The large tarball (~2Gb) contains all of the 2D and 1D spectra and the imaging of the PKS1302-102 field. I also provide a tarball of just the 1D spectra and a few additional files.

IDL (General):
The data reduction and analysis of this dataset was my first experience with IDL. As such, most of the spectra are saved in binary fits tables which are trivially read by IDL but are a bit painful for other users. The XIDL code will allow one to view the spectra rather easily. You can also use the code described below to make individual FITS files of the galaxy spectra. Beyond that, you should contact Xavier with specific requests.

If you need it, here is XIDL

IDL (Poking around):
I still find one of the more convenient ways to view the data is to use the XIDL task lowzovi_summary. I believe you will need the full tarball to run this successfully. Here is the syntax:

  1. Launch IDL in the PKS1302-102 directory
  2. IDL> lowzovi_summary, 'PKS1302-102_gal.fits'
  3. Parse the galaxies (choose magnitude or redshift ranges)
  4. Poke around.

IDL (Convert to Simple FITS):
You will need to use this XIDL task, wfccd_mkspecfits. It is possible you only need the 1D tarball to do this. You will pass the routine the ID of a galaxy or an array of ID's and it will produce one FITS file per galaxy. The FITS file will be a multi-extension FITS file with flux, sigma, and wavelength in the 3 extensions. Here is the syntax

  1. Launch IDL in the PKS1302-102 top-level directory
  2. IDL> wfccd_mkspecfits, 'PKS1302-102spec_gal.fits', STRING_ARRAY, OUTFIL=
  3. An example of STRING_ARRAY is: ['514a', '1050a']

e-mail: wfccdovi at
modified 9/15/07