Aaron J. Romanowsky

Bibliography and Research

Expanded Bibliography
Curriculum Vitae
Refereed Papers
Unrefereed Papers
Conference Proceedings
Research and interests:
Ph.D. thesis
General public



Refereed Papers - see also SAGES and PN.S papers

209. "Constraining the stellar populations of ultra-diffuse galaxies in the MATLAS survey using spectral energy distribution fitting", Buzzo, M.L., Forbes, D.A., Jarrett, T.H., Marleau, F.R., Duc, P.-A., Brodie, J.P., Romanowsky, A.J., Gannon, J.S., Janssens, S.R., Pfeffer, J., Ferré-Mateu, A., Haacke, L., Couch, W.J., Lim, S., Sánchez-Janssen, R. 2024, MNRAS, 529, 3210

208. "The star formation histories of quiescent ultra-diffuse galaxies and their dependence on environment and globular cluster richness", Ferré-Mateu, A., Gannon, J.S., Forbes, D.A., Buzzo, M.L., Romanowsky, A.J., Brodie, J.P. 2023, MNRAS, 526, 4735

207. "Initial mass function variability from the integrated light of diverse stellar systems", Cheng, C.M., Villaume, A., Balogh, M.L., Brodie, J.P., Martín-Navarro, I., Romanowsky, A.J., van Dokkum, P.G., 2023, MNRAS, 526, 4004

206. "Keck spectroscopy of NGC 1052-DF9: stellar populations in the context of the NGC 1052 group", Gannon, J.S., Buzzo, M.L., Ferré-Mateu, A., Forbes, D.A., Brodie, J.P., Romanowsky, A.J., 2023, MNRAS, 524, 2624

205. "The large-scale structure of globular clusters in the NGC 1052 group", Buzzo, M.L., Forbes, D.A., Brodie, J.P., Janssens, S.R., Couch, W.J., Romanowsky, A.J., Gannon, J.S., 2023, MNRAS, 522, 595

204. "A candidate runaway supermassive black hole identified by shocks and star formation in its wake", van Dokkum, P., Pasha, I., Buzzo, M.L., LaMassa, S., Shen, Z., Keim, M.A., Abraham, R., Conroy, C., Danieli, S., Mitra, K., Nagai, D., Natarajan, P., Romanowsky, A.J., Tremblay, G., Urry, C.M., van den Bosch, F.C., 2023, ApJL, 946, L50

203. "Reconstructing the genesis of a globular cluster system at a look-back time of 9.1 Gyr with the JWST", Forbes, D.A., Romanowsky, A.J., 2023, MNRAS, 520, L58

202. "Keck spectroscopy of the coma cluster ultra-diffuse galaxy Y358: dynamical mass in a wider context", Gannon, J.S., Forbes, D.A., Brodie, J.P., Romanowsky, A.J., Couch, W.J., Ferré-Mateu, A., 2023, MNRAS, 518, 3653

201. "Low-density star cluster formation: discovery of a young faint fuzzy on the outskirts of the low-mass spiral galaxy NGC 247", Romanowsky, A.J., Larsen, S.S., Villaume, A., Carlin, J.L., Janz, J., Sand, D.J., Strader, J., Brodie, J.P., Chakrabarti, S., Cheng, C.M., Crnojević, D., Forbes, D.A., Garling, C.T., Hargis, J.R., Karunakaran, A., Martín-Navarro, I., Olsen, K.A.G., Rider, N., Salimkumar, B., Santhanakrishnan, V., Spekkens, K., Tang, Y., van Dokkum, P.G., Willman, B., 2022, MNRAS, 518, 3164

200. "Monochromatic globular clusters as a critical test of formation models for the dark matter-deficient galaxies NGC 1052-DF2 and NGC 1052-DF4", van Dokkum, P., Shen, Z., Romanowsky, A.J., Abraham, R., Conroy, C., Danieli, S., Dutta Chowdhury, D., Keim, M.A., Kruijssen, J.M.D., Leja, J., Trujillo-Gomez, S., 2022, ApJL, 940, L9

199. "The stellar populations of quiescent ultra-diffuse galaxies from optical to mid-infrared spectral energy distribution fitting", Buzzo, M.L., Forbes, D.A., Brodie, J.P., Romanowsky, A.J., Cluver, M.E., Jarrett, T.H., Laine, S., Couch, W.J., Gannon, J.S., Ferré-Mateu A., Okabe N., 2022, MNRAS, 517, 2231

198. "The globular clusters and star formation history of the isolated, quiescent ultra-diffuse galaxy DGSAT I", Janssens, S.R., Romanowsky, A.J., Abraham, R., Brodie, J.P., Couch, W.J., Forbes, D.A., Laine, S., Martínez-Delgado, D., van Dokkum, P.G., 2022, MNRAS, 517, 858

197. "Still at odds with conventional galaxy evolution: the star formation history of ultradiffuse galaxy Dragonfly 44", Webb, K.A., Villaume, A., Laine, S., Romanowsky, A.J., Balogh, M., van Dokkum, P., Forbes, D.A., Brodie, J., Martin, C., Matuszewski, M., 2022, MNRAS, 516, 3318

196. "Light from the darkness: detecting ultra-diffuse galaxies in the Perseus cluster through over-densities of globular clusters with a log-Gaussian Cox process", Li, D.D., Eadie, G.M., Abraham, R., Brown, P.E., Harris, W.E., Janssens, S.R., Romanowsky, A.J., van Dokkum, P., Danieli, S., 2022, ApJ, 935, 3

195. "The halo of M 105 and its group environment as traced by planetary nebula populations. II. Using kinematics of single stars to unveil the presence of intragroup light around the Leo I galaxies NGC 3384 and M 105", Hartke, J., Arnaboldi, M., Gerhard, O., Coccato, L., Merrifield, M., Kuijken, K., Pulsoni, C., Agnello, A., Bhattacharya, S., Spiniello, S., Cortesi, A., Freeman, K.C., Napolitano, N.R., Romanowsky, A.J., 2022, A&A, 663, A12

194. "A trail of dark-matter-free galaxies from a bullet-dwarf collision", van Dokkum, P., Shen, Z., Keim, M.A., Trujillo-Gomez, S., Danieli, S., Dutta Chowdhury, D., Abraham, R., Conroy, C., Kruijssen, J.M.D., Nagai, D., Romanowsky, A.J., 2022, Nature, 605, 435

193. "Low-metallicity globular clusters in the low-mass isolated spiral galaxy NGC 2403", Forbes, D.A., Ferré-Mateu, A., Gannon, J.S., Romanowsky, A.J., Carlin, J.L., Brodie, J.P, Day, J., 2022, MNRAS, 512, 802

192. "The chemical composition of globular clusters in the Local Group", Larsen, S.S., Eitner, P., Magg, E., Bergemann, M., Moltzer, C.A.S., Brodie, J.P., Romanowsky, A.J., Strader, J., 2022, A&A, 660, A88

