -side left -ipadx 10 pack $w.bot.dismiss -side right -ipadx 15 } else { pack $w.bot.dismiss -expand true -ipadx 20 } bind $w "destroy $w" focus $w } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/mkDialog,v 1.3 1998/10/26 21:17:52 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:18:51 PDT 1995 proc mkDialog {w msgArgs args} { set win_title $w regsub -all {_} $win_title " " win_title set w [translit A-Z a-z $w] catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w -class Dialog wm title $w [string range $win_title 1 end] wm geom $w "+200+200" # Create two frames in the main window. The top frame will hold the # one above the other, with any extra vertical space split between # them. frame $w.top -relief raised -border 1 -background antiquewhite frame $w.bot -relief raised -border 1 -background antiquewhite pack $w.top -side top -fill both -expand true pack $w.bot -side top -fill both -expand true # Create the message widget and arrange for it to be centered in the # top frame. set font [getFont $w mediumtim] eval message $w.top.msg -justify center -font $font $msgArgs -background antiquewhite pack $w.top.msg -side top -expand true -ipadx 5 -ipady 5 # the dialog. if {[llength $args] > 0} { set arg [lindex $args 0] frame $w.bot.0 -relief sunken -border 1 -background antiquewhite pack $w.bot.0 -side left -expand true -ipadx 5 -ipady 5 button $w.bot.0.button -text [lindex $arg 0] -command "[lindex $arg 1]; destroy $w" -padx 0 -pady 0 -background lavender -activebackground lavender -activeforeground magenta2 pack $w.bot.0.button -expand true -ipadx 5 -ipady 5 bind $w "[lindex $arg 1]; destroy $w; break" focus $w set i 1 foreach arg [lrange $args 1 end] { button $w.bot.$i -text [lindex $arg 0] -command "[lindex $arg 1]; destroy $w" -padx 0 -pady 0 -background white -foreground red -activebackground black -activeforeground yellow pack $w.bot.$i -side left -expand true incr i } } } proc mkEdit {tt at bt nam ext} { # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/mkEdit,v 1.13 1999/06/16 20:09:13 de Exp $ # global datahelping Retn global Script StopScript BugBoiler if {$nam == ""} { set w .alertbox } else { set w .$nam } catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w -class Dialog wm title $w "$tt" wm geometry $w "+150+150" wm iconname $w "SQLcmd" wm minsize $w 200 200 wm maxsize $w 1000 900 frame $w.top -relief raised -border 1 -background antiquewhite frame $w.bot -relief raised -border 1 -background antiquewhite pack $w.top -side top -fill both -expand true pack $w.bot -side top -fill x -expand true set tl [clength $at] # cap the max text box height set hgt [expr {$tl/40 + 5}] if {$hgt > 40} {set hgt 40} # floor the min text box height if {$hgt < 15} {set hgt 15} set font [getFont $w mediumcou] scrollbar $w.top.vert -relief sunken -command "$w.top.txt yview" -orient vertical eval text $w.top.txt -font $font -wrap word -height $hgt -border 2 -relief sunken -yscroll \"$w.top.vert set\" -background ivory pack $w.top.vert -side right -fill y pack $w.top.txt -side left -expand true -fill both -ipadx 5 -ipady 5 $w.top.txt insert 1.0 "$at\n" button $w.bot.save -text "Save as:" -command "editFile $w.top.txt \[$w.bot.filew get\] \"$ext\" w" -padx 1 -pady 1 -background lavender -activebackground lavender -activeforeground magenta2 entry $w.bot.filew -relief sunken -width 20 -background ivory button $w.bot.read -text "Read from:" -command "editFile $w.top.txt \[$w.bot.filer get\] \"$ext\" r" -padx 1 -pady 1 -background lavender -activebackground lavender -activeforeground magenta2 entry $w.bot.filer -relief sunken -width 20 -background ivory button $w.bot.dismiss -text $bt -command "editFile $w.top.txt [clock seconds].etext \"$ext\" w; destroy $w" -padx 0 -pady 0 \ -background white -foreground red -activebackground black -activeforeground yellow button $w.bot.mail -text "Mail to:" -relief raised -border 2 -command "mailText $w.top.txt \[$w.bot.recip get\]" -padx 1 -pady 1 -background lavender -activebackground lavender -activeforeground magenta2 entry $w.bot.recip -relief sunken -border 2 -width 20 -background ivory # If called from fosql with ctrl-mouse-3 on genericFind, then ... case $nam in { {findsql} { upvar #0 xess_connection xess if {$xess == 0} { isXess } button $w.bot.show -text "View data" -command "doShow {} \[$w.top.txt get 1.0 end\]" -padx 0 -pady 0 if {$xess} { button $w.bot.xess -text "-> Xess" -command "doXess {} \[$w.top.txt get 1.0 end\]" -padx 0 -pady 0 pack $w.bot.show -side left -ipadx 10 -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.save -side left -ipadx 10 -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.filew -side left -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.read -side left -ipadx 10 -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.filer -side left -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.show -side left -ipadx 20 -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.xess -side left -ipadx 20 -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.dismiss -side right -ipadx 20 -ipady 2 } else { pack $w.bot.show -side left -ipadx 10 -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.save -side left -ipadx 10 -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.filew -side left -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.read -side left -ipadx 10 -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.filer -side left -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.dismiss -side right -ipadx 20 -ipady 2 } } {help} { $w.top.txt configure -state disabled pack $w.bot.save -side left -ipadx 10 -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.filew -side left -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.dismiss -expand true -ipadx 15 -ipady 2 } {scriptEdit} { button $w.bot.doit -text "GO" \ -command "set Script 1; set StopScript 0; doUserCmd \[$w.top.txt get 1.0 end\] $w.top.txt; set Script 0; set StopScript 0" \ -background gold -activebackground yellow \ -padx 0 -pady 0 button $w.bot.stop -text "STOP" -command "kill SIGUSR1 [id process]" \ -background white \ -foreground red -activebackground black -activeforeground yellow \ -padx 0 -pady 0 pack $w.bot.doit -side left -ipadx 10 -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.stop -side left -ipadx 10 -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.save -side left -ipadx 10 -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.filew -side left -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.read -side left -ipadx 10 -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.filer -side left -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.dismiss -side right -ipadx 20 -ipady 2 } {bugReport} { $w.bot.recip insert 0 de@ucolick.org if {![info exists BugBoiler]} { set BugBoiler "BUG REPORT [clock format [clock seconds]] by [id user]\n" } foreach l $BugBoiler { $w.top.txt insert end "$l\n" } pack $w.bot.mail -side left -ipadx 10 -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.recip -side left -ipadx 10 -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.dismiss -side right -ipadx 20 -ipady 2 } {cmdEdit} { button $w.bot.doit -text "Execute" -command "doUserCmd \[$w.top.txt get 1.0 end\] $w.top.txt" -padx 0 -pady 0 -background gold -activebackground yellow bind $w.top.txt "rotCmd next" bind $w.top.txt "rotCmd prev" bind $w.top.txt "$w.bot.doit invoke" pack $w.bot.doit -side left -ipadx 10 -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.save -side left -ipadx 10 -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.filew -side left -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.read -side left -ipadx 10 -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.filer -side left -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.dismiss -side right -ipadx 20 -ipady 2 } {default} { pack $w.bot.dismiss -expand true -ipadx 15 -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.mail -side left -ipadx 10 -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.recip -side left -ipadx 10 -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.save -side left -ipadx 10 -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.filew -side left -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.read -side left -ipadx 10 -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.filer -side left -ipady 2 pack $w.bot.dismiss -side right -ipadx 20 -ipady 2 } } update # bind $w "destroy $w" focus $w } proc mkMsg msg { #$Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/mkMsg,v 1.3 1999/03/27 02:19:38 de Exp $ global MsgBox MsgColours MsgColInd CurrMsg global Owner if {[info exists Owner]} { send $Owner mkMsg \"$msg\" return } if {![info exists MsgBox]} { puts stderr "MSG $msg" return } set mm [eval max [array names MsgColours]] incr MsgColInd if {$MsgColInd > $mm} { set MsgColInd 0 } $MsgBox configure -state normal set CurrMsg "$msg" # $MsgBox delete 0 end # $MsgBox insert 0 "$msg" $MsgBox configure -state disabled -background $MsgColours($MsgColInd) } #@package: SpreadSheet mkSheet cellChange cellCommit cellEval \ cellIndex cellSelect compSheet expandStat appendSelCV alphaIndex \ doSaveSheet keySheet avg sum mean addCell2Form clearSheet \ doLoadSheet getHeads sheetWin proc addCell2Form {which t} { global curCell CellValues CellFormulae curVal global SheetAddB # set t table set win [sheetWin $t] set b $win.c.adds # which is A for add, anything else for Normal. if {$which == "A"} { bind $t {} bind $t { if {[winfo exists %W]} { tkCancelRepeat appendSelCV %W break } } $b configure -text "NormalSelect" -command "addCell2Form N $t" -background cyan } else { bind $t {} $b configure -text "Add2Formula" -command "addCell2Form A $t" -background lavender } } proc alphaIndex ind { lassign [split $ind ,] r c set ca [ctype char [expr 64+$c]] return "$ca$r" } proc appendSelCV t { global curCell CellValues CellFormulae curVal set il [$t curselection] set first [alphaIndex [lindex $il 0]] set last [alphaIndex [lindex $il end]] if {$first == $last} { append curVal "\$$first" } else { append curVal "\$$first.