Field Definitions for table Hipparcos

If the database maintainer has set up a data dictionary, then this form will show information defining and explaining each field in the table Hipparcos. When an asterisk appears following the column data type (like int *) this indicates that this column is indexed in the database server for faster searches.
sybidint *
HICnumint *Hipparcos Input Catalogue (HIC) running number
Comp1char Component(s) considered
Satchar Satellite target in case of joint entry: component, photocentre (j), or geometric centre (g)
RAH2000int *Right ascension hours J2000
RAM2000int Right ascension minutes J2000
RAS2000real Right ascension seconds J2000
DS2000char Declination sign J2000
DecD2000int *Declination degrees J2000
DecM2000int Declination arcmin J2000
DecS2000real Declination seconds J2000
Epochint Epoch for the position (years)
ME_RAreal Mean error of the right ascension (15cos(delta)*m.e. in alpha, arcsec)
ME_Decreal Mean error of the declination (arcsec)
Pos_Srcchar Source of position (see Table B1)
dRA2000float ascension (J2000.0, decimal degrees)
dDec2000float (J2000.0, decimal degrees)
GalLonreal longitude (decimal degrees)
GalLatreal latitude (decimal degrees)
EclLonreal longitude (decimal degrees)
EclLatreal latitude (decimal degrees)
RAHint Right ascension hours 1950 (unless an epoch <2000 is given in field 6 Epoch)
RAMint Right ascension minutes or Epoch
RASreal Right ascension seconds or Epoch
DSchar I2, Declination sign 1950 or Epoch
DecDint I2, Declination degrees 1950 (unless an epoch <2000 is given in field 6 Epoch)
DecMint Declination arcmin 1950 or Epoch
DecSreal Declination arcsec 1950 or Epoch
dRAfloat ascension (B1950; decimal degrees)
dDecfloat (B1950; decimal degrees)
PM_RAreal Proper motion in RA,15Mu_alpha*cos delta (equinox J2000.0, arcsec per year)
PM_Decreal Proper motion in declination, Mu_delta (equinox J2000.0, arcsec per year)
E_PMRAreal Error of the proper motion in right ascension (arcsec per year)
E_PMDecreal Error of the proper motion in declination (arcsec per year)
PM_srcchar Source of proper motion (see Table B1)
HpMagreal Hp, magnitude in the Hipparcos photometric system
Varchar Variability code (range 1-5; see Table V1)
PSSchar C = photoelectric standard star with confirmed long-term stability, S = secondary photoelectric standard star
Vmagreal V magnitude
E_Vmagreal Error of V magnitude
B_Vreal B-V
E_BVreal Error of B-V
PhSrcchar Source of photometry (see Table B2)
ST_Lumchar Spectral type and luminosity class
STsrcchar Source of the spectral type data (see Table B3)
Parint Parallax (milli-arcsec)
E_Parint Probable error of parallax (milli-arcsec)
ParTchar Type of parallax: T for trigonometric, D for dynamical
RadVreal Radial velocity (km/s)
RVqualchar Quality of radial velocity (range a-e)
RVsrcchar Source of radial velocity (see Table B4)
VSnamechar Variable star name (GCVS or NSV)
VarTchar Type of variability (see Table V2)
Vperreal Period of variation (days)
V_maxreal V magnitude at maximum luminosity
V_minreal V magnitude at minimum luminosity
E_Vmchar Coded error of the V magnitudes in fields 42-43 (range 1-4; see Table V3)
MCcodechar Code specifying the magnitudes and colour given in fields 25,27,29 (range 1-5; see Table V4)
CCDMnumchar CCDM number
Comp2char Components considered
PosAngchar Position angle (degrees) between the components considered; N, S, F, P, N, SP, NF, SF may be used
Separreal Separation (arcsec) between the components considered
DMagreal Magnitude difference between the components considered
OBinchar O for system with known orbit; A or * for astrometric binary
BDnumchar *BD number. Last char: suffix to BD
CDnumchar *CD number.
CPDnumchar *CPD number.
HDEnumint *HD/HDE number
FKnumchar *FK5/FK5 Ext/FK4 Sup or IRS (AGK3R/SRS) number (see Table I1)
AGKnumchar *AGK3/CPC number (see Table I2)
SAOnumint *SAO number
Ident1char First of the two selected identifiers
Ident2char Second of the two selected identifiers Identifiers in fields 58 and 59 are selected from: GL, GJ, G, LHS, LTT, LP, L, BPM, CF, McC (see Table I3)
Ident3char Identifier for stars in: galactic open clusters (see Table B5); LMC/SMC (see Table I4); C*, IRC, PK, WD (see Table I5)
SFcodechar S = survey star C = identification chart provided within the faint star Atlas (Annex 2 of the printed version) T = S + C
Notechar N = Note (see part 17 of this short introduction)

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