Tcl/Tk/KTL Interface

1.0 Introduction

This document describes a way of writing Tcl/Tk [Tcl/Tk reference] applications that use KTL [KTL reference] to interact with underlying subsystems. A new ktl command has been added to the standard set of Tcl commands, and corresponding ktcl (a non-windowing Tcl shell, c.f. tclsh) and ktk (a windowing Tcl shell, c.f. wish) applications have been written. ktk has been used to implement the new Keck II DCS GUI.

The current versions of ktcl and ktk are called ktcl7.5 and ktk4.1 and are layered on top of Tcl v7.5 and Tk v4.1. By convention, ktcl and ktk soft links reference the most recent versions. As new versions of Tcl and Tk are released, the ktcl and ktk names will be changed accordingly and the soft links will be updated.

The next section gives a tutorial introduction to the use of ktcl and ktk. Subsequent sections provide more detailed information on installation and usage.

Tcl/Tk/KTL Interface - 13 NOV 1996

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