$last" } } # proc avg nl { set s 0 set ll [llength $nl] foreach n $nl { set s [expr $s + $n] } return [expr $s/double($ll)] } # proc cellChange {ind {n1 {}} {n2 {}} {op {}}} { global Procs global CellFormulae CellValues set plist "" catch {set plist [set Procs($ind)]} if {$plist == ""} {return} foreach p $plist { eval $p } } proc cellCommit t { global CellValues CellFormulae curCell curVal AutoRecompute set ind $curCell if {$ind != $curCell} { puts stderr "Current cell $curCell does not match sel $ind" return } set res 1 if {[cindex $curVal 0] == "="} { set CellFormulae($ind) "[crange $curVal 1 end]" set res [cellEval $t $ind] } else { set CellValues($ind) $curVal } if {$AutoRecompute} { compSheet $t } addCell2Form N $t return $res } proc cellEval {t ind {n1 {}} {n2 {}} {op {}}} { global CellValues CellFormulae Procs # We have an expression possibly containing cell addresses! # cell addresses are like $B2, $C66 # we have to translate these into numeric indices lassign [split $ind ,] row col set form $CellFormulae($ind) set stats "sum avg min max cnt" # puts stderr "in cellEval: formula $form" set depends "" while {![lempty $form]} { # if it's a func then it is followed by something in parens. set w [lvarpop form] if {[lsearch $stats [crange $w 0 2]] >= 0} { lassign [expandStat $w] v ilist # puts stderr "Got v $v from w $w" if {$v == "ERR"} { puts stderr "ERROR evaluating expression $w" $t tag cell error $ind set cellValues($ind) "" return 0 } append exp "$v " lvarcat depends $ilist continue } # if it's not a func then it's a constant or cell ref if {[cindex $w 0] == "\$"} { if {[string first . $w] < 0} { set rc [cellIndex [crange $w 1 end]] set v $CellValues($rc) lappend depends $rc } else { puts stderr "ERROR range without stat func: $w" $t tag cell error $ind set cellValues($ind) "" return 0 # lassign [cellIndex [crange $w 1 end]] i1 i2 # set v "\{[$t get $i1 $i2]\}" } append exp "$v " } else { append exp "$w " } } set err [catch {eval set val \[expr \{$exp \} \] } res] if {$err} { puts stderr "ERROR evaluating expression $form" puts stderr " $exp" $t tag cell error $ind set CellValues($ind) "" return 0 } else { set CellValues($ind) $val $t tag cell formula $ind foreach d $depends { set cmd "cellEval $t $ind" if {![info exists Procs($d)]} { lappend Procs($d) $cmd # puts stderr "$ind depends on $d, trace $d" } else { if {[lsearch $Procs($d) $cmd] < 0} { lappend Procs($d) $cmd # puts stderr "$ind depends on $d, trace $d" } } if {[trace vinfo CellValues($d)] == ""} { trace variable CellValues($d) w "cellChange $d" } } return 1 } } proc cellIndex w { # puts stderr "alpha index is $w" if {[string first . $w] < 0} { set c [cindex $w 0] set c [expr [ctype ord $c] - 64] set r [crange $w 1 end] set ind "$r,$c" } else { set wl [split $w .] lassign $wl first last set c1 [cindex $first 0] set c1 [expr [ctype ord $c1] - 64] set r1 [crange $first 1 end] set c2 [cindex $last 0] set c2 [expr [ctype ord $c2] - 64] set r2 [crange $last 1 end] set ind "$r1,$c1 $r2,$c2" } # puts stderr "returning $ind" return $ind } proc cellSelect t { global curCell CellValues CellFormulae curVal set win [sheetWin $t] set msgw $win.msg set elab $win.c.clab set addb $win.c.adds set r [$t index active row] set c [$t index active col] set i "$r,$c" # puts stderr "cur ind of $t is $i" # puts stderr "row $r col $c" set ind "$r,$c" set ca [ctype char [expr 64+$c]] if {[info exists CellFormulae($ind)]} { set curVal "= $CellFormulae($ind)" } elseif {[info exists CellValues($ind)]} { set curVal $CellValues($ind) } else { set curVal "" set CellValues($ind) "" } $elab configure -text "$ca$r Edit :" set curCell $ind compSheet $t } proc clearSheet t { global CellValues CellFormulae curRow Procs set tw [sheetWin $t] set msgw $tw.msg foreach i [array names CellValues] { if {[info exists Procs($i)]} { trace vdelete CellValues($i) w "cellChange $t $i" unset Procs($i) } set CellValues($i) "" } foreach i [array names CellFormulae] { set CellFormulae($i) "" } foreach i [$t tag row heads] { $t tag row {} $i } foreach i [$t tag cell formula] { $t tag cell {} $i } foreach i [$t tag row error] { $t tag cell {} $i } foreach i [$t tag row separator] { $t tag row {} $i } keySheet $t set curRow 1 setMsg $msgw "Erased Sheet" } proc compSheet t { global CellValues CellFormulae foreach ind [array names CellValues] { set v $CellValues($ind) if {[string first = $v] == 0} { set CellFormulae($ind) [crange $v 1 end] $t tag cell formula $ind } } set forms [$t tag cell formula] # one pass is not enough to propagate! seems we need some way # of knowing when we've got to the end -- a dependency map or # an ordered list. foreach f $forms { cellEval $t $f } return 1 } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/doLoadSheet,v 1.4 1998/02/16 04:39:12 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Tue Sep 05 09:32:41 PDT 1995 proc doLoadSheet {t win filename} { global CellValues CellFormulae # # future modes: HTML, LaTeX # set tw [sheetWin $t] set msgw $tw.msg set openrc [catch {set f [open $filename r]}] if $openrc==1 { setMsg $msgw "Sorry, cannot open $filename for writing." return -1 } close $f set cells [$t curselection] # puts stderr "Got Cells $cells" set rows "" if {$cells == ""} { puts stderr "ingest whole sheet" set r1 1 set c1 1 set r2 [$t cget -rows] set c2 [$t cget -cols] } else { lassign [split [lindex $cells 0] ,] r1 c1 lassign [split [lindex $cells end] ,] r2 c2 puts stderr "position is $r1,$c1 extends to $r2,$c2" } set rs [$t cget -rows] set cs [$t cget -cols] set i $r1 set c $c1 for_file line $filename { set line [split $line \t] set ll [llength $line] loop j 1 [expr $ll+1] { set v [lvarpop line] if {$v == ""} {continue} if {[string first = $v] == 0} { set CellFormulae($i,$j) [crange $v 1 end] cellEval $t $i,$j } else { catch {set CellValues($i,$j) $v} } } incr i } setMsg $msgw "Loaded sheet contents from TSV $filename" destroy $win } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/doSaveSheet,v 1.5 1998/02/16 04:39:12 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Tue Sep 05 09:32:41 PDT 1995 proc doSaveSheet {t mode win filename} { global CellValues CellFormulae # # future modes: HTML, LaTeX, formula # HTM LTX FOR # set openrc [catch {set f [open $filename w]}] if $openrc==1 { setMsg $SheetM "Sorry, cannot open $filename for writing." return -1 } set tw [sheetWin $t] set msgw $tw.msg set cells [$t curselection] # puts stderr "Got Cells $cells" set rows "" if {$cells == ""} { puts stderr "save whole sheet" set r1 1 set c1 1 set r2 [$t cget -rows] set c2 [$t cget -cols] } else { lassign [split [lindex $cells 0] ,] r1 c1 lassign [split [lindex $cells end] ,] r2 c2 puts stderr "ingest $r1,$c1 through $r2,$c2" # it's meaningless to plot one row. if {$r1 == $r2} {set c2 $c1} } set rs [$t cget -rows] set cs [$t cget -cols] # find the last row with any data in it set lastrow 1 loop i 1 $rs { set inds [array names CellValues $i,*] # puts stderr "for row $i, inds are $inds" if {[llength $inds] > 1} { set lastrow $i } } # loop j 1 $cs { set cw($j) 12 catch {set cw($j) [$t width $j]} } loop i 1 [expr $lastrow + 1] { set out "" loop j 1 $cs { set v "" catch {set v $CellValues($i,$j)} switch $mode { TSV { lappend out $v } ARF { regsub -all , $v " " v lappend out $v } FOR { if {[info exists CellFormulae($i,$j)]} { set v "=$CellFormulae($i,$j)" } lappend out "$v" } TXT { set w $cw($j) append out "[format %-$w.${w}s $v] " } } } switch -regexp $mode { {TSV|FOR} { puts $f "[join $out \t]" } ARF { puts $f "[join $out ,]" } TXT { puts $f "$out" } } } close $f setMsg $msgw "Saved sheet contents in $mode to $filename" destroy $win } proc expandStat f { global CellValues CellFormulae # We have an expression possibly containing a cell range! # sum($E6.$E8) # avg($A8.$C10) # we have to translate these into a legit expression set p [cindex $f 3] if {$p != "("} { return ERR } set func [crange $f 0 2] set range [crange $f 4 end-1] lassign [split $range .] cr1 cr2 if {[cindex $cr1 0] != "\$"} { return ERR } # get beginning and ending cell indices set rcb [cellIndex [crange $cr1 1 end]] set rce [cellIndex $cr2] lassign [split $rcb ,] r1 c1 lassign [split $rce ,] r2 c2 set ct 0 set sum 0 loop i $r1 [expr $r2 + 1] { loop j $c1 [expr $c2 + 1] { set v "" set ind "$i,$j" catch {[set v $CellValues($ind)]} lappend depends $ind if {$v != ""} { set err [catch {expr $v}] if !