Shut down and Restart Controllers

Here are the nifty commands for commanding the VME crates to either shutdown or to restart their corresponding CCD controllers. Once the controllers are shutdown, you can disconnect the fiber-optic cables or shut off the main power. All of the commands are entered in the magic VME crate Unix window, which will reside on the corresponding CCD controller's computer. This window will have the "->" prompt for entering any commands. The Science CCD controller uses "dei" as its computer and the FCS controller uses "nergabat" as its computer.

Science CCD Controller

To shut down the controller:

  1. Type the command "shutdown"
  2. Wait until the messages say everything is done before doing anything (about 30 seconds or so)

To restart the controller:

  1. Type "< restart"
  2. Wait until all the power-up sequencing is done and messages are no longer scrolling in the window.
  3. Type "< broadcast"
  4. Type "< ups"
  5. Type "< dewartemp"


FCS CCD Controller

To shut down the controller:

  1. Type the command "shutdown"
  2. Wait until the messages say everything is done before doing anything (about 30 seconds or so)

To restart the controller:

  1. Type "< restart"
  2. Wait until all the power-up sequencing is done and messages are no longer scrolling in the window.
  3. Type "< broadcast"
  4. Type "< ups"


Chris Wright
Page last updated: February 20, 2002