191. "NGC 5846-UDG1: a galaxy formed mostly by star formation in massive, extremely dense clumps of gas", Danieli, S., van Dokkum, P., Trujillo-Gomez, S., Kruijssen, J.M.D., Romanowsky, A.J., Carlsten, S., Shen, Z., Li, J., Abraham, R., Brodie, J., Conroy, C., Gannon, J.S., Greco, J., 2022, ApJL, 927, L28

190. "The present-day globular cluster kinematics of lenticular galaxies from the E-MOSAICS simulations and their relation to the galaxy assembly histories", Dolfi, A., Pfeffer, J., Forbes, D.A., Couch, W.J., Bekki, K., Brodie, J.P., Romanowsky, A.J., Kruijssen, J.M.D., 2022, MNRAS, 511, 3179

189. "Spatially resolved stellar spectroscopy of the ultra-diffuse galaxy Dragonfly 44. III. Evidence for an unexpected star formation history under conventional galaxy evolution processes", Villaume, A., Romanowsky, A.J., Brodie, J., van Dokkum, P., Conroy, C., Forbes, D.A., Danieli, S., Martin, C., Matuszewski, M., 2022, ApJ, 924, 32

188. "Ultra-diffuse galaxies in the perseus cluster: comparing galaxy properties with globular cluster system richness", Gannon, J.S., Forbes, D.A., Romanowsky, A.J., Ferré-Mateu, A., Couch, W.J., Brodie, J.P., Huang, S., Janssens, S.R., Okabe, N., 2022, MNRAS, 510, 946

187. "Hubble Space Telescope imaging of the extremely metal-poor globular cluster EXT8 in Messier 31", Larsen, S.S., Romanowsky, A.J., Brodie, J.P., 2021, A&A, 651, A102

186. "A recently quenched isolated dwarf galaxy outside of the Local Group environment", Polzin, A., van Dokkum, P., Danieli, S., Greco, J.P., Romanowsky, A.J., 2021, ApJL, 914, L23

185. "A tip of the red giant branch distance of 22.1 ± 1.2 Mpc to the dark matter deficient galaxy NGC 1052–DF2 from 40 orbits of Hubble Space Telescope imaging", Shen, Z., Danieli, S., van Dokkum, P., Abraham, R., Brodie, J.P., Conroy, C., Dolphin, A.E., Romanowsky, A.J., Kruijssen, J.M.D., Dutta Chowdhury, D., 2021, ApJL, 914, L12

184. "The SLUGGS survey: combining stars, globular clusters, and planetary nebulae to understand the assembly history of early-type galaxies from their large radii kinematics", Dolfi, A., Forbes, D.A., Couch, W.J., Bekki, K., Ferré-Mateu, A., Romanowsky, A.J., Brodie, J.P., 2021, MNRAS, 504, 4923

183. "Recovering the origins of the lenticular galaxy NGC 3115 using multiband imaging", Buzzo, M.L., Cortesi, A., Hernandez-Jimenez, J.A., Coccato, L., Werle, A., Beraldo e Silva, L., Grossi, M., Vika, M., Barbosa, C.E., Lucatelli, G., Santana-Silva, L., Bamford, S., Debattista, V.P., Forbes, D.A., Overzier, R., Romanowsky, A.J., Ferrari, F., Brodie, J.P., Mendes de Oliveira, C., 2021, MNRAS, 504, 2146

182. "Low-mass compact elliptical galaxies: spatially resolved stellar populations and kinematics with the Keck Cosmic Web Imager", Ferré-Mateu, A., Durré, M., Forbes, D.A., Romanowsky, A.J., Alabi, A., Brodie, J.P., McDermid, R.M., 2021, MNRAS, 503, 5455

181. "Hubble Space Telescope observations of two faint dwarf satellites of nearby LMC analogs from MADCASH", Carlin, J.L., Mutlu-Pakdil, B., Crnojević, D., Garling, C.T., Karunakaran, A., Peter, A.H.G., Tollerud, E., Forbes, D.A., Hargis, J.R., Lim, S., Romanowsky, A.J., Sand, D.J., Spekkens, K., Strader, J., 2021, ApJ, 909, 211

180. "Stellar velocity dispersion and dynamical mass of the ultra diffuse galaxy NGC 5846_UDG1 from the Keck Cosmic Web Imager", Forbes, D.A., Gannon, J.S., Romanowsky, A.J., Alabi, A., Brodie, J.P., Couch, W.J., Ferré-Mateu, A., 2021, MNRAS, 500, 1279

179. "An extremely metal-deficient globular cluster in the Andromeda Galaxy", Larsen, S.S., Romanowsky, A.J., Brodie, J.P., Wasserman, A., 2020, Science, 370, 970

178. "The assembly history of M87 through radial variations in chemical abundances of its field star and globular cluster populations", Villaume, A., Foreman-Mackey, D., Romanowsky, A.J., Brodie, J., Strader, J., 2020, ApJ, 900, 95

177. "Keck Cosmic Web Imager (KCWI) spectra of globular clusters and ultracompact dwarfs in the halo of M87", Forbes, D.A., Ferré-Mateu, A., Durré, M., Brodie, J.P., Romanowsky, A.J., 2020, MNRAS, 497, 765

176. "NGC 474 as viewed with KCWI: diagnosing a shell galaxy", Alabi, A.B., Ferré-Mateu, A., Forbes, D.A., Romanowsky, A.J., Brodie, J.P., 2020, MNRAS, 497, 626

175. "An expanded catalogue of low surface brightness galaxies in the Coma cluster using Subaru/Suprime-Cam", Alabi, A.B., Romanowsky, A.J., Forbes, D.A., Brodie, J.P., Okabe, N., 2020, MNRAS, 496, 3182

174. "On the stellar kinematics and mass of the Virgo ultradiffuse galaxy VCC 1287", Gannon, J.S., Forbes, D.A., Romanowsky, A.J., Ferré-Mateu, A., Couch, W.J., Brodie, J.P., 2020, MNRAS, 495, 2582

173. "The assembly history of the nearest S0 galaxy NGC 3115 from its kinematics out to six half-light radii", Dolfi, A., Forbes, D.A., Couch, W.J., Ferré-Mateu, A., Bellstedt, S., Bekki, K., Diaz, J., Romanowsky, A.J., Brodie, J.P., 2020, MNRAS, 495, 1321

172. "A tip of the red giant branch distance to the dark matter deficient galaxy NGC 1052-DF4 from deep Hubble Space Telescope data", Danieli, S., van Dokkum, P., Abraham, R., Conroy, C., Dolphin, A.E., Romanowsky, A.J., 2020, ApJL, 895, L4

