Estimated Manpower for Chapter 5

Component: Guider System Software

No estimates have been provided, as it is unclear where this work will be done, and what existing components may be incorporated. The general areas where software is needed include:

Component: Mask Alignment Software

Subtask                    Due Pers-Hrs  Comments

Analysis Software           A       -
                            B       -
                            C       -
                            D      80    Centering algorithms, fitting S/W
                            E      30    Enhancements
                            F      30    Enhancements

Database & DCS Interfacing  A       -
                            B       -
                            C       -
                            D      40    Interface of offsets to DCS
                            D     110    Interface to DB for align. star CCDx,y
                            E      30    Maintenance 
                            F      30    Maintenance 

Calibrations and testing    A       -
                            B       -
                            C       -
                            D      60    field testing / debugging
                            E       -          
                            F       -          

A = CCD test (lab)
B = Instrument integration (lab)
C = Installation and commissioning in Hawaii
D = First science observations
E = One year after commissioning
F = Two years after commissioning

Last modified: 15 mar 96

Andrew C. Phillips / Lick Observatory