This is the homepage for GIDGET, the Gravitational Instability-Dominated Galaxy Evolution Tool, suitable for evolving gravitationally unstable star-forming disks over cosmological timescales.

An old version of the code is available for download here. That version of the code was last updated March 20, 2012 - it runs the models and analysis that go along with Forbes, Krumholz, and Burkert (2012) .

The latest version, used in Forbes et al (2013), is available at Bitbucket. The version (hash) used to produce the data and figures in the paper is d73c282.

It would be a good idea to let me know you are using the code so I can send you future updates, although you can just follow the page at bitbucket.
jforbes at ucolick dot org.

You are also free to modify the code and redistribute it. If you run into any difficulty adapting the code to your own research, I am happy to help!

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