171. "Multiwavelength follow-up of the hyperluminous intermediate-mass black hole candidate 3XMM J215022.4–055108", Lin, D., Strader, J., Romanowsky, A.J., Irwin, J.A., Godet, O., Barret, D., Webb, N.A., Homan, J., Remillard, R.A., 2020, ApJL, 892, L25

170. "The PIPER Survey: I. An initial look at the intergalactic globular cluster population in the Perseus Cluster", Harris, W.E., Brown, R.A., Durrell, P.R., Romanowsky, A.J., Blakeslee, J., Brodie, J., Janssens, S., Lisker, T., Okamoto, S., Wittmann, C., 2020, ApJ, 890, 105

169. "Globular clusters in Coma cluster ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs): evidence for two types of UDG?", Forbes, D.A., Alabi, A., Romanowsky, A.J., Brodie, J.P., Arimoto, N., 2020, MNRAS, 492, 4874

168. "Globular clusters in the stellar stream surrounding the Milky Way analogue NGC 5907", Alabi, A.B., Forbes, D.A., Romanowsky, A.J., Brodie, J.P., 2020, MNRAS, 491, 5693

167. "The distribution of ultra-diffuse and ultra-compact galaxies in the Frontier Fields", Janssens, S.R., Abraham, R., Brodie, J., Forbes, D.A., Romanowsky, A.J., 2019, ApJ, 887, 92

166. "Tidal destruction in a low-mass galaxy environment: the discovery of tidal tails around DDO 44", Carlin, J.L., Garling, C.T., Peter, A.H.G., Crnojević, D., Forbes, D.A., Hargis, J.R., Mutlu-Pakdil, B., Pucha, R., Romanowsky, A.J., Sand, D.J., Spekkens, K., Strader, J., Willman, B., 2019, ApJ, 886, 109

165. "Spatially resolved stellar kinematics of the ultra-diffuse galaxy Dragonfly 44. II. Constraints on fuzzy dark matter", Wasserman, A., van Dokkum, P., Romanowsky, A.J., Brodie, J., Danieli, S., Forbes, D.A., Abraham, R., Martin, C., Matuszewski, M., Villaume, A., Tamanas, J., Profumo, S., 2019, ApJ, 885, 155

164. "The SLUGGS survey: measuring globular cluster ages using both photometry and spectroscopy", Usher, C., Brodie, J.P., Forbes, D.A., Romanowsky, A.J., Strader, J., Pfeffer, J., Bastian, N., 2019, MNRAS, 490, 491

163. "Dark matter and no dark matter: on the halo mass of NGC 1052", Forbes, D.A., Alabi, A., Brodie, J.P., Romanowsky, A.J., 2019, MNRAS, 489, 3665

162. "Hyper wide field imaging of the Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy IC 1613: an extended component of metal-poor stars", Pucha, R., Carlin, J.L., Willman, B., Strader, J., Sand, D.J., Bechtol, K., Brodie, J.P., Crnojević, D., Forbes, D.A., Garling, C., Hargis, J., Peter, A.H.G., Romanowsky, A.J., 2019, ApJ, 880, 104

161. "Spatially-resolved stellar kinematics of the ultra-diffuse galaxy Dragonfly 44. I. Observations, kinematics, and cold dark matter halo fits", van Dokkum, P., Wasserman, A., Danieli, S., Abraham, R., Brodie, J., Conroy, C., Forbes, D.A., Martin, C., Matuszewski, M., Romanowsky, A.J., Villaume, A., 2019, ApJ, 880, 91

160. "New constraints on early-type galaxy assembly from spectroscopic metallicities of globular clusters in M87", Villaume, A., Romanowsky, A.J., Brodie, J., Strader, J., 2019, ApJ, 879, 45

159. "Formation of ultra-diffuse galaxies in the field and in galaxy groups", Jiang, F., Dekel, A., Freundlich, J., Romanowsky, A.J., Dutton, A.A., Macciò, A.V., Di Cintio, A., 2019, MNRAS, 487, 5272

158. "Spatially resolved stellar populations and kinematics with KCWI: probing the assembly history of the massive early-type galaxy NGC 1407", Ferré-Mateu, A., Forbes, D.A., McDermid, R.M., Romanowsky, A.J., Brodie, J.P., 2019, ApJ, 878, 129

157. "Still missing dark matter: KCWI high-resolution stellar kinematics of NGC1052-DF2", Danieli, S., van Dokkum, P., Conroy, C., Abraham, R., Romanowsky, A.J., 2019, ApJL, 874, L12

156. "A second galaxy missing dark matter in the NGC 1052 group", van Dokkum, P., Danieli, S., Abraham, R., Conroy, C., Romanowsky, A.J., 2019, ApJL, 874, L5

155. "Extreme chemical abundance ratio suggesting an exotic origin for an ultradiffuse galaxy", Martín-Navarro, I., Romanowsky, A.J., Brodie, J.P., Ferré-Mateu, A., Alabi, A., Forbes, D.A., Sharina, M., Villaume, A., Pandya, V., Martinez-Delgado, D., 2019, MNRAS, 484, 3425

154. "Mirach's Goblin: Discovery of a dwarf spheroidal galaxy behind the Andromeda galaxy", Martínez-Delgado, D., Grebel, E.K., Javanmardi, B., Boschin, W., Longeard, N., Carballo-Bello, J.A., Makarov, D., Beasley, M.A., Donatiello, G., Haynes, M.P., Forbes, D.A., Romanowsky, A.J., 2018, A&A, 620, A126

153. "Angular momentum and galaxy formation revisited: scaling relations for disks and bulges", Fall, S.M., Romanowsky, A.J., 2018, ApJ, 868, 133

152. "The Dragonfly Nearby Galaxies Survey. V. HST/ACS observations of 23 low surface brightness objects in the fields of NGC 1052, NGC 1084, M96, and NGC 4258", Cohen, Y., van Dokkum, P., Danieli, S., Romanowsky, A.J., Abraham, R., Merritt, A., Zhang, J., Mowla, L., Kruijssen, J.M.D., Conroy, C., Wasserman, A., 2018, ApJ, 868, 96

151. "The extended Planetary Nebula Spectrograph (ePN.S) early-type galaxy survey: The kinematic diversity of stellar halos and the relation between halo transition scale and stellar mass", Pulsoni, C., Gerhard, O., Arnaboldi, M., Coccato, L., Longobardi, A., Napolitano, N.R., Moylan, E., Narayan, C., Gupta, V., Burkert, A., Capaccioli, M., Chies-Santos, A.L., Cortesi, A., Freeman, K.C., Kuijken, K., Merrifield, M.R., Romanowsky, A.J., Tortora, C., 2018, A&A, 618, A94

