MorningStar a hankie dance See also the "to rule" version The DF (chorus) consists of a sidestep-doublestep combination (like those found in FieldTown dances) followed by a Hook Leg. The HL is done "to rule," which means that the HL should be done on the same leg as if the dancer were finishing a hey in the current position. This "rule" also means that the HL is done in a direction which naturally allows each dancer to turn so as to be ready to begin the half hey. The sidesteps are "closed," meaning that when starting with the right leg, the dancer turns to the left, and vice versa. In order to comply with the "rule," the second sidestep in each sequence must be danced differently by different dancers. During the first half of the DF (which starts on right), dancers 1,3,6 do the ssl as l r l r and then HL on the left. Dancers 2,4,5 do the ssl as l r l l and then HL on the right. During the second half of the DF (which starts on left), dancers 1,3,6 do the ssr as r l r l and then HL on the right. Dancers 2,4,5 do the ssr as r l r r and then HL on the left. These numbers designate the dancers, not the positions they occupy when halfway thru the DF. Thus, dancers 1,3,6 always dance the second sidestep changing feet every step, not hopping. Dancers 2,4,5 always dance the second sidestep on the same foot on the last 2 steps, hopping. >>>>> At end of SSS, some dancers need not turn on HL. Should they? -------------------------------- OY = ftj FU = 4 4 HL sj 4 4 HL sj DF = | ss(r) | 4(r) | ss(l) | HL | Hook Leg is done "to rule" + HH = 4 4 HL sj + | ss(l) | 4(l) | ss(r) | HL | Hook Leg is done "to rule" + HH = 4 4 HL sj HG = 4 4 HL sj 4 4 HL sj DF WG = 4 4 HL sj 4 4 HL sj DF HR = 4 4 HL sj 4 4 HL sj DF end by capering facing up -------------------------------- 3 Other dances have identical stepping but differ in rhythm and tune: Idbury Hill The Maid of the Mill The Old Woman Tossed Up