All requisitions/purchase orders are processed using the on-line CruzBuy purchasing system.

Please contact your Financial Analyst if you need any CruzBuy assistance.

CruzBuy Accounts

All CruzBuy users must have a login & password in order to use the system.

Obtaining a CruzBuy Account

First Things to Do in CruzBuy

Download or display the CruzBuy User Guide in your browser for reference to complete the following tasks:

  1. Set up your Security Question in your profile pg. 8
  2. Update your profile by going to "View my Profile" pg. 7
  3. Set up your Email Preferences pg. 13
  4. Enter FOAPAL pg. 9
  5. Default FOAPAL information pg. 9
  6. Enter PI/Other Approver name pg. 9
  7. Default PI/Other Approver name pg. 9
  8. Enter default Ship To address pg. 9

CruzBuy Training

Using CruzBuy

How to become familiar with CruzBuy

CruzBuy Resources


UCO Resources

Other Resources

Contacts for Special Issues

Sustainability & Green Purchasing

Funding Codes

Use the table below to find your Funding Code for CruzBuy. A subset of the table can be selected using the input boxes/selectors under a column heading to filter out certain rows of the table. Column headings with a * indicate mandatory fields needed in CruzBuy.