prayers to small gods

if I had gods I would beseech them:
protect him. oh you little gods
of tools and perverse material things,
do not let the tool turn in his hand.
do not let the dryer eat his socks.
may his roof not leak. may his dinner
not burn. oh you little gods
of chance and fate, let him not drop
his keys in the dark. keep his glasses clean
and unbroken. little gods of the many-legged,
keep the mosquitoes away. let him sleep
unbitten. oh you little gods
of the human heart, keep him happy in small things.
lares et penatesque, let his home be peaceful.
keep the neighbours quiet. let the garden
thrive, the milk not spoil.

and you bigger gods of fate and time,
please let him live hale and well,
I beg you spare him fear, pain,
indignity. if he must break my heart again
by loving someone else, at least let her
make him happy. I beg you, let him sleep
in peace and wake in peace,
if I cannot.

o you little gods of luck and dice,
let him think of me kindly,
with a smile; speak of me kindly,
with untroubled eyes.

-- GPL Sep 2005 D. A. Clarke

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De Clarke