$err { set sum [expr $sum + $v] incr ct } } } } set avg [expr $sum / [double $ct]] if {$func == "sum"} { return [list $sum $depends] } else { return [list $avg $depends] } } proc getHeads {r1} { global SheetT # proc to get last prev header row in sheet set hc [$SheetT tag row heads] # puts stderr "list of col head rows is $hc" set lr [lindex $hc 0] set hr $lr foreach r $hc { if {$r >= $r1} { set hr $lr break } set lr $r } return $hr } proc keySheet t { global CellValues set cols [$t cget -cols] set rows [$t cget -rows] loop i 1 $cols { set CellValues(0,$i) [ctype char [expr 64 + $i]] } loop j 1 $rows { set CellValues($j,0) $j } } # proc mean nl { eval set max \[max $nl\] eval set min \[min $nl\] return [expr $min + ($max - $min) / 2.0] } # proc mkSheet {w {flag {}}} { # builds a spreadsheet inside any frame handed to it global CellValues CellFormulae SheetT # just in case it is a toplevel set wn $w if {$w == "."} {set w ""} if {$w == ""} {set wn "."} # puts stderr "W is $w WN is $wn" frame $w.mb -background bisque frame $w.ss -background bisque # the sheet widget will be SheetT set SheetT $w.ss.grid set cfont [getFont {} mediumcou] set tfont [getFont {} mediumhelb] scrollbar $w.ss.vert -relief sunken -command "$SheetT yview" -orient vertical \ -troughcolor bisque -background ivory -activebackground mistyrose scrollbar $w.ss.horz -relief sunken -command "$SheetT xview" -orient horizontal \ -troughcolor bisque -background ivory -activebackground mistyrose # menubar frame is mb (at top) menubutton $w.mb.data -menu $w.mb.data.m -text "File..." -background lavender -border 2 -relief raised -activebackground lavender -activeforeground magenta3 set m [menu $w.mb.data.m -background lavender] $m add command -label "Recompute" -command "compSheet $SheetT" -background lavender -activebackground lavender -activeforeground magenta3 $m add command -label "Export TSV..." -command "fileBox .save_Results * \"\" \"\" \"doSaveSheet $SheetT TSV\"" -background lavender -activebackground lavender -activeforeground magenta3 $m add command -label "Export TXT..." -command "fileBox .save_Results * \"\" \"\" \"doSaveSheet $SheetT TXT\"" -background lavender -activebackground lavender -activeforeground magenta3 $m add command -label "Save w/Calc..." -command "fileBox .save_Results * \"\" \"\" \"doSaveSheet $SheetT FOR\"" -background lavender -activebackground lavender -activeforeground magenta3 $m add command -label "Import TSV..." -command "fileBox .save_Results * \"\" \"\" \"doLoadSheet $SheetT\"" -background lavender -activebackground lavender -activeforeground magenta3 button $w.mb.eras -text Clear -command "clearSheet $SheetT" -background lemonchiffon -activebackground lemonchiffon -activeforeground red button $w.mb.quit -text Quit -command "destroy $wn" -background white -foreground red -activebackground black -activeforeground yellow frame $w.ss.c -background bisque label $w.ss.c.clab -relief sunken -background ivory -font $tfont \ -text "Cell Edit:" -width 20 set SheetEdLab $w.ss.c.clab entry $w.ss.c.cell -relief sunken -background white -foreground red \ -textvariable curVal -border 2 button $w.ss.c.adds -background lavender -text "Add2Formula" \ -command "addCell2Form A $SheetT" set SheetAddB $w.ss.c.adds bind $w.ss.c.cell "cellCommit $SheetT" table $SheetT -relief sunken -background ivory \ -yscroll "$w.ss.vert set" -xscroll "$w.ss.horz set" \ -cols 10 -rows 25 -variable CellValues -font $cfont \ -browsecommand "cellSelect %W" -anchor w -titlerows 1 \ -titlecols 1 -exportselection 1 -selectmode extended $SheetT tag config separator -bg gray $SheetT tag config active -fg red -bg yellow $SheetT tag config sel -bg yellow $SheetT tag config formula -bg seashell $SheetT tag config error -bg mistyrose $SheetT tag config title -bg papayawhip -font $tfont -fg black \ -anchor center $SheetT tag config heads -bg azure -font $tfont $SheetT width 0 6 set curRow 1 keySheet $SheetT bind $SheetT "clearSheet $SheetT; break" set font [getFont {} mediumhelb] message $w.ss.msg -text "Spreadsheet ready for use" -justify center -aspect 2000 -width 700 -relief sunken -font $font -background ivory pack $w.ss.msg -side bottom -fill x pack $w.ss.c.clab -side left pack $w.ss.c.adds -side right pack $w.ss.c.cell -side left -fill x -expand true pack $w.ss.c -side top -fill x -expand true pack $w.ss.vert -side right -fill y pack $w.ss.horz -side bottom -fill x pack $SheetT -side top -fill both -expand true bind $SheetT "clearSheet $SheetT; break" pack $w.mb.data -side left pack $w.mb.quit -side right pack $w.mb.eras -side right pack $w.mb -side top -expand true -fill x pack $w.ss -side top -expand true -fill both } proc sheetWin {t} { # get parent frame of sheet # puts stderr "Got t $t" set wl [split $t .] set ll [llength $wl] set ti [expr $ll - 2] set win [join [lrange $wl 0 $ti] .] return $win } # proc sum nl { set s 0 set ll [llength $nl] foreach n $nl { set s [expr $s + $n] } return $s } # #@package: UCO-Data strFold Capitalize stringFix stringFix2 Tokenize \ unTokenize chkNum getType formatCols numericCols isRoman sortAny \ lreverse alphaSort uniFormat klDiff breakList klFmt txtDiff listDiff # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/Capitalize,v 1996/10/12 01:08:25 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:18:59 PDT 1995 proc Capitalize {string mode} { case $mode in { {all} { set nstring "" foreach word $string { set let1 [string toupper [crange $word 0 0]] set rem [string tolower [crange $word 1 end]] append nstring "$let1$rem " } } {first} { set word [lindex $string 0] set let1 [string toupper [crange $word 0 0]] set rem [string tolower [crange $word 1 end]] append nstring "$let1$rem " foreach word [lrange $string 1 end] { append nstring "[string tolower $word] " } } {default} { set word [lindex $string 0] set let1 [string toupper [crange $word 0 0]] set rem [string tolower [crange $word 1 end]] append nstring "$let1$rem " foreach word [lrange $string 1 end] { append nstring "$word " } } } return $nstring } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/Tokenize,v 1.2 1997/07/24 06:24:43 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:19:03 PDT 1995 proc Tokenize line { regsub -all "\{" $line "LCB" line regsub -all "\}" $line "RCB" line regsub -all "\\\(" $line "LPA" line regsub -all "\\\)" $line "RPA" line regsub -all "\\\$" $line "EVV" line regsub -all "\\\[" $line "LSB" line regsub -all "\\\]" $line "RSB" line regsub -all "\"" $line "QQ" line regsub -all "\;" $line "SCO" line regsub -all "\\\\" $line "BSL" line return "$line" } proc alphaSort {l1 l2} { # # object: sort list 1 into the order of the corresponding alpha list 2 # # Rules: no dups in either list # if {[llength $l1] > [llength [lrmdups $l1]]} { return {} } if {[llength $l2] > [llength [lrmdups $l2]]} { return {} } foreach e2 $l2 { set e1 [lvarpop l1] set look($e2) $e1 } set res "" foreach k [lsort [array names look]] { lappend res $look($k) } return $res } proc breakList {l n} { # given a list l, break it into n sublists of approx equal length set ll [llength $l] set over [int [fmod $ll $n]] set sl [expr $ll/$n] loop i 0 $n { if {$over} { set e $sl incr over -1 } else { set e [expr $sl - 1] } set sub [lrange $l 0 $e] lappend ret $sub set l [lrange $l [expr $e+1] end] } return "$ret" } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/chkNum,v 1.2 1999/03/09 22:43:03 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:18:54 PDT 1995 proc chkNum {which num} { # This is from thw wisql 1.4 code (DC) # which is I or F # num is a string pretending to be a number # we will return a 1 (bad, unacceptable) or a 0 # plus the fixed number... plus an optional message. # if you put in -$67.90.763 you should get out # 1 -67.90763 if {[string trimleft $num] == ""} { return "0 NULL" } # more than one word? take only the first if {[llength $num] > 1} { set num [lindex $num 0] } # save the original input set onum $num # First get rid of all $ and commas set neg 0 set fixed 0 set money 0 set res [regsub -all \\\$ $num "" num] if {$res} { } set res [regsub -all , $num "" num] if {$res} { } # We have to keep sign though so check if there is a - if {[crange $num 0 0] == "-"} { set neg 1 } # # Which regsub syntax? set tclv [lindex [split [info tclversion] .] 0] # Pre-v7 version if {$tclv < 7} { set res [regsub -all - $num "" num] } else { set res [regsub -all -- - $num "" num] } if {$res} { set fixed 1 } # Now strip periods and check for numericity (!) set res [regsub -all \\\. $num "" temp] if {$res} { } else { set temp $num } if {[ctype digit $temp] == 0} { return {1 NOT} } if {[string first . $num] == -1} { if {$which == "F"} { set num [format "%.2f" $num] } } else { case $which in { {F} { set ind [string first . $num] # if it starts with a . then fake it up to start with a 0 if {$ind == 0} { set temp "0$temp" set ind 1 } if {$money} { set fnum [format "%s.%s" [crange $temp 0 [expr {$ind - 1}]] [crange $temp $ind [expr {$ind + 1}]]] } else { set fnum [format "%s.