AppendixA ktl - built-in command providing access to KTL keyword libraries

A.3 Error handling

All KTL errors are detected and handled according to normal Tcl conventions: the command fails and returns an error string as its value. In a Tk environment, this puts up a nice dialog box and it's usually pretty easy to see what the problem is.

For example:

ktk4.1% ktl open nonex
ktl_load_open.c, 200: ktk: fatal: \
	/home/wlupton/kroot/rel/default/lib/ \
	can't open file: errno=2: /home/wlupton/kroot/rel/default/lib/ \
ktl_open.c, 401: can't open shareable library: nonex_keyword.
can't open shareable library: nonex_keyword.

ktk4.1% ktl link dcs2 badkey
Invalid keyword name: badkey
As yet there is no re-direction of low-level error messages to a log file. All such messages are printed to standard error (this is the KTL default).

Tcl/Tk/KTL Interface - 13 NOV 1996

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