9/17/02 This fileset contains the integrator.f package, which evolves a system of n gravitating bodies forward in time using a Bulirsch-Stoer integrator. The file "input" contains the epoch 2000.0 ephemeris for the solar system (Sun + 9 planets). The input file also contains parameters which determine how the code will run. Output is in the form of data files for each planet which chart the orbital elements as a function of time. In order to run the code for n different than 9 bodies, one should change the parameter nb=9 to nb=whatever in the main routine, and also in the subroutines "derivs" and "Energysum". The code is currently opening up data files for 9 possible planets. For other n, delete or insert more "open" statements. It is also necessary to add or delete lines with the additional orbital elements for the additional planets in the "input" file. These extra lines would go in in exact analogy to the lines for 9 planets for which the code is currently configured.