%s" [crange $temp 0 [expr {$ind - 1}]] [crange $temp $ind end] ] } if {$fnum != $num} { set fixed 1 } set num $fnum } {I} { set ind [string first . $num] set num [crange $num 0 [expr {$ind - 1}] ] set fixed 1 } } } if {$neg} {set num [format "-%s" $num]} if {$fixed} { set msg "I had to change $onum to $num to make it a valid number type $which." } else { set msg "" } # return list of 3 items. set retval "0 $num" lappend retval $msg return "$retval" } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/formatCols,v 1.3 1998/03/25 23:22:41 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:19:12 PDT 1995 proc formatCols {names types lengths} { set fmt "" while {! [lempty $names] } { set t [lvarpop types] set l [lvarpop lengths] set n [lvarpop names] # set a length based on type # text, image, and binary get defaults set ellips "" case $t { {int int4} {set len 12 ; set just "" } {tinyint} {set len 4 ; set just "" } {smallint int2} {set len 6 ; set just "" } {float* real} {set len 12 ; set just "" } {*money} {set len 17 ; set just "" } {*date} {set len 26 ; set just - } {*char} { set len $l ; set just - } {text} {set len 25; set just - ; set ellips "..."} {default} {set len 32 ; set just - } } # make sure length is as long as colunm name set len [max $len [string length $n]] append fmt "%${just}${len}.${len}s$ellips " } return $fmt } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/getType,v 1.6 2000/01/13 19:59:35 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:18:53 PDT 1995 proc getType type { # Possible types: # char varchar text int float money date smallint tinyint smallmoney # smalldate (ugh) real binary varbinary image bit timestamp sysname # # so gee, how to encode these. # basically they fall into Ints Floats and Strings, where Dates get # treated like Strings. Then there is another category called Not, # which is the types we cannot handle. So I F S N where # *date* is S # *char* is S # *int* is I # float/real/money/smallmoney is F # numeric is I # text binary varbinary bit image timestamp sysname are N if {[string first "date" $type] >= 0} { return "S" } if {[string first "abstime" $type] >= 0} { return "S" } if {[string first "int" $type] >= 0} { return "I" } if {[string first "numeric" $type] >= 0} { return "I" } if {[string first "char" $type] >= 0} { return "S" } if {[string first "float" $type] >= 0} { return "F" } if {[string first "real" $type] >= 0} { return "F" } if {[string first "money" $type] >= 0} { return "F" } set baddies [list binary varbinary text bit image timestamp sysname] if {[lsearch $baddies $type] >= 0} { return "N" } # well, we're out of legitimate possibilities, so # if we haven't matched it by now, it's Unknown return "U" } proc isRoman {str} { set str [string toupper $str] set not 0 foreach c [split $str {}] { case $c in { {I V X C L M} { continue } {default} { set not 1 } } } if {$not} { return "NO" } else { return $str } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc klDiff {l1 l2 {icase {}} {except {}} { descrip {}} } { # Diff 2 keyed lists # if icase exists it means "ignore case" # if except exists, it's a list of keys to ignore # if descript exists, it's a list of names of descriptive text fields # (i.e. semantics of some kind) which should be specially # diffed if found # return 0 if equal -- good if {$icase != ""} {set icase 1} else {set icase 0} if {[cequal $l1 $l2]} { return [list 0 {}] } # get lists of keys set k1 [keylkeys l1] set k2 [keylkeys l2] # return -1 if keys do not match -- very bad if {![cequal $k1 $k2]} { set foo [intersect3 $k1 $k2] return [list -1 $foo] } # get list of diffs set diff "" set dc 0 set nc 0 # if there are text fields, we should diff them somehow set tpct 0 set tc 0 foreach k $k1 { if {[lcontain $except $k]} continue set v1 [keylget l1 $k] set v2 [keylget l2 $k] if {[lcontain $descrip $k]} { lassign [txtDiff $v1 $v2] pct lens words set tpct [expr $tpct + $pct] incr tc } if {$icase} { set c1 [string toupper $v1] set c2 [string toupper $v2] } else { set c1 $v1 set c2 $v2 } if {$c1 != $c2} { incr dc keylset diff $k [list $v1 $v2] if {$v1 == ""} { incr nc } } } if {$tc} { set tpct [expr $tpct / double($tc)] } else { # no text therefore no tpct data set tpct 0 } return [list $dc $diff $nc $tpct] } proc klFmt {kl {tw {80}} {leading {}}} { # proc to format a keyed list nicely # preface each formatted line with "leading" # set to max width $w if {$kl == ""} {return ""} set tot 0 set ct 0 set text "" foreach k [keylkeys kl] { set v [keylget kl $k] set vs [clength [string trim $v]] if {!$vs} {set vs 4} keylset kl $k [string trim $v] set ks [clength $k] set length($k) [expr $ks + $vs + 2] if {$vs >= 30} { lappend text $k } else { incr tot $length($k) incr ct } } set avg 8 catch {set avg [expr $tot/[double $ct]]} regsub -all \\\t $leading " " leading # eval set leading $leading set ll [clength $leading] set w [expr $tw - $ll] set cols [int [floor [expr $w / $avg]]] incr cols -1 set cw [int $avg] set fmt "%-$ll.${ll}s " set toset "" foreach k [keylkeys kl] { if {[lcontain $text $k]} {continue} lappend toset $k } # puts stderr "We have leading width $ll, total width $tw, net $w" # puts stderr "We have avg col width $avg for $cols col of $cw ea" # puts stderr "We have regular cols $toset" # puts stderr "We have text cols $text" set slen [llength $toset] # puts stderr "There are $slen pieces of data to set" set ct -1 set same 0 set c 0 while 1 { incr ct if {$ct > [expr $slen * 4]} { puts stderr "SOMETHING WRONG not converging on kl format" puts stderr "We have iterated $ct times for a set length of $slen" puts stderr "Give up! can't set:\n$toset" append out "\n($toset)\n" break } # puts stderr " toset is $toset" set lastl [llength $toset] # puts stderr " last toset $lastl long" if {$lastl == 0} { break } set k [lvarpop toset] set l $length($k) # puts stderr " $k $l chars to set in col $c" set span [expr [int [expr $l / $cw]] + 1] set avail [expr $cols - $c] # puts stderr " wants to span $span, avail $avail" if {!$avail} { # puts stderr " No more columns available. NEWLINE." append out "\n" set avail $cols set same 0 set c 0 set span [expr [int [expr $l / $cw]] + 1] set avail [expr $cols - $c] } if !$c { if {$leading != ""} { ## puts stderr "insert leading" append out "[format "$fmt" $leading]" } } if {$span > $cols} { # puts stderr "WARNING span $span > cols $cols, truncate" set span $cols } # lvarpop above takes care of this # set i [lsearch $toset $k] # set toset [lreplace $toset $i $i] if {$span <= $avail} { # puts stderr " OK it fits, incr c $c by $span" set sw [expr $span * $cw] append out [format "%-$sw.${sw}s " "$k: [keylget kl $k]"] incr c $span } else { # puts stderr " NOPE no fit, put it back on list" lappend toset $k } if {$lastl == [llength $toset]} { incr same # puts stderr " Length toset is SAME $same as last $lastl" } if {$same == [llength $toset]} { # puts stderr " Has been SAME [llength $toset] times, bummer!" # puts stderr " FORCE NEWLINE!" append out "\n" set avail $cols set same 0 set c 0 } } foreach k $text { # append out "\n" set t "$k: [keylget kl $k]" set lines [strFold $t [expr $w - 8]] set lc 0 foreach l $lines { if !$lc { append out "$leading $l\n" } else { append out "$leading $l\n" } incr lc } append out "\n" } return $out } proc listDiff {l1 l2 {icase {}} {except {}} } { # Diff 2 Tcl lists # if icase exists it means "ignore case" # if except exists, it's a list of diff values to ignore # if you feed this routine lists containing dups you may # get unexpected results # what we return: a count of differences # a list of differences # return 0 if equal -- good if {$icase != ""} {set icase 1} else {set icase 0} if {$icase} { set l1 [string tolower $l1] set l2 [string tolower $l2] } if {[cequal $l1 $l2]} { return [list 0 {}] } # If you have got this far then you know they are not identical set diff "" set dc 0 set nc 0 # assume these are simple lists, no hugely long text fields. set ll1 [llength $l1] set ll2 [llength $l2] lassign [intersect3 $l1 $l2] l1o common l2o set llc [llength $common] set ll1o [llength $l1o] set ll2o [llength $l2o] # if ll1o, then ll1 contains stuff not in ll2 # if ll2o then ll2 contains stuff not in ll1 if {$ll1o || $ll2o} { return [list [expr $ll1o + $ll2o] $l1o $l2o] } if {($llc != $ll1) || ($llc != $ll2)} { # there must be dups somewhere but no diff elements set l1d "" set l2d "" if {$llc != $ll1} { set l1d dups } if {$llc != $ll2} { set l2d dups } return [list 0 $l1d $l2d] } # there are no diff elements but the order must be diff return [list 0 ord ord] } proc lreverse l { set ll [llength $l] set res "" loop i [expr $ll - 1] -1 -1 { lappend res [lindex $l $i] } return "$res" } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/numericCols,v 1996/10/12 01:08:26 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:19:19 PDT 1995 proc numericCols types { set fmt "" set i 0 set num "" while {! [lempty $types] } { set t [lvarpop types] # set a length based on type # text, image, and binary get defaults case $t in { {int tinyint smallint float real} {lappend num $i} {default} {} } incr i } return $num } proc sortAny {items} { # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/sortAny,v 1.1 1998/12/07 20:18:33 de Exp $ # Try integer sort. If that fails, try real. If that fails, use alpha. set err [catch {set items [lsort -integer $items]}] if {$err} { set err [catch {set items [lsort -real $items]}] if {$err} { set items [lsort $items] } } return $items } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/strFold,v 1996/10/12 01:08:25 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:19:05 PDT 1995 proc strFold {str wid} { # folds a list or space-sep string into lines of width $wid: brute-force method set line "" set out {} foreach word $str { append line "$word " if {[clength $line] >= $wid} { lappend out "$line" set line {} } } if {$line != ""} { lappend out "$line" } return "$out" } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/stringFix,v 1996/10/12 01:08:25 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:18:57 PDT 1995 proc stringFix strg { # # all we do is strip quotes at the moment and remove any lead/trail # curlies AND trailing blanks # (Jun 96) AND trailing newlines -- thanks for breaking the text widget JO. # # This is lifted from the chkSel proc in wisql 1.4 # $w.data.pic.win.winR.