Functional QUICK LOOK Requirements

General requirements

The quick-look operations will all be accessible from the image display tool. Obviously, there must be communication with the image display for the purposes of specifying positions with the cursor, and for overlaying graphics. The general rules are the same for the image display, and are repeated here:

Quick-look operations must be easy to use. As they may be less self-explanatory than the image display operations, there should be an "on-line help" button to provide detailed descriptions of the procedures and operations.

There must be hardcopy capability (with proper stamp) for any plots or text output generated by the quick-look operations.

List of Quick-Look Operations

General Image Analysis:

Direct Image Analysis:

Spectral Image Analysis:

Calibration Analysis

These operations may be included as separate tools, rather than part of quick-look. They are included here for completeness ---------------------------

Note 1: "Standard" magnitude zeropoints for typical conditions must be tabulated for each filter. Coupled with gain and exposure information (and filter ID), this enables quick estimate of throughput and/or transparency. However, we should also have the ability to specify "private" zeropoints appropriate for, eg, a particular image taken under poor conditions. Under these conditions, a star of known magnitude is selected and a zeropoint is calculated, and added into a "user" section of the zeropoints table.

Note 2: Quick spectral extraction may be best provided by easy access/interface with more sophisticated spectral extraction routines in the automated spectral reduction package.

Design Notes

The number of different quick-look operations suggests that we should use keyboard inputs for selecting various operations. Examples: "r" keystroke for radial plot, "c" for column plot, for display of coordinates, etc.
Andrew C. Phillips / Lick Observatory
Last modified: 07 Mar 96