

A variety of model atmospheres for planets and brown dwarfs are available. These include spectra, photometry, and evolution models for L, T, and Y dwarfs, and planet-mass objects. Citation instructions are included in the photometry files. Please contact me (cmorley at ucolick dot org) with any questions about appropriate uses of models or background information about them, or for additional models you do not see freely available here.

Morley et al. 2015 sub-Neptune models:

  Models of GJ 1214b “analogs” from Morley et al. 2015, including cloudy, hazy, and cloud-free models.

    These include thermal emission, transmission, and albedo spectra. Other similar models available

    upon request.

    spectra (compressed set of ascii files)

Morley et al. 2012 T/Y dwarf models:

  Model photometry and spectra currently available.    

   These models include Na2S, KCl, ZnS, MnS, and Cr clouds. Models have effective        

    temperatures from 400 to 1200 K, gravities from log g(cgs) 4.0 to 5.5. These models are

    especially appropriate for late T dwarfs cooler than ~900 K (spectral type ~T9).  

   We calculate Vega absolute magnitudes for Y, J, H, K, L’, M’ (all MKO), IRAC bands 1-4, and    

    WISE bands 1-4. Other filters available upon request.

    photometry (tab delimited ascii file)

    spectra (compressed set of ascii files)

Saumon et al. 2012 T dwarf models:

  Model photometry and spectra currently available.    

    These models do not include cloud opacity. Models have effective temperatures from 200 to

    1200 K, gravities from log g(cgs) 4.0 to 5.5. These models are appropriate for mid-late T dwarfs

    cooler than ~1100-1200 K (spectral type ~T3). Note that L dwarfs and early T dwarfs require

    models that include iron/silicate clouds (photometry not available here). 

   We calculate Vega absolute magnitudes for Y, J, H, K, L’, M’ (all MKO), IRAC bands 1-4, and    

    WISE bands 1-4. Other filters available upon request.

    photometry (tab delimited ascii file)

    spectra (compressed set of ascii files)


Morley et al. 2014 Y dwarf and exoplanet models:

   These models include H2O ice clouds in addition to the Na2S, KCl, ZnS, MnS, and Cr clouds.   

    Models have effective temperatures from 200 to 450 K, gravities from log g(cgs) 3.0 to 5.0.

    These models are partly cloudy (see Morley et al. 2014): we assume that 50% of the surface is

    covered in clouds.  

   We calculate Vega absolute magnitudes for Y, J, H, K, L', M' (all MKO), IRAC bands 1-4, and    

    WISE bands 1-4. Other filters available upon request

    photometry (tab delimited ascii file)

    spectra (compressed set of ascii files)

Saumon and Marley 2008 evolution models:

    These models include radii, luminosities, temperatures, ages, and masses for brown dwarfs with

    cloud-free or cloudy atmospheres. Please see link for details and models.