$col.st insert 0 "$where($ind,sql)" # set err [regsub -all \" $strg "" strg] if {$err == 0} { # echo "failed to find dbl quotes strip sgl" } set err [regsub -all \' $strg "" strg] if {$err == 0} { # echo "failed to find sgl quotes strip braces" } set strg "[string trimleft [string trimright $strg \}] \{]" set strg "[string trimright $strg \n]" set strg "[string trimright $strg]" return $strg } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/stringFix2,v 1996/10/12 01:08:25 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:19:09 PDT 1995 proc stringFix2 {strg mode} { # Dir is either in or out. # If in (from dbase) then turn dbl sgl quo into sgl quo # if out (to dbase) then turn dbl quo into dbl sgl quo and # turn sgl quo into dbl sgl # In either case we translate the '' into ' before proceeding set err [regsub -all "''" $strg \' strg] if {$err} { } # If outbound, we translate all embedded quotes into dblsgls if {$mode == "out"} { set err [regsub -all \" $strg "''" strg] if {$err} { } set err [regsub -all \' $strg "''" strg] if {$err} { } } # If this string is framed in curlies then trim them. Otherwise leave # them alone. set ce [expr [clength $strg] -1] if {([crange $strg 0 0] == "\{" ) && ([crange $strg $ce $ce] == "\}" )} { # don't trim double curlies from end of list w/embedded list! # just clip one char off each end # set strg "[string trimleft [string trimright $strg \}] \{]" if {[expr $ce - 1] < 1} { set strg "" } else { set strg "[crange $strg 1 [expr $ce - 1]]" } } # now trim trailing CR and spaces set strg [string trimright $strg \n] set strg [string trimright $strg] return $strg } proc txtDiff {t1 t2} { # problem: how similar or different are texts 1 and 2? # if we assume that "similar" means similar in # content, rather than in style, we can almost # answer this question by a crude and brutal # vocab analysis. # first we have to reduce them to lists of words. # no punctuation. regsub -all \\\( $t1 "" t1 regsub -all \\\) $t1 "" t1 regsub -all \\\[ $t1 "" t1 regsub -all \\\] $t1 "" t1 regsub -all \\\. $t1 "" t1 regsub -all , $t1 "" t1 regsub -all ' $t1 "" t1 regsub -all \\\: $t1 "" t1 regsub -all \\\; $t1 "" t1 regsub -all -- - $t1 " " t1 regsub -all \\\( $t2 "" t2 regsub -all \\\) $t2 "" t2 regsub -all \\\[ $t2 "" t2 regsub -all \\\] $t2 "" t2 regsub -all \\\. $t2 "" t2 regsub -all , $t2 "" t2 regsub -all ' $t2 "" t2 regsub -all \\\: $t2 "" t2 regsub -all \\\; $t2 "" t2 regsub -all -- - $t2 " " t2 set t1 [string toupper $t1] set t2 [string toupper $t2] set t1 [lrmdups $t1] set t2 [lrmdups $t2] lassign [intersect3 $t1 $t2] w1 common w2 # now, what to do with the result? first, we # have to eliminate common words like set junk [list A AN THE IT OF FOR TO FROM BY WITH WITHOUT AND OR WHICH ANY DO DOES HAVE HAS HAD IS WAS BE ARE WERE NOT TRUE FALSE OFF ON WHEN SET] foreach l [list w1 common w2] { set fix "" foreach w [set $l] { if [lcontain $junk $w] {continue} if {[crange $w end-2 end] == "ING"} { set w [crange $w 0 end-3] } elseif {[crange $w end-1 end] == "ED"} { set w [crange $w 0 end-2] } elseif {[crange $w end end] == "S"} { set w [crange $w 0 end-1] } lappend fix $w } set $l $fix } # having eliminated the dross, what do we want to know? # what percentage of A and B is common? set tl [expr [llength $w1] + [llength $common] + [llength $w2]] keylset detl w1 $w1 common $common w2 $w2 keylset nums l1 [llength $w1] lc [llength $common] l2 [llength $w2] # well that's clearly not the right number! it's not whether # COMMON is a greater or lesser percentage of the total so much # as... as what? # a bigger number is more similar. a smaller number is less similar. set cp [expr [llength $common]/double($tl)] return [list $cp $nums $detl] } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/unTokenize,v 1.2 1997/07/24 06:24:43 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:19:04 PDT 1995 proc unTokenize line { regsub -all "LCB" $line "\{" line regsub -all "RCB" $line "\}" line regsub -all "LPA" $line "\(" line regsub -all "RPA" $line "\)" line regsub -all "EVV" $line "\$" line regsub -all "LSB" $line "\[" line regsub -all "RSB" $line "\]" line regsub -all "SCO" $line "\;" line regsub -all "BSL" $line "\\" line regsub -all "QQ" $line "\"" line return "$line" } proc uniFormat {} { global htmfmt ltxfmt plnfmt # -------------------------- SET UP OUTPUT FORMAT STYLES ------------------- # # H T M L # set htmfmt(Bul) {
    } set htmfmt(Eul) {
} set htmfmt(Bol) {
    } set htmfmt(Eol) {
} set htmfmt(li) {
  • %s} set htmfmt(Bdl) {
    } set htmfmt(Edl) {
    } set htmfmt(dt) {
    } set htmfmt(dd) {
    } set htmfmt(bold) {%s} set htmfmt(ital) {%s} set htmfmt(tt) {%s} set htmfmt(var) {%s} set htmfmt(rule) {
    } set htmfmt(ss) {
    } set htmfmt(br) {
    } set htmfmt(p) {

    } set htmfmt(h2) {


    } set htmfmt(h3) {


    } set htmfmt(h4) {


    } set htmfmt(Bhead) {} set htmfmt(Ehead) {} set htmfmt(Bbody) {} set htmfmt(Ebody) {} set htmfmt(title) {%s} set htmfmt(Bhtml) {} set htmfmt(Ehtml) {} set htmfmt(null) {} # # L A T E X # set ltxfmt(Bul) {\begin{itemize}} set ltxfmt(Eul) {\end{itemize}} set ltxfmt(Bol) {\begin{enum}} set ltxfmt(Eol) {\end{enum}} set ltxfmt(li) {\item %s} # # if you use these, you always get boldface on the meme name # even in both members of ISA pairs. and everything is # double spaced. This is the right way. # set ltxfmt(Bdl) {\begin{description} \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt} \setlength{\parsep} {0.5ex plus0.2ex minus0.1ex}} set ltxfmt(Edl) {\end{description}} # # But if you use these, you're hosed. Don't do it. # # set ltxfmt(Bdl) {\begin{itemize}} # set ltxfmt(Edl) {\end{itemize}} # set ltxfmt(dt) "\\item\[\{%%" set ltxfmt(dd) "\}\]%%" set ltxfmt(bold) {\textbf{%s}} set ltxfmt(ital) {\textit{%s}} set ltxfmt(tt) {\texttt{%s}} set ltxfmt(var) {$%s$} set ltxfmt(rule) {} set ltxfmt(ss) {\subsection{%s}} set ltxfmt(br) "\\\\" set ltxfmt(p) {} set ltxfmt(h2) {{\huge %s}\\} set ltxfmt(h3) {{\huge %s}\\} set ltxfmt(h4) {{\large %s}\\} set ltxfmt(Bhead) "\\documentclass\[twoside,11pt,openright\]{report}\n\ \\usepackage{desrev}\n \\chauthor{auto maton}{deimos@ucolick.org}" set ltxfmt(Ehead) {%% end head} set ltxfmt(Bbody) {\begin{document}} set ltxfmt(Ebody) {\end{document}} set ltxfmt(title) {%% HTML title %s} set ltxfmt(Bhtml) {%% autogenerated LaTeX from mbc} set ltxfmt(Ehtml) {%% trailer cruft} set ltxfmt(null) {%%} # # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # } #@package: UCO-Oracle oraOpen oraClose oraCols oraSQL oraNext oraCancel \ oraStart # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/oraCancel,v 1996/10/12 01:08:26 de Exp $ proc oraCancel pipeno { global dbpipe$pipeno oramsg upvar sqt sqt set ora [eval set dbpipe$pipeno] set err [catch {oracancel $ora}] if {$err == 1} { echo "Error attempting oracancel on on pipe $pipeno" echo "ERROR $oramsg(rc): $oramsg(errortxt)" } } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/oraClose,v 1996/10/12 01:08:26 de Exp $ proc oraClose pipeno { global oramsg dbpipe$pipeno set dbpipe [eval set dbpipe$pipeno] oraclose $dbpipe } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/oraCols,v 1996/10/12 01:08:26 de Exp $ proc oraCols pipeno { global dbpipe$pipeno oramsg server set ora [eval set dbpipe$pipeno] set cols [oracols $ora] return $cols } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/oraNext,v 1996/10/12 01:08:26 de Exp $ proc oraNext pipeno { global dbpipe$pipeno oramsg server set ora [eval set dbpipe$pipeno] set geterr [catch {set value [orafetch $ora]} ] if {$geterr == 1} { set value "ERROR : line $oramsg(rc): $oramsg(errortext)" echo $value } return $value } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/oraOpen,v 1996/10/12 01:08:26 de Exp $ proc oraOpen oracon { global oramsg set dbpipe [oraopen $oracon] return $dbpipe } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/oraSQL,v 1996/10/12 01:08:26 de Exp $ proc oraSQL pipeno { global dbpipe$pipeno oramsg upvar sqlcmd sc upvar sqt sqt # echo "doing oraSQL on dbpipe$pipeno set ora var" set ora [eval set dbpipe$pipeno] # echo "got pipe name $ora for number $pipeno" set result NO_DICE # echo "let's now do orasql statement orasql $ora $sc" set err [catch {set result [orasql $ora $sc]}] if {$err == 1} { echo "oraSQL was trying to do the command \n$sc\n on pipe $pipeno" echo "Failed to access table $sqt, tell your dba:" echo "ERROR $oramsg(rc): $oramsg(errortxt)" set result "ERROR $oramsg(rc): $oramsg(errortxt)" } return $result } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/oraStart,v 1996/10/12 01:08:26 de Exp $ proc oraStart {user pass dbid} { set id "$user/$pass@$dbid" set err [catch {set oracon [oralogon $id]}] if {$err} { puts stderr "sorry, there was an error opening Oracle connection to $dbid" return -1 } # echo "connected to Oracle server $dbid as $user" return $oracon } #@package: UCO-PG95 pgOpen pgClose pgCancel pgSQL pgNext pgGet pgGetI \ pgCols PGgetSignOn PGglobals PGchkPriv PGgetPkeys # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/PGchkPriv,v 1.3 1998/05/18 22:28:44 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:18:55 PDT 1995 proc PGchkPriv {table priv} { global uname case $priv in { {sel} { set code r } {ins} { set code w } {del} { set code w } {upd} { set code w } } # echo "chkPriv looking for protection code $code on table $table for user $uname" set temp [split $table .] set pref "" if {[llength $temp] == 3} { lassign $temp dbs usr tbl set pref "$dbs.." } else { lassign $temp usr tbl } # get my real server uid set sqlcmd "select b.usename, a.relacl from pg_class a, pg_user b where a.relname = '$tbl' and b.usesysid = a.relowner" set sqt "functions" # echo "chkPriv sqlcmd is\n$sqlcmd" set sqt pg_class lassign [pgSQL 1] ct han res # puts stderr "return from pgSQL got ct $ct han $han res $res" if {[lindex $res 0] == "ERROR"} { startMsg "chkPriv problem : $res" echo "$sqlcmd" echo "$res" return NO } lassign [pgGetI $han 0] owner privs set privs [split [string trimleft [string trimright $privs \}] \{] ,] set access "" foreach p $privs { set p [string trimleft [string trimright $p \"] \"] lassign [split $p =] u a if {($u == "") || ($u == $uname)} { append access $a } } # puts stderr "got owner $owner relacl $privs" if {$owner != $usr} { puts stderr "OUCH what happened?" puts stderr "Table $table owned by $owner?" } # return YES or NO if {($owner == $uname) || ([string first $code $access] >= 0)} { return YES } else { return NO } } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/PGgetPkeys,v 1.2 1998/05/18 22:28:45 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:18:54 PDT 1995 proc PGgetPkeys table { global dbpipe1 server global PGuids PGtypids PGusers PGtypes # Since PG95 has no concept of primarykeying, we will # just look for oid. If we don't find an oid we are # unkeyed. set temp [split $table .] set pref "" if {[llength $temp] == 3} { lassign $temp dbs usr tbl set pref "$dbs.." } else { lassign $temp usr tbl } # This is all ripped off from PGgetEZcols set sqlcmd "select pg_class.oid,pg_class.relname from pg_class where relname = '$tbl' and relowner = $PGuids($usr)" set sqt "pg_class" lassign [pgSQL 1] ct han res if {[lindex $res 0] == "ERROR"} { echo "Something went wrong here:" echo "$res" exit 1 } loop i 0 $ct { set line [pgGetI $han $i] lassign $line toid tnam keylset tables($i) toid $toid tnam $tnam } if {[llength [array names tables]] > 1} { puts stderr "Whoa Nellie! Two tables called $tbl owned by $us r??" return } set toid [keylget tables(0) toid] set sqlcmd "select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = $toid and attnum < 0" # puts stderr "GETCOLS $sqlcmd" set sqt pg_attribute lassign [pgSQL 1] ct han res set keys "" loop i 0 $ct { set col [pgGetI $han $i] if {[lindex $col 0] == "ERROR"} { puts stderr "$col" break } if {$col == ""} {break} if {$col == "oid"} { set keys "oid" break } } return $keys } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/PGgetSignOn,v 1.4 1998/03/22 21:43:58 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:18:49 PDT 1995 proc PGgetSignOn {} { # profile on global uname global pw global env global matchInfo # get valid servers from interfaces file set pg_home [lsearch [array names env] POSTGRESDIR] if {$pg_home == -1} { set pg_home "" set pg_home [exec grep postgres < /etc/passwd ] if {[string length $pg_home] > 0} { set pg_home [lindex [split $pg_home :] 5] } else { set pg_home "" } } else { set pg_home $env(POSTGRESDIR) } if {[info exists env(PGHOST)]} { lappend serverList $env(PGHOST) } else { puts stderr "oops you haven't set your PGHOST envar..." puts stderr "setting to localhost and crossing fingers.." set serverList localhost } wm geom . 300x300+200+200 frame .s -background bisque set font [getFont {} banner] message .s.m -justify center -text "SQL Server Sign on" -aspect 2000 -font $font -background bisque frame .s.i -background bisque entry .s.i.uname -relief sunken -width 19 -text uname -background ivory # label .s.i.id -text " User Id" -anchor e label .s.i.id -text " User Id" -background bisque frame .s.p -background bisque # set font [getFont {} secure] # the ashu quick patch for v4 entry .s.p.pw -relief sunken -width 19 -text pw -background ivory label .s.p.p -text " Database" -anchor e -background bisque frame .s.s -background bisque entry .s.s.ser -relief sunken -width 19 -background lemonchiffon menubutton .s.s.s -text " Server " -anchor e -menu .s.s.s.m -relief raised -padx 0 -pady 0 -background lavender menu .s.s.s.m foreach s $serverList { .s.s.s.m add command -label $s -command ".s.s.ser delete 0 end; .s.s.ser insert 0 $s " } message .s.err -text "" -justify center -aspect 500 -background bisque frame .s.b -background bisque button .s.b.ok -text "Sign on" -command {PGtryConnect [.s.p.pw get] [.s.s.ser get]} -padx 0 -pady 0 -background lemonchiffon -activebackground lemonchiffon -activeforeground magenta2 button .s.b.can -text "Cancel" -command "destroy ." -padx 0 -pady 0 -background white -activebackground red -activeforeground yellow -activebackground black pack .s -side top -fill both -expand true pack .s.m -side top -fill x -ipady 10 pack .s.i -side top -ipady 10 -anchor e pack .s.i.uname -side right -expand true -ipadx 20 pack .s.i.id -side left pack .s.p -side top -ipady 10 -anchor e pack .s.p.pw -side right -expand true -ipadx 20 pack .s.p.p -side left pack .s.err -side top -fill x -expand true pack .s.b -side bottom -fill x pack .s.b.ok -side left -fill x -expand true pack .s.b.can -side left -fill x -expand true pack .s.s -side bottom -ipady 10 -anchor e pack .s.s.ser -side right -expand true -ipadx 20 pack .s.s.s -side left # no longer needed, tied to text var now # .s.i.uname insert 0 $uname if {[lsearch [array names env] PGHOST] >= 0} { .s.s.ser insert 0 $env(PGHOST) } else { .s.s.ser insert 0 localhost } bind .s.i.uname "focus .s.p.pw" bind .s.p.pw ".s.b.ok invoke" bind .s.s.ser ".s.b.ok invoke" if {$uname != ""} { focus .s.p.pw } else { focus .s.i.uname } } proc PGglobals {} { # once you have a connect, you need to figure out # a few things before getting started. To begin # with, you need a table of data type oids to # data type names and sizes # global PGtypes Pgtypids PGusers PGuids set typtbl pg_type set usrtbl pg_user set sqlcmd "select $typtbl.oid, $typtbl.* from $typtbl" set sqt $typtbl lassign [pgSQL 1] ct han res set atts [pgCols $han] foreach a $atts { lappend cols [lindex $a 0] } loop i 0 $ct { set line [pgGetI $han $i] eval lassign \$line $cols foreach c $cols { keylset PGtypes($oid) $c [set $c] } set PGtypids($typname) $oid } # set cols "" set sqlcmd "select $usrtbl.oid,$usrtbl.* from $usrtbl" set sqt $usrtbl lassign [pgSQL 1] ct han res set atts [pgCols $han] foreach a $atts { lappend cols [lindex $a 0] } # loop i 0 $ct { set line [pgGetI $han $i] eval lassign \$line $cols foreach c $cols { keylset PGusers($usesysid) $c [set $c] } set PGuids($usename) $usesysid } # set ofp [open debug.out w] foreach a {PGtypes PGusers} { puts $ofp "\n\nArray $a:" foreach i [array names $a] { puts $ofp " Elem $i :" foreach k [keylkeys ${a}($i)] { puts $ofp " $k : [keylget ${a}($i) $k]" } } } close $ofp } proc pgCancel pghand { # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/pgCancel,v 1.3 1996/10/17 05:42:28 de Exp $ global curs.$pghand upvar sqt sqt set err [catch {pg_result $pghand -clear}] catch {unset curs.$pghand} if {$err == 1} { echo "Error attempting pgclear on on handle $pghand" } } proc pgClose conno { # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/pgClose,v 1.4 1996/12/06 07:31:29 de Exp $ global pgmsg dbpipe$conno set dbconn [eval set dbpipe$conno] pg_disconnect $dbconn } proc pgCols pghand { # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/pgCols,v 1.6 1997/05/28 02:07:05 de Exp $ # PG95 user, use this line # pre Postgres 6, required my libpgtcl hack to get triple result # set cols [pg_result $pghand -attributes] # PostgreSQL user, use this line # post Postgres 6 -lAttributes gets triple col/type/len set cols [pg_result $pghand -lAttributes] # puts stderr "pgCols returning $cols" return $cols } proc pgGet pghand { # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/pgGet,v 1.3 1996/10/17 05:42:29 de Exp $ # You can use this if you have not too many records, and # get a list of keyed lists. otherwise use pgNext global pgmsg server curs.$pghand set geterr [catch {set value [pg_result $pghand -assign res] } msg] if {$geterr == 1} { set value "ERROR : $msg" puts stderr $value return $value } set ct [pg_result $pghand -numTuples] set cols [pg_result $pghand -attributes] loop i 0 $ct { foreach c $cols { keylset l $c "$res($i,$c)" } lappend out "$l" } set curs.