150. "The Fornax Cluster VLT Spectroscopic Survey – I. VIMOS spectroscopy of compact stellar systems in the Fornax core region", Pota, V., Napolitano, N.R., Hilker, M., Spavone, M., Schulz, C., Cantiello, M., Tortora, C., Iodice, E., Paolillo, M., D'Abrusco, R., Capaccioli, M., Puzia, T., Peletier, R.F., Romanowsky, A.J., van de Ven, G., Spiniello, C., Norris, M., Lisker, T., Munoz, R., Schipani, P., Eigenthaler, P., Taylor, M.A., Sánchez-Janssen, R., Ordenes-Briceño, Y., 2018, MNRAS, 481, 1744

149. "The distance of the dark matter deficient galaxy NGC1052-DF2", van Dokkum, P., Danieli, S., Cohen, Y., Romanowsky, A.J., Conroy, C. 2018, ApJL, 864, L18

148. "The SLUGGS Survey: the inner dark matter density slope of the massive elliptical galaxy NGC 1407", Wasserman, A., Romanowsky, A.J., Brodie, J., van Dokkum, P., Conroy, C., Villaume, A., Forbes, D.A., Strader, J., Alabi, A., Bellstedt, S. 2018, ApJ, 863, 130

147. "A deficit of dark matter from Jeans modeling of the ultra-diffuse galaxy NGC 1052-DF2", Wasserman, A., Romanowsky, A.J., Brodie, J., van Dokkum, P., Conroy, C., Abraham, R., Cohen, Y., Danieli, S., 2018, ApJL, 863, L15

146. "Chromodynamical analysis of lenticular galaxies using globular clusters and planetary nebulae", Zanatta, E.J.B., Cortesi, A., Chies-Santos, A.L., Forbes, D.A., Romanowsky, A.J., Alabi, A.B., Coccato, L., Mendes de Oliveira, C., Brodie, J.P., Merrifield, M., 2018, MNRAS, 479, 5124

145. "A luminous X-ray outburst from an intermediate-mass black hole in an off-centre star cluster", Lin, D., Strader, J., Carrasco, E.R., Page, D., Romanowsky, A.J., Homan, J., Irwin, J.I., Remillard, R.A., Godet, O., Webb, N.A., Baumgardt, H., Wijnands, R., Barret, D., Duc, P.-A., Brodie, J.P., Gwyn, S.D.J., 2018, Nature Astronomy, 2, 656

144. "Origins of ultradiffuse galaxies in the Coma cluster – II. Constraints from their stellar populations", Ferré-Mateu, A., Alabi, A., Forbes, D.A., Romanowsky, A.J., Brodie, J., Pandya, V., Martín-Navarro, I., Bellstedt, S., Wasserman, A., Stone, M.B., Okabe, N., 2018, MNRAS, 479, 4891

143. "Origins of ultradiffuse galaxies in the Coma cluster – I. Constraints from velocity phase space", Alabi, A., Ferré-Mateu, A., Romanowsky, A.J., Brodie, J., Forbes, D.A., Wasserman, A., Bellstedt, S., Martín-Navarro, I., Pandya, V., Stone, M.B., Okabe, N., 2018, MNRAS, 479, 3308

142. "The contribution of HI-bearing ultra-diffuse galaxies to the cosmic number density of galaxies", Jones, M.G., Papastergis, E., Pandya, V., Leisman, L., Romanowsky, A.J., Yung, L.Y.A., Somerville, R.S., Adams, E.A.K., 2018, A&A, 614, A21

141. "A 3.5-million Solar masses black hole in the centre of the ultracompact dwarf galaxy fornax UCD3", Afanasiev, A.V., Chilingarian, I.V., Mieske, S., Voggel, K.T., Picotti, A., Hilker, M., Seth, A., Neumayer, N., Frank, M., Romanowsky, A.J., Hau, G., Baumgardt, H., Ahn, C., Strader, J., de Brok, M., McDermid, R., Spitler, L., Brodie, J., Walsh, J.L., 2018, MNRAS, 477, 4856

140. "The black hole in the most massive ultracompact dwarf galaxy M59-UCD3", Ahn, C.P., Seth, A.C., Cappellari, M., Krajnović, D., Strader, J., Voggel, K.T., Walsh, J.L., Bahramian, A., Baumgardt, H., Brodie, J., Chilingarian, I., Chomiuk, L., den Brok, M., Frank, M., Hilker, M., McDermid, R.M., Mieske, S., Neumayer, N., Nguyen, D.D., Pechetti, R., Romanowsky, A.J., Spitler, L., 2018, ApJ, 858, 102

139. "The stellar populations of two ultra-diffuse galaxies from optical and near-infrared photometry", Pandya, V., Romanowsky, A.J., Laine, S., Brodie, J.P., Johnson, B.D., Glaccum, W., Villaume, A., Cuillandre, J.-C., Gwyn, S., Krick, J., Lasker, R., Martín-Navarro, I., Martinez-Delgado, D., van Dokkum, P., 2018, ApJ, 858, 29

138. "Upper limits on the presence of central massive black holes in two ultra-compact dwarf galaxies in Centaurus A", Voggel, K.T., Seth, A.C., Neumayer, N., Mieske, S., Chilingarian, I., Ahn, C., Baumgardt, H., Hilker, M., Nguyen, D.D., Romanowsky, A.J., Walsh, J.L., den Brok, M., Strader, J., 2018, ApJ, 858, 20

137. "The SLUGGS survey: a comparison of total-mass profiles of early-type galaxies from observations and cosmological simulations, to ~4 effective radii", Bellstedt, S., Forbes, D.A., Romanowsky, A.J., Remus, R.-S., Stevens, A.R.H., Brodie, J.P., Poci, A., McDermid, R., Alabi, A., Chevalier, L., Adams, C., Ferré-Mateu, A., Wasserman, A., Pandya, V. 2018, MNRAS, 476, 4543

136. "An enigmatic population of luminous globular clusters in a galaxy lacking dark matter", van Dokkum, P., Cohen, Y., Danieli, S., Kruijssen, J.M.D., Romanowsky, A.J., Merritt, A., Abraham, R., Brodie, J., Conroy, C., Lokhorst, D., Mowla, L., O'Sullivan, E., Zhang, J., 2018, ApJL, 856, L30

135. "A galaxy lacking dark matter", van Dokkum, P., Danieli, S., Cohen, Y., Merritt, A., Romanowsky, A.J., Abraham, R., Brodie, J., Conroy, C., Lokhorst, D., Mowla, L., O'Sullivan, E., Zhang, J., 2018, Nature, 555, 629

134. "Black-hole-regulated star formation in massive galaxies", Martín-Navarro I., Brodie J.P., Romanowsky A.J., Ruiz-Lara T., van de Ven G. 2018, Nature, 553, 307

133. "Deep Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam observations of Milky Way satellites Columba I and Triangulum II", Carlin J.L., Sand D.J., Muñoz R.R., Spekkens K., Willman B., Crnojević D., Forbes D.A., Hargis J., Kirby E., Peter A.H.G., Romanowsky A.J., Strader J. 2017, AJ, 154, 267

