AppendixA ktl - built-in command providing access to KTL keyword libraries

A.2 Description

This command provides access to KTL keyword libraries. option identifies the operation (many of the options have the same names as user-callable KTL routines). Depending on option, name is either a service or a keyword name.

Valid options, which cannot currently be abbreviated, are:
Options to the ktl command
openopen a connection to a KTL service (c.f. ktl_open())
linklink a (service,keyword) pair, giving it a name used in subsequent operations
monitorenable a monitor on keyword change, optionally executing a Tcl script (c.f. ktl_read(KTL_CONTINUOUS)) (ktk only)
readread the value of a keyword (c.f. ktl_read())
writewrite the value of a keyword (c.f. ktl_write())
ioctlreturn information about a keyword

The obvious close, unlink and unmonitor have not yet been implemented.

A.2.1 - ktl open service
A.2.2 - ktl link service keyword ?varname?
A.2.3 - ktl monitor varname ?script? ?-binary?
A.2.4 - ktl read varname ?-binary?
A.2.5 - ktl write varname value ?-binary?
A.2.6 - ktl ioctl option varname

Tcl/Tk/KTL Interface - 13 NOV 1996

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