$pghand 0 return "$out" } proc pgGetI {pghand i} { # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/pgGetI,v 1.1 1996/12/10 06:07:31 de Exp $ global curs.$pghand pgmsg server set lim [expr [pg_result $pghand -numTuples] + 1] if {$i > $lim} { return "" } set curs.$pghand $i set geterr [catch {set value [pg_result $pghand -getTuple $i] } msg] if {$geterr == 1} { set value "ERROR : $msg" echo $value } incr curs.$pghand return $value } proc pgNext pghand { # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/pgNext,v 1.3 1996/10/17 05:42:29 de Exp $ global curs.$pghand pgmsg server set i [set curs.$pghand] set lim [expr [pg_result $pghand -numTuples] + 1] if {$i > $lim} { return "" } set geterr [catch {set value [pg_result $pghand -getTuple $i] } msg] if {$geterr == 1} { set value "ERROR : $msg" puts stderr "$value" } incr curs.$pghand return $value } proc pgOpen {base {host {}}} { # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/pgOpen,v 1.3 1996/10/17 05:42:30 de Exp $ global pgmsg if {$host != ""} { set dbpipe [pg_connect $base -host $host] } else { set dbpipe [pg_connect $base] } return $dbpipe } proc pgSQL conno { # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/pgSQL,v 1.5 1997/07/22 17:21:23 de Exp $ global dbpipe$conno pgmsg upvar sqlcmd sc upvar sqt sqt # puts stderr "doing pgSQL on dbpipe$conno set pg var" set pg [eval set dbpipe$conno] # puts stderr "got pipe name $pg for number $conno" set result NO_DICE # puts stderr "let's now do pgsql statement pgsql $pg $sc" set err [catch {set pghand [pg_exec $pg $sc]} msg] if {$err} { puts stderr "pgSQL was trying to do the command \n$sc\n on pipe $conno" puts stderr "Failed to access table $sqt, tell your dba:" puts stderr "ERROR $msg" return "[list 0 ERROR $msg]" } set pgmsg [pg_result $pghand -status] set pgct [pg_result $pghand -numTuples] set pgid [pg_result $pghand -oid] upvar #0 curs.$pghand curs.$pghand catch {unset curs.$pghand} set curs.$pghand 0 set result "$pgct $pghand $pgmsg" # puts stderr "pgSQL got pgid $pgid, returning $result" return $result } #@package: UCO-Sybase sybOpen sybClose sybCols sybNext doSQL sybCancel \ SYBgetPkeys SYBgetSignOn SYBchkPriv # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/SYBchkPriv,v 1.2 1997/07/24 06:25:26 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:18:55 PDT 1995 proc SYBchkPriv {table priv} { global uname sybmsg case $priv in { {sel} { set code 193 } {ins} { set code 195 } {del} { set code 196 } {upd} { set code 197 } {ctbl} { set code 198 } {crul} { set code 236 } {cvuw} { set code 207 } {cpro} { set code 222 } } # echo "chkPriv looking for protection code $code on table $table for user $uname" set temp [split $table .] set pref "" if {[llength $temp] == 3} { lassign $temp dbs usr tbl set pref "$dbs.." } else { lassign $temp usr tbl } # get my real server uid set sqlcmd "select suser_id('$uname'), user_id('$usr')" set sqt "functions" # echo "chkPriv sqlcmd is\n$sqlcmd" set res [doSQL 1] if {[lindex $res 0] == "ERROR"} { startMsg "chkPriv problem : $res" echo "$sqlcmd" echo "$res" return NO } set line [sybNext 1] set usuid [lindex $line 0] set odbuid [lindex $line 1] # echo "user $uname server uid is $usuid, owner db uid is $odbuid" set sqlcmd "select uid, gid from ${pref}sysusers where suid = $usuid" # echo "chkPriv sqlcmd is\n$sqlcmd" set sqt "${pref}sysusers" set res [doSQL 1] if {[lindex $res 0] == "ERROR"} { startMsg "chkPriv problem : $res" echo "$sqlcmd" echo "$res" return NO } set line [sybNext 1] set udbuid [lindex $line 0] set udbgid [lindex $line 1] # echo "user $uname local db userid is $udbuid and groupid is $udbgid" # You are sa, or equivalent, if your suid is 1; you are dbo if your # user id is 1. dbo does not automatically have all privs! if you # are sa or the object owner then you can do anything, of course. if {($udbuid == $odbuid) || ($usuid == 1)} { return "YES" } # Otherwise, check for uid and gid granted perms on # object: do I belong to a group granted perms? # echo "table name was $table, owner $usr, user $uname, grp $udbgid, tbl $tbl priv $priv code $code" # check to see if I or my group have the requested permission on # the current object or if 'public' has the requested permission on # this object (public is grp 0) -- this is a parsimonious but somewhat # obscure method that Sybase uses to code protection bits. set cando NO # Tom, what on earth were you doing here? I'm taking this back out --de 9/2/95 # hack -just return yes --tp # return YES set sqlcmd "select a.* from ${pref}sysprotects a, ${pref}sysobjects b where a.action = $code and b.name = '$tbl' and b.uid = user_id('$usr') and (a.uid = $udbuid or a.uid = $udbgid or a.uid = 0) and a.id = b.id" # echo "chkPriv sql cmd was\n$sqlcmd" set sqt "${pref}sysprotects" set res [doSQL 1] if {[lindex $res 0] == "ERROR"} { startMsg "chkPriv problem: $res" echo "$sqlcmd" echo "$res" return NO } while {1 == 1} { if {$sybmsg(nextrow) == "NO_MORE_RESULTS"} {break} set able [sybNext 1] # echo "got $able from sysprotects etc" if {$able != ""} { set cando YES return $cando } } return $cando } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/SYBgetPkeys,v 1.1 1996/12/06 07:31:27 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:18:54 PDT 1995 proc SYBgetPkeys table { global dbpipe1 sybmsg server set temp [split $table .] set pref "" if {[llength $temp] == 3} { lassign $temp dbs usr tbl set pref "$dbs.." } else { lassign $temp usr tbl } set sqlcmd "select key1,key2,key3,key4,key5,key6,key7,key8 from ${pref}syskeys a, ${pref}sysobjects b where a.type = 1 and b.uid = user_id('$usr') and b.name = '$tbl' and a.id = b.id" set sqt "${pref}syskeys" set res [doSQL 1] if {[lindex $res 0] == "ERROR"} { set error "ERROR : line $sybmsg(line): $sybmsg(msgno) : $sybmsg(msgtext)" return $error } set keys [sybNext 1] if {[lindex $keys 0] == "ERROR"} { set keys "" } set err [regsub -all NULL $keys "0" keys] return $keys } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/SYBgetSignOn,v 1.5 1999/10/13 23:22:17 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:18:49 PDT 1995 proc SYBgetSignOn {} { # profile on global uname global pw global env global matchInfo # get valid servers from interfaces file set syb_home [lsearch [array names env] SYBASE] if {$syb_home == -1} { set syb_home "" catch {set syb_home [exec ypcat passwd | egrep ^sybase: ]} if {[string length $syb_home] > 0} { set syb_home [lindex [split $syb_home :] 5] } else { set syb_home [exec egrep ^sybase: < /etc/passwd ] if {[string length $syb_home] > 0} { set syb_home [lindex [split $syb_home :] 5] } else { set syb_home "" } } } else { set syb_home $env(SYBASE) } if {[string length $syb_home] > 0} { set intFile $syb_home/interfaces set serverList "" if [file isfile $intFile] { set ierr [catch {set fd [open $intFile]}] if {$ierr} {echo "error opening $intFile"} set sc [scancontext create] scanmatch -nocase $sc {^[a-z]} {lappend serverList $matchInfo(line)} scanfile $sc $fd close $fd } else { set serverList SYBASE } } else { puts stderr "SORRY cannot find SYBASE home dir by any means." puts stderr " No envar SYBASE found." puts stderr " No login dir for user sybase found in NIS or passwd file." exit 1 } wm geom . 300x300+200+200 frame .s -background bisque set font [getFont {} banner] message .s.m -justify center -text "SQL Server Sign on" -aspect 2000 -font $font -background bisque frame .s.i -background bisque entry .s.i.uname -relief sunken -width 19 -text uname -background ivory # label .s.i.id -text " User Id" -anchor e label .s.i.id -text " User Id" -background bisque frame .s.p -background bisque # set font [getFont {} secure] # the ashu quick patch for v4 entry .s.p.pw -relief sunken -width 19 -show * -text pw -background ivory label .s.p.p -text " Password" -anchor e -background bisque frame .s.s -background bisque entry .s.s.ser -relief sunken -width 19 -background lemonchiffon menubutton .s.s.s -text " Server " -anchor e -menu .s.s.s.m -relief raised -padx 0 -pady 0 -background lavender -activebackground lavender -activeforeground magenta2 menu .s.s.s.m -background lavender foreach s $serverList { .s.s.s.m add command -label $s -command ".s.s.ser delete 0 end; .s.s.ser insert 0 $s " -background lavender -activebackground lavender -activeforeground magenta2 } message .s.err -text "" -justify center -aspect 500 -background bisque frame .s.b -background bisque button .s.b.ok -text "Sign on" -command {SYBtryConnect [.s.i.uname get] [.s.p.pw get] [.s.s.ser get]} -padx 0 -pady 0 -background lemonchiffon -activebackground lemonchiffon -activeforeground magenta2 button .s.b.can -text "Cancel" -command "destroy ." -padx 0 -pady 0 -background white -activebackground black -activeforeground yellow -foreground red pack .s -side top -fill both -expand true pack .s.m -side top -fill x -ipady 10 pack .s.i -side top -ipady 10 -anchor e pack .s.i.uname -side right -expand true -ipadx 20 pack .s.i.id -side left pack .s.p -side top -ipady 10 -anchor e pack .s.p.pw -side right -expand true -ipadx 20 pack .s.p.p -side left pack .s.err -side top -fill x -expand true pack .s.b -side bottom -fill x pack .s.b.ok -side left -fill x -expand