Remote Observing with the Keck Telescopes from the mainland:

A Presentation to the NASA IRTF/Keck MOWG - March 31, 1998

Bob Kibrick, UCO/Lick Observatory




  • What is needed to make Keck remote observing available from mainland sites?
    1. Improved bandwidth and reliability on link between Hawaii and mainland
    2. Improved bandwidth and reliability on links between mainland sites
    3. Video conferencing multiplexer hardware at Keck HQ (also needed for Interferometer)
    4. Video conferencing hardware at mainland sites

  • How can NASA help address these needs?
    1. Assist Keck, Gemini, and UH to obtain higher-bandwith link from Hawaii that connects to mainland vBNS

    2. Assist mainland remote observing sites to obtain connections to vBNS
    3. Accelerate acquisition of the video conferencing multiplexer hardware at Keck HQ
    4. Assist with acquisition of video conferencing hardware at mainland sites (e.g., JPL, Caltech, UCSC)