132. "Initial mass function variability (or not) among low-velocity dispersion, compact stellar systems", Villaume A., Brodie J., Conroy C., Romanowsky A.J., van Dokkum P. 2017, ApJL, 850, L14

131. "On the formation mechanisms of compact elliptical galaxies", Ferré-Mateu A., Forbes D.A., Romanowsky A.J., Janz J., Dixon C. 2018, MNRAS, 473, 1819

130. "Extensive globular cluster systems associated with ultra diffuse galaxies in the Coma cluster", van Dokkum P., Abraham R., Romanowsky A.J., Brodie J., Conroy C., Danieli S., Lokhorst D., Merritt A., Mowla L., Zhang J. 2017, ApJL, 844, L11

129. "Constraining the physical state of the hot gas halos in NGC 4649 and NGC 5846", Paggi A., Kim D.-W., Anderson C., Burke D., D'Abrusco R., Fabbiano G., Fruscione A., Gokas T., Lauer J., McCollough M., Morgan D., Mossman A., O'Sullivan E., Trinchieri G., Vrtilek S., Pellegrini S., Romanowsky A.J., Brodie J. 2017, ApJ, 844, 5

128. "The SLUGGS Survey: trails of SLUGGS galaxies in a modified spin-ellipticity diagram", Bellstedt S., Graham A.W., Forbes D.A., Romanowsky A.J., Brodie J.P., Strader J. 2017, MNRAS, 470, 1321

127. "The stellar initial mass function in early-type galaxies from absorption line spectroscopy. III. Radial gradients", van Dokkum P., Conroy C., Villaume A., Brodie J., Romanowsky A.J. 2017, ApJ, 841, 68

126. "The HI content of isolated ultra-diffuse galaxies: A sign of multiple formation mechanisms?", Papastergis E., Adams E.A.K., Romanowsky A.J. 2017, A&A, 601, L10

125. "The SLUGGS Survey: dark matter fractions at large radii and assembly epochs of early-type galaxies from globular cluster kinematics", Alabi A.B., Forbes D.A., Romanowsky A.J., Brodie J.P., Strader J., Janz J., Usher C., Spitler L.R., Bellstedt S., Ferré-Mateu A. 2017, MNRAS, 468, 3949

124. "Detection of supermassive black holes in two Virgo ultracompact dwarf galaxies", Ahn C.P., Seth A.C., den Brok M., Strader J., Baumgardt H., van den Bosch R., Chilingarian I., Frank M., Hilker M., McDermid R., Mieske S., Romanowsky A.J., Spitler L., Brodie J., Neumayer N., Walsh J.L. 2017, ApJ, 839, 72

123. "Ultra-diffuse and ultra-compact galaxies in the Frontier Fields cluster Abell 2744", Janssens S., Abraham R., Brodie J., Forbes D., Romanowsky A.J., van Dokkum P. 2017, ApJL, 839, L17

122. "The SLUGGS survey: using extended stellar kinematics to disentangle the formation histories of low-mass S0 galaxies", Bellstedt S., Forbes D.A., Foster C., Romanowsky A.J., Brodie J.P., Pastorello N., Alabi A., Villaume A. 2017, MNRAS, 467, 4540

121. "The SLUGGS Survey: a catalog of over 4000 globular cluster radial velocities in 27 nearby early-type galaxies", Forbes D.A., Alabi A., Brodie J.P., Romanowsky A.J., Strader J., Foster C., Usher C., Spitler L., Bellstedt S., Pastorello N., Villaume A., Wasserman A., Pota V. 2017, AJ, 153, 114

120. "The SLUGGS Survey: stellar masses and effective radii of early-type galaxies from Spitzer Space Telescope 3.6 μm imaging", Forbes D.A., Sinpetru L., Savorgnan G., Romanowsky A.J., Usher C., Brodie J. 2017, MNRAS, 464, 4611

119. "Stellar populations across the black hole mass–velocity dispersion relation", Martín-Navarro I., Brodie J.P., van den Bosch R.C.E., Romanowsky A.J., Forbes D.A. 2016, ApJL, 832, L11

118. "Ultraluminous X-ray bursts in two ultracompact companions to nearby elliptical galaxies", Irwin J.A., Maksym W.P., Sivakoff G.R., Romanowsky A.J., Lin D., Speegle T., Prado I., Mildebrath D., Strader J., Liu J., Miller J.M. 2016, Nature, 538, 356

117. "The SLUGGS Survey: revisiting the correlation between X-ray luminosity and total mass of massive early-type galaxies", Forbes D.A., Alabi A., Romanowsky A.J., Kim D.-W., Brodie J.P., Fabbiano G. 2017, MNRAS, 464, L26

116. "Metallicity and age of the stellar stream around the disk galaxy NGC 5907", Laine S., Grillmair C.J., Capak P., Arendt R.G., Romanowsky A.J., Martínez-Delgado D., Ashby M.L.N., Davies J.E., Majewski S.R., Brodie J.P., GaBany R.J., Arnold J.A. 2016, AJ, 152, 72

115. "A discrete chemo-dynamical model of the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 5846: dark matter fraction, internal rotation and velocity anisotropy out to six effective radii", Zhu L., Romanowsky A.J., van de Ven G., Long R.L., Watkins L.L., Pota V., Napolitano N.R., Forbes D.A., Brodie J., Foster C. 2016, MNRAS, 462, 4001

114. "A high stellar velocity dispersion and ~100 globular clusters in the ultra-diffuse galaxy Dragonfly 44", van Dokkum P., Abraham R., Brodie J., Conroy C., Danieli S., Merritt A., Mowla L., Romanowsky A., Zhang J. 2016, ApJL, 828, L6

113. "First results from the MADCASH Survey: a faint dwarf galaxy companion to the low-mass spiral galaxy NGC 2403 at 3.2 Mpc", Carlin J.L., Sand D.J., Price P., Willman B., Karunakaran A., Spekkens K., Bell E.F., Brodie J.P., Crnojević D., Forbes D.A., Hargis J., Kirby E.K., Lupton R., Peter A.H.G., Romanowsky A.J., Strader J. 2016, ApJL, 828, L5

112. "The SLUGGS survey: a new mask design to reconstruct the stellar populations and kinematics of both inner and outer galaxy regions", Pastorello, N., Forbes, D.A., Poci, A., Romanowsky, A.J., McDermid, R., Alabi, A.B., Brodie, J.P., Cappellari, M., Pota, V., Foster, C. 2016, PASA, 33, e035

111. "The mass discrepancy acceleration relation in early-type galaxies: extended mass profiles and the phantom menace to MOND", Janz J., Cappellari M., Romanowsky A.J., Ciotti L., Alabi A., Forbes D.A. 2016, MNRAS, 461, 2367

