Usage: pdiff [Options] file1 file2 or: pdiff [Options] -Xrev file or: pdiff [Options] -Xrev1 -Xrev2 file where X is C (CVS revision), D (CVS date), or R (RCS revision). Note: in this case, `file' may not be a directory. Special cases: -CC and -RR mean current cvs and rcs revision, respectively. pdiff does a side-by-side differencing of the two files file1 and file2. If one of the filenames is "-", it means stdin. Note: by default, tabs are expanded before comparing and printing; see the -tab option. If file1 and file2 are directories, pdiff is recursive applied to all files therein. Options: -Annn,-Bnnn,-b,-i,-s,-t,-w ...are flags passed to "diff". -help ...means to print this message, then exit. -all all lines, not just differences. -eqlhs ...same as -all, but only print the LHS of equal lines. -number ...number the lines. -indent ...pass files through `indent' before comparing. -tab _not_ expand tabs before diff'ing and printing. -date ...label each file with its date, and flag the newer. -ignorebadlinks ...when comparing directories, ignore any symlinks pointing to non-existent files. -nofollow not follow symlinks, but compare the pointed-at names. -pattern xxx ...only compare files matching glob pattern xxx; to match any of several patterns, use multiple -pattern options. (All subdirectories are entered, regardless of name.) -lhs ...print only the left-hand side of the default output. -rhs ...print only the right-hand side of the default output. -truncate ...don't truncate text to align change bars or to fit screen. -separate ...don't separate each differing region with blank lines. -changebar ...shorthand for -rhs -truncate. -cb ...shorthand for -changebar. -highlight ...disable highlighting of lines with differences; default is to highlight if printing all lines, not if diffs only. +highlight ...enable highlighting of lines with differences. -space n ...Replace each run of n spaces with a single space; implies -b; n is limited to 2 .. 20. -len mmm,nnn ...size of left,right-side panels (this tty's default: 63,63) -fg color ...for terminals with ANSI color. "color" is the color code used for marking differences. Valid names are red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white. These names are mapped into ANSI color codes 0..7, respectively; if your terminal doesn't use this mapping, the displayed colors won't match the names. If you know the color code you desire, you can use 0..7 directly. -bg color like -fg, but the background for differences. -black,-red,-green,-yellow,-blue,-magenta,-cyan,-white ...shorthand for -fg . -debug ...print debug info. -save ...don't delete any intermediate files that were created. -S fname ...Starts a directory diff in the middle, beginning with file fname.