This is a grab bag of historical information which it would be good to preserve about any DEIMOS run (in fact, about any observing run with any instrument, but DEIMOS is our current target). Some info is preserved per exposure, some is logged all night, some is preserved per night at start time, some might be preserved per run. These data come from various sources, but they can all be accomodated in one schema for later correlation. Logging: every N minutes all night Dome temp Outside temp Instrument innards temp(s) Wind Sky background Seeing Per frame (based partly on NOAO IRAF docs): Goes into FITS headers/tables that observer takes home with data Date Observer Instrument Telescope Detector (*) Comments Object Slitmask barcode EXPTIME DARKTIME IMAGETYP (FLAT ZERO DARK FRINGE COMP CALIBS CALIBI) UT RA DEC ST EPOCH ZD AIRMASS (can't this be computed from the above?) PREFLASH GAIN DWELL CAMTEMP DEWTEMP BIASSEC TRIMSEC DATASEC CCDSEC ORIGSEC CCDSUM DISPERSE TILTPOS POSANGLE DISPAXIS FILTERS Per night (or are some of these per run?): Logged for both astronomical and engineering purposes Zero frames Dark frames Flat fields Calibration (image) frames Calibration (spectral) frames Which CCDs are in which locations in array Snapshot defect list of each CCD Fringe frames? Archiving data taken: All "long" FITS headers go in database All images go to archival storage, either exabyte/DLT (yuck) or jukebox All headers in DB are marked with a "statute of limitations" date determining when public access will be permitted by the obs.