110. "The SLUGGS Survey: the mass distribution in early-type galaxies within five effective radii and beyond", Alabi A., Forbes D.A., Romanowsky A.J., Brodie J.P., Strader J., Janz J., Pota V., Pastorello N., Usher C., Spitler L.R. Foster C., Jennings Z.G., Villaume A., Kartha S. 2016, MNRAS, 460, 3838

109. "Star clusters in M31: VII. Global kinematics and metallicity subpopulations of the globular clusters", Caldwell, N., Romanowsky, A.J. 2016, ApJ, 824, 42

108. "New spectroscopic technique based on coaddition of surface brightness fluctuations: NGC 4449 and its stellar tidal stream", Toloba E., Guhathakurta P., Romanowsky A.J., Brodie J.P., Martínez-Delgado D., Arnold J.A., Ramachandran N., Theakanath K. 2016, ApJ, 824, 35

107. "Discovery of the candidate off-nuclear ultrasoft hyper-luminous X-ray source 3XMM J141711.1+522541", Lin D., Carrasco E.R., Webb N.A., Irwin J.A., Dupke R., Romanowsky A.J., Ramirez-Ruiz E., Strader J., Homan J., Barret D., Godet O. 2016, ApJ, 821, 25

106. "Discovery of an ultra-diffuse galaxy in the Pisces–Perseus supercluster", Martínez-Delgado, D., Läsker, R., Sharina, M., Toloba, E., Fliri, J., Beaton, R., Valls-Gabaud, D., Karachentsev, I.D., Chonis, T.S., Grebel, E.K., Forbes, D.A., Romanowsky, A.J., Gallego-Laborda, J., Teuwen, K., Gómez-Flechoso, M.A., Wang, J., Guhathakurta, P., Kaisin, S., Ho, N. 2016, AJ, 151, 96

105. "The SLUGGS survey: exploring the globular cluster systems of the Leo II group and their global relationships", Kartha, S.S., Forbes, D.A., Alabi, A.B., Brodie, J.P., Romanowsky, A.J., Strader, J., Spitler, L.R., Jennings, Z.G., Roediger, J.C. 2016, MNRAS, 458, 105

104. "An overmassive dark halo around an ultra-diffuse galaxy in the Virgo cluster", Beasley, M.A., Romanowsky, A.J., Pota, V., Martin-Navarro, I., Martinez-Delgado, D., Neyer, F., Deich, A.L. 2016, ApJL, 819, L20

103. "The SLUGGS Survey: globular clusters and the dark matter content of early-type galaxies", Forbes, D.A., Alabi, A., Romanowsky, A.J., Brodie, J.P., Strader, J., Usher, C., Pota, V. 2016, MNRASL, 458, L44

102. "The SLUGGS Survey: the assembly histories of individual early-type galaxies", Forbes, D.A., Romanowsky, A.J., Pastorello, N., Foster, C., Brodie, J.P., Strader, J., Usher, C., Pota, V. 2016, MNRAS, 457, 1242

101. "Satellite accretion in action: a tidally disrupting dwarf spheroidal around the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 253", Romanowsky, A.J., Martínez-Delgado, D., Martin, N.F., Morales, G., Jennings, Z.G., GaBany, R.J., Brodie, J.P., Grebel, E.K., Schedler, J., Sidonio, M. 2016, MNRASL, 457, L103

100. "The SLUGGS Survey: stellar kinematics, kinemetry and trends at large radii in 25 early-type galaxies", Foster C., Pastorello N., Roediger J., Brodie J.P., Forbes D.A., Kartha S.S., Pota V., Romanowsky A.J., Spitler L.R., Strader J., Usher C., Arnold J.A. 2016, MNRAS, 457, 147

99. "The SLUGGS survey: chromodynamical modelling of the lenticular galaxy NGC 1023", Cortesi A., Chies-Santos A.L., Pota V., Foster C., Coccato L., Mendes de Oliveira C., Forbes D.A., Merrifield M.M., Bamford S.P., Romanowsky A.J., Brodie J.P., Kartha S.S., Alabi A.B., Proctor R.N., Almeida A. 2016, MNRAS, 456, 2611

98. "The AIMSS Project – III. The stellar populations of compact stellar systems", Janz, J., Norris, M.A., Forbes, D.A., Huxor, A., Romanowsky, A.J., Frank, M.J., Escudero, C.G., Faifer, F.R., Forte, J.C., Kannappan, S.J., Maraston, C., Brodie, J.P., Strader, J., Thompson, B.R. 2016, MNRAS, 456, 617

97. "NGC 3628-UCD1: a possible ω Cen analog embedded in a stellar stream", Jennings Z.G., Romanowsky A.J., Brodie J.P., Janz J., Norris M.A., Forbes D.A., Martinez-Delgado D., Fagioli M., Penny S.J. 2015, ApJL, 812, L10

96. "VEGAS: A VST Early-type GAlaxy Survey. I. Presentation, wide-field surface photometry, and substructures in NGC 4472", Capaccioli M., Spavone M., Grado A., Iodice E., Limatola L., Napolitano N.R., Cantiello M., Paolillo M., Romanowsky A.J., Forbes D.A., Puzia T.H., Raimondo G., Schipani P. 2015, A&A, 581, A10

95. "The SLUGGS survey: globular cluster kinematics in a 'double sigma' galaxy – NGC 4473", Alabi A.B., Foster C., Forbes D.A., Romanowsky A.J., Pastorello N., Brodie J.P., Spitler L.R., Strader J., Usher C. 2015, MNRAS, 452, 2208

94. "Hiding in plain sight: record-breaking compact stellar systems in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey", Sandoval M.A., Vo R.P., Romanowsky A.J., Strader J., Choi J., Jennings Z.G., Conroy C., Brodie J.P., Foster C., Villaume A., Norris M.A., Janz J., Forbes D.A. 2015, ApJL, 808, L32

93. "The SLUGGS survey: inferring the formation epochs of metal-poor and metal-rich globular clusters", Forbes D.A., Pastorello N., Romanowsky A., Usher C., Brodie J.P., Strader J. 2015, MNRAS, 452, 1045

92. "The megasecond Chandra X-ray visionary project observation of NGC 3115 (III): luminosity functions of LMXBs and dependence on stellar environments", Lin D., Irwin J.A., Wong K.-W., Jennings Z.G., Homan J., Romanowsky A.J., Strader J., Brodie J.P., Sivakoff G.R., Remillard R.A. 2015, ApJ, 808, 20

91. "The megasecond Chandra X-ray visionary project observation of NGC 3115 (II): properties of point sources", Lin D., Irwin J.A., Wong K.-W., Jennings Z.G., Homan J., Romanowsky A.J., Strader J., Sivakoff G.R., Brodie J.P., Remillard R.A. 2015, ApJ, 808, 19

90. "VIMOS mosaic integral-field spectroscopy of the bulge and disc of the early-type galaxy NGC 4697", Spiniello C., Napolitano N.R., Coccato L., Pota V., Romanowsky A.J., Tortora C., Covone G., Capaccioli M. 2015, MNRAS, 452, 99

