FITS and ACS/DCS/ICS Keywords (Memes) Database Demos

offered by The Scientific Programming Group

UCO / Lick Observatory

BETA! Work in Progress! Frequent change without notice!

You can run various types of "reports" against our Memes database from this interface. Check out the first two reports to get a feel for the available data structures which you can use as arguments to the rest of the reports. Note that these reports are dynamic: they reflect the current state of the database and are generated on demand, not preconstructed.

Target :

Please select your report type from this list; enter a target if needed, and run your report:

List of Defined Contexts (no args)
List of Defined Headers/Tables/Bundles (no args)
Documentation of Memes by Context (supply Context Name)
Documentation of Memes by Name (supply Meme Name)
Documentation of Memes by Header (supply Header Name)
Fake Human-Readable FITS Header (supply Header Name)
Make Header/Table into SQL DDL (supply Bundle Name)
Make FITSIO source code for Header (supply Header Name)
Make C data structures for Header (supply Header Name)
Make Human-Readable FITS table extension out of Sybase table (supply Sybase FQTN)

You can also check out some graphical output from the Memes database:
Graphical Representations of Meme Structure
Sample Meme Flow Diagrams
Sybase Schema for the Memes World

A Public Service of UCO/Lick Observatory
Courtesy of the Scientific Programming Group
Using Sybase Server, Tcl, HTML