true pack .s.b.can -side left -fill x -expand true pack .s.s -side bottom -ipady 10 -anchor e pack .s.s.ser -side right -expand true -ipadx 20 pack .s.s.s -side left # no longer needed, tied to text var now # .s.i.uname insert 0 $uname if {[lsearch [array names env] DSQUERY] >= 0} { .s.s.ser insert 0 $env(DSQUERY) } else { .s.s.ser insert 0 SYBASE } bind .s.i.uname "focus .s.p.pw" bind .s.p.pw ".s.b.ok invoke" bind .s.s.ser ".s.b.ok invoke" if {$uname != ""} { focus .s.p.pw } else { focus .s.i.uname } } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/doSQL,v 1996/10/12 01:08:25 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:18:48 PDT 1995 proc doSQL pipeno { global dbpipe$pipeno sybmsg upvar sqlcmd sc upvar sqt sqt set syb [eval set dbpipe$pipeno] set result NO_DICE set err [catch {set result [sybsql $syb $sc]}] if {$err == 1} { echo "doSQL was trying to do the command \n$sc\n on pipe $pipeno " echo "Failed to access table $sqt, tell your dba:" echo "ERROR $sybmsg(msgno): $sybmsg(msgtext)" set result "ERROR $sybmsg(msgno): $sybmsg(msgtext)" } return $result } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/sybCancel,v 1996/10/12 01:08:26 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:19:15 PDT 1995 proc sybCancel pipeno { global dbpipe$pipeno sybmsg upvar sqt sqt set syb [eval set dbpipe$pipeno] set err [catch {sybcancel $syb}] if {$err == 1} { echo "Error attempting sybcancel on on pipe $pipeno" echo "ERROR $sybmsg(msgno): $sybmsg(msgtext)" } } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/sybClose,v 1996/10/12 01:08:24 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:18:42 PDT 1995 proc sybClose pipeno { global sybmsg dbpipe$pipeno set dbpipe [eval set dbpipe$pipeno] sybclose $dbpipe } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/sybCols,v 1.2 2000/03/30 21:46:53 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:18:46 PDT 1995 proc sybCols pipeno { global dbpipe$pipeno sybmsg server set syb [eval set dbpipe$pipeno] set cols [sybcols $syb] set c2 [lrmdups $cols] # are there dup col names??? set newcols "" set dup 0 set cc 1 foreach c $cols { if ![info exists ct($c)] { set ct($c) 1 lappend newcols $c } else { set dup 1 incr ct($c) lappend newcols ${c}_$cc } incr cc } if {$dup} { set cols $newcols } return $cols } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/sybNext,v 1996/10/12 01:08:25 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:18:47 PDT 1995 proc sybNext pipeno { global dbpipe$pipeno sybmsg server set syb [eval set dbpipe$pipeno] set geterr [ catch {set value [sybnext $syb]} ] if {$geterr == 1} { set value "ERROR : line $sybmsg(line): $sybmsg(msgno) : $sybmsg(msgtext)" echo $value } return $value } # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/sybOpen,v 1.5 2000/01/14 19:38:51 de Exp $ # tcl procs saved on Sun Sep 03 16:18:10 PDT 1995 proc sybOpen {base user pass server} { global sybmsg argv0 if {[info commands sybconnect] == ""} { puts stderr "SORRY this interp is not Sybase extended." puts stderr " you have to install SybTcl before using" puts stderr " the UCODB sybXxxxx tcl procs." return } set err [catch {set dbpipe [sybconnect $user $pass $server]} res] # This hack was put in right after cutover to ASE11 linux, # to catch orphan scripts set str "" if $err { append str "ERROR opening Sybase connection to $server as $user\n" append str "who: [id user] \nwhat: $argv0 \nwhere: [id host]\n" append str "when: [clock format [clock seconds]]" append str "ERR $sybmsg(msgtext)" append str "DB $sybmsg(dberrstr)" append str "OS $sybmsg(oserrstr)" set mf /tmp/mail.[clock seconds] write_file $mf "$str" puts stderr "$str" set err [catch {system "Mail -s SYBASE_ERROR ksa de < $mf"} res] if $err { puts stderr "Couldn't Mail to mavens" puts stderr "$res" } unlink $mf } # echo "Opened database connection $dbpipe" sybuse $dbpipe $base return $dbpipe } #@package: UCO-trf trf_init trf_place trf_line trf_saveb trf_restoreb \ trf_print trf_block proc trf_block y { # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/trf_block,v 1996/10/12 01:08:27 de Exp $ global trf_wid trf_len trf_sav trf_pag trf_lin global trf_arr trf_blk trf_fp trf_pnf trf_pnx trf_pny trf_pnn # y is 0 for turn off block, . or line num for turn on block if {$y == "."} { set y $trf_lin } else { if {$y > $trf_len} { puts stderr "WARNING, cannot start block at line $y, would force a new page" return } } set trf_blk $y } proc trf_init {} { # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/trf_init,v 1996/10/12 01:08:27 de Exp $ global trf_len trf_wid trf_arr trf_sav trf_lin trf_pag global trf_pnf trf_pnx trf_pny trf_blk trf_pnn # set up defaults if {![info exists trf_sav]} { set trf_sav "" } if {![info exists trf_wid]} { set trf_wid 80 } if {![info exists trf_len]} { set trf_len 66 } if {![info exists trf_blk]} { set trf_blk 0 } if {![info exists trf_pnn]} { set trf_pnn 1 } set lin 1 set hdr 0 loop i 1 [expr $trf_len + 1] { if {[lsearch $trf_sav $i] < 0} { set trf_arr($i) [replicate " " $trf_wid] } else { set hdr 1 incr lin } } # stick those page numbers where they belong eh loop j 1 [expr $trf_pnn + 1] { if {[info exists trf_pnf($j)]} { trf_place $trf_pny($j) $trf_pnx($j) $trf_pag $trf_pnf($j) 0 {} HDR } } # set trf_lin $lin } proc trf_line {y x len dir {hdr {}}} { # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/trf_line,v 1996/10/12 01:08:27 de Exp $ global trf_arr trf_lin if {$y == "."} { set y $trf_lin } # if {$dir == "H"} { set val [replicate - $len] trf_place $y $x $val %${len}s 0 {} $hdr } else { loop l $y [expr $y + $len + 1] { trf_place $l $x "|" %1s } } } proc trf_place {y x val fmt {brk 0} {nl {}} {hdr {}}} { # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/trf_place,v 1996/10/12 01:08:27 de Exp $ global trf_wid trf_len trf_sav trf_pag trf_lin global trf_arr trf_blk trf_fp trf_pnf trf_pnx trf_pny trf_pnn # puts stderr "enter trf_place with args col $x line $y val $val fmt $fmt brk $brk nl? $nl hdr? $hdr" # trf_wid: width of page in char # trf_len: length of page in lines # trf_pag: current page counter # trf_lin: current line counter # trf_sav: list of lines to preserve (save) across page breaks # trf_arr: an array of lines making up a page in progress # trf_blk: the line at which a block of data began which cannot # contain a page break # puts stderr "Call trf_place..." if {$nl == "+"} { incr trf_lin } if {$y == "."} { set y $trf_lin } else { if {$y > $trf_len} { # puts stderr "WARNING, text placed at line $y will force a new page" } set trf_lin $y } # puts stderr " y is really $y" if {$hdr != ""} { lappend trf_sav $y set trf_sav [lrmdups $trf_sav] if {$val == "PNO"} { set trf_pnf($trf_pnn) $fmt set trf_pnx($trf_pnn) $x set trf_pny($trf_pnn) $y set val $trf_pag incr trf_pnn } } else { if {[lsearch $trf_sav $y] >= 0} { # puts stderr " Data $val hdr $hdr would be at $y, $x in a protected line! New page!" set y [expr $trf_len + 1] } } if {$y > $trf_len} { # puts stderr " next y ($y) is greater than $trf_len NEW PAGE" if {$trf_blk} { trf_saveb } trf_print trf_init if {$trf_blk} { trf_restoreb } set y $trf_lin # puts stderr " new y on new page is $y" } if {$brk > 0} { # puts stderr " breaking line to $brk chars" set sa [strFold $val $brk] set fl " [llength $sa]" # puts stderr " produced $fl lines" } else { set fl "" eval set sa \{\{$val\}\} } # # you have to sanity check y position within the loop as well (sigh) # foreach v $sa { if {$hdr == ""} { if {[lsearch $trf_sav $y] >= 0} { # puts stderr " Data $val hdr $hdr would be at $y, $x in a protected line! New page!" set y [expr $trf_len + 1] } } if {$y > $trf_len} { # puts stderr " next y ($y) is greater than $trf_len NEW PAGE" if {$trf_blk} { trf_saveb } trf_print trf_init if {$trf_blk} { trf_restoreb } set y $trf_lin # puts stderr "new y on new page is $y" } # puts stderr " place value $v" # put formatted data in right place in requested line set line $trf_arr($y) set newl1 "" if {$x > 0} { set newl1 [crange $line 0 [expr $x - 1]] } set newl2 "[format $fmt $v]" set vlen [clength $newl2] if {[expr $x + $vlen] > $trf_wid} { # puts stderr "WARNING, page $trf_pag line $y, text $newl2 placed at $x exceeds margin" } set newl3 [crange $line [expr $x + $vlen] end] set line "$newl1$newl2$newl3" set trf_arr($y) "$line" incr y } set trf_lin [expr $y - 1] return "$trf_lin$fl" } proc trf_print {} { # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/trf_print,v 1996/10/12 01:08:27 de Exp $ global trf_arr trf_len trf_wid trf_pag trf_fp loop i 1 [expr $trf_len + 1] { puts $trf_fp "$trf_arr($i)" } puts $trf_fp "\f" incr trf_pag } proc trf_restoreb {} { # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/trf_restoreb,v 1996/10/12 01:08:27 de Exp $ global trf_blk trf_arr trf_tmp trf_len trf_sav trf_lin set i 1 while {[lsearch $trf_sav $i] >= 0} { incr i } foreach l [lsort -integer [array names trf_tmp]] { set trf_arr($i) $trf_tmp($l) incr i } set trf_lin $i } proc trf_saveb {} { # $Header: /home/cvsroot/tcldb/ucodb/Tlib/trf_saveb,v 1996/10/12 01:08:27 de Exp $ global trf_blk trf_arr trf_tmp trf_len trf_sav catch {unset trf_tmp} loop i $trf_blk [expr $trf_len + 1] { if {[lsearch $trf_sav $i] >= 0} { break } set trf_tmp($i) $trf_arr($i) set trf_arr($i) "" } }