89. "The SLUGGS survey: combining stellar and globular cluster metallicities in the outer regions of early-type galaxies", Pastorello N., Forbes D.A., Usher C., Brodie J.P., Romanowsky A.J., Strader J., Spitler L.R., Alabi A.B., Foster C., Jennings Z.G., Kartha S.S., Pota V. 2015, MNRAS, 451, 2625

88. "The SLUGGS survey: multipopulation dynamical modelling of the elliptical galaxy NGC 1407 from stars and globular clusters", Pota V., Romanowsky A.J., Brodie J.P., Peñarrubia J., Forbes D.A., Napolitano N.R., Foster C., Walker M.G., Strader J., Roediger J.C. 2015, MNRAS, 450, 3345

87. "Spectroscopic confirmation of the existence of large, diffuse galaxies in the Coma cluster", van Dokkum P.G., Romanowsky A.J., Abraham R., Brodie J.P., Conroy C., Geha M., Merritt A., Villaume A., Zhang J. 2015, ApJL, 804, L26

86. "A SLUGGS and Gemini/GMOS combined study of the elliptical galaxy M60: wide-field photometry and kinematics of the globular cluster system", Pota V., Brodie J.P., Bridges T., Strader J., Romanowsky A.J., Villaume A., Jennings Z., Faifer F.R., Pastorello N., Forbes D.A., Campbell A., Usher C., Foster C., Spitler L.R., Caldwell N., Forte J.C., Norris M.A., Zepf S.E., Beasley M.A., Gebhardt K., Hanes D.A., Sharples R.M., Arnold J.A. 2015, MNRAS, 450, 1962

85. "Small scatter and nearly-isothermal mass profiles to four half-light radii from two-dimensional stellar dynamics of early-type galaxies", Cappellari M., Romanowsky A.J., Brodie J.P., Forbes D.A., Strader J., Foster C., Kartha S.S., Pastorello N., Pota V., Spitler L.R., Usher C., Arnold J.A. 2015, ApJL, 804, L21

84. "How elevated is the dynamical-to-stellar mass ratio of the ultra-compact dwarf S999?", Janz J., Forbes D.A., Norris M.A., Strader J., Penny S.J., Fagioli M., Romanowsky A.J. 2015, MNRAS, 449, 1716

83. "VEGAS-SSS. A VST early-type galaxy survey: analysis of small stellar systems. Testing the methodology on the globular cluster system in NGC 3115", Cantiello M., Capaccioli M., Napolitano N., Grado A., Limatola L., Paolillo M., Iodice E., Romanowsky A.J., Forbes D.A., Raimondo, G., Spavone M., La Barbera F., Puzia T.H., Schipani P. 2015, A&A, 576, A14

82. "Detection of a distinct metal-poor stellar halo in the early-type galaxy NGC 3115", Peacock M.B., Strader J., Romanowsky A.J., Brodie J.P. 2015, ApJ, 800, 13

81. "The SLUGGS survey: globular cluster stellar population trends from weak absorption lines in stacked spectra", Usher C., Forbes D.A., Brodie J.P., Romanowsky A.J., Strader J., Conroy C., Foster C., Pastorello N., Pota V., Arnold J.A., 2015, MNRAS, 446, 369

80. "The SAGES Legacy Unifying Globulars and GalaxieS survey (SLUGGS): sample definition, methods, and initial results", Brodie J.P., Romanowsky A.J., Strader J., Forbes D.A., Foster C., Jennings Z.G., Pastorello N., Pota V., Usher C., Blom C., Kader J., Roediger J.C., Spitler L.R., Villaume A., Arnold J.A., Kartha S.S., Woodley K.A., 2014, ApJ, 796, 52

79. "Evolution of central dark matter of early-type galaxies up to z ~ 0.8", Tortora C., Napolitano N.R., Saglia R.P., Romanowsky A.J., Covone G., Capaccioli M., 2014, MNRAS, 445, 162

78. "Systematic variations of central mass density slopes in early-type galaxies", Tortora C., La Barbera F., Napolitano N.R., Romanowsky A.J., Ferreras I., de Carvalho R.R., 2014, MNRAS, 445, 115

77. "The AIMSS Project – II. Dynamical-to-stellar mass ratios across the star cluster–galaxy divide", Forbes D.A., Norris M.A., Strader J., Romanowsky A.J., Pota V., Kannappan S.J., Brodie J.P., Huxor A., 2014, MNRAS, 444, 2993

76. "Simulating multiple merger pathways to the central kinematics of early-type galaxies", Moody C.E., Romanowsky A.J., Cox T.J., Novak G.S., Primack J.R., 2014, MNRAS, 444, 1475

75. "The SLUGGS Survey: wide-field stellar kinematics of early-type galaxies", Arnold J.A., Romanowsky A.J., Brodie J.P., Forbes D.A., Strader J., Spitler L.R., Foster C., Blom C., Kartha S.S., Pastorello N., Pota V., Usher C., Woodley K.A., 2014, ApJ, 791, 80

74. "The AIMSS Project – I. Bridging the star cluster–galaxy divide", Norris M.A., Kannappan S.J., Forbes D.A., Romanowsky A.J., Brodie J.P., Faifer F.R., Huxor A., Maraston C., Moffett A.J., Penny S.J., Pota V., Smith-Castelli A., Strader J., Bradley D., Eckert K., Fohring D., McBride J., Stark D., Vaduvescu O., 2014, MNRAS, 443, 1151

73. "Kinematics and simulations of the stellar stream in the halo of the Umbrella Galaxy", Foster C., Lux H., Romanowsky A.J., Martínez-Delgado D., Zibetti S., Arnold J.A., Brodie J.P., Ciardullo R., GaBany R.J., Merrifield M.R., Singh N., Strader J., 2014, MNRAS, 442, 3544

72. "Dynamical models of elliptical galaxies – II. M87 and its globular clusters", Agnello A., Evans N.W., Romanowsky A.J., Brodie J.P., 2014, MNRAS, 442, 3299

71. "Dynamical models of elliptical galaxies – I. Simple methods", Agnello A., Evans N.W., Romanowsky A.J., 2014, MNRAS, 442, 3284

70. "The SLUGGS Survey: HST/ACS mosaic imaging of the NGC 3115 globular cluster system", Jennings Z.G., Strader J., Romanowsky A.J, Brodie J.P., Arnold J.A., Lin D., Irwin J.A., Sivakoff G.R., Wong K.-W., 2014, AJ, 148, 32

69. "The SLUGGS survey: exploring the metallicity gradients of nearby early-type galaxies to large radii", Pastorello N., Forbes D.A., Foster C., Brodie J.P., Usher C., Romanowsky A.J., Strader J., Arnold J.A., 2014, MNRAS, 442, 1003

68. "A globular cluster toward M87 with a radial velocity < –1000 km s–1: the first hypervelocity cluster", Caldwell N., Strader J., Romanowsky A.J., Brodie J.P., Moore B., Diemand J., Martizzi D., 2014, ApJL, 787, L11

67. "Ultra compact dwarfs in the core of the Perseus Cluster: UCD formation via tidal stripping", Penny S.J., Forbes D.A., Strader J., Usher C., Brodie J.P., Romanowsky A.J., 2014, MNRAS, 439, 3808

66. "The SLUGGS Survey: new evidence for a tidal interaction between the early-type galaxies NGC 4365 and NGC 4342", Blom C., Forbes D.A., Foster C., Romanowsky A.J., Brodie J.P. 2014, MNRAS, 439, 2420

65. "The SLUGGS survey: breaking degeneracies between dark matter, anisotropy and the IMF using globular cluster subpopulations in the giant elliptical NGC 5846", Napolitano N.R., Pota V., Romanowsky A.J., Forbes D.A., Brodie J.P., Foster C., 2014, MNRAS, 439, 659

64. "MOND and IMF variations in early-type galaxies from ATLAS3D", Tortora C., Romanowsky A.J., Cardone V.F., Napolitano N.R., Jetzer Ph. 2014, MNRASL, 438, L46

63. "The SLUGGS survey: the globular cluster systems of three early-type galaxies using wide-field imaging", Kartha S.S., Forbes D.A., Spitler L.R., Romanowsky A.J., Arnold J.A., Brodie J.P. 2014, MNRAS, 437, 273

62. "The SLUGGS survey: wide field imaging of the globular cluster system of NGC 4278", Usher C., Forbes D.A., Spitler L.R., Brodie J.P., Romanowsky A.J., Strader J., Woodley K.A. 2013, MNRAS, 436, 1172

61. "The SLUGGS survey: outer triaxiality of the fast rotator elliptical NGC 4473", Foster C., Arnold J.A., Forbes D.A., Pastorello N., Romanowsky A.J., Spitler L.R., Strader J., Brodie J.P. 2013, MNRAS, 435, 3587

60. "Filling the gap: a new class of old star cluster?", Forbes D.A., Pota V., Usher C., Strader J., Romanowsky A.J., Brodie J.P., Arnold J.A., Spitler L.R. 2013, MNRASL, 435, L6

59. "The densest galaxy", Strader J., Seth A.C., Forbes D.A., Fabbiano G., Romanowsky A.J., Brodie J.P., Conroy C., Caldwell N., Pota V., Usher C., Arnold J.A. 2013, ApJL, 775, L6

58. "The paucity of globular clusters around the field elliptical NGC 7507", Caso J.P., Richtler T., Bassino L.P., Salinas R., Lane R.R., Romanowsky A. 2013, A&A, 555, A56

57. "The SLUGGS survey: probing the supermassive black hole connection with bulges and haloes using red and blue globular cluster systems", Pota V., Graham A.W., Forbes D.A., Romanowsky A.J., Brodie J.P., Strader J. 2013, MNRAS, 433, 235

56. "Planetary Nebula Spectrograph survey of S0 galaxy kinematics – II. Clues to the origins of S0 galaxies", Cortesi A., Merrifield M.R., Coccato L., Arnaboldi M., Gerhard O., Bamford S., Napolitano N.R., Romanowsky A.J., Douglas N.G., Kuijken K., Capaccioli M., Freeman K.C., Saha K., Chies-Santos A.L. 2013, MNRAS, 432, 1010

55. "Angular momentum and galaxy formation revisited: effects of variable mass-to-light ratios", Fall S.M., Romanowsky A.J. 2013, ApJL, 769, L26

54. "An inventory of the stellar initial mass function in early-type galaxies", Tortora C., Romanowsky A.J., Napolitano N.R., 2013, ApJ, 765, 8

53. "The Planetary Nebula Spectrograph survey of S0 galaxy kinematics. Data and overview", Cortesi A., Arnaboldi M., Coccato L., Merrifield M.R., Gerhard O., Bamford S., Romanowsky A.J., Napolitano N.R., Douglas N.G., Kuijken K., Capaccioli M., Freeman K.C., Chies-Santos A.L., Pota V. 2013, A&A, 549, A115

52. "The SLUGGS Survey: kinematics for over 2500 globular clusters in twelve early-type galaxies", Pota V., Forbes D.A., Romanowsky A.J., Brodie J.P., Spitler L.R., Strader J., Foster C., Arnold J.A., Benson A., Blom C., Hargis J.R., Rhode K.L., Usher C. 2013, MNRAS, 428, 389

51. "Angular momentum and galaxy formation revisited", Romanowsky A.J., Fall S.M. 2012, ApJS, 203, 17

50. "The SLUGGS Survey: NGC 3115, a critical test case for metallicity bimodality in globular cluster systems", Brodie J.P., Usher C., Conroy C., Strader J., Arnold J.A., Forbes D.A., Romanowsky A.J. 2012, ApJL, 759, L33

49. "The SLUGGS survey: globular cluster system kinematics and substructure in NGC 4365", Blom C., Forbes D.A., Brodie J.P., Foster C., Romanowsky A.J., Spitler L.R., Strader J. 2012, MNRAS, 426, 1959

48. "The SLUGGS survey: calcium triplet-based spectroscopic metallicities for over 900 globular clusters", Usher C., Forbes D.A., Brodie J.P., Foster C., Spitler L.R., Arnold J.A., Romanowsky A.J., Strader J., Pota V. 2012, MNRAS, 426, 1475

47. "Radially extended kinematics in the S0 galaxy NGC 2768 from planetary nebulae, globular clusters and starlight", Forbes D.A., Cortesi A., Pota V., Foster C., Romanowsky A.J., Merrifield M.R., Brodie J.P., Strader J., Coccato L., Napolitano N. 2012, MNRAS, 426, 975

46. "SPIDER – VI. The central dark matter content of luminous early-type galaxies: Benchmark correlations with mass, structural parameters and environment", Tortora C., La Barbera F., Napolitano N.R., de Carvalho R.R., Romanowsky A.J. 2012, MNRAS, 425, 577

45. "The globular cluster system of NGC 1316. II. The extraordinary object SH2", Richtler T., Kumar B., Bassino L.P., Dirsch B., & Romanowsky A.J. 2012, A&A, 543, L7

44. "Evidence for inhomogeneous reionization in the local Universe from metal-poor globular cluster systems", Spitler, L.R., Romanowsky A.J., Diemand, J., Strader J., Forbes, D.A., Moore, B., Brodie, J.P. 2012, MNRAS, 423, 2177

43. "Dwarfs gobbling dwarfs: A stellar tidal stream around NGC 4449 and hierarchical galaxy formation on small scales", Martínez-Delgado D., Romanowsky A.J., GaBany R.J., Annibali F., Arnold J.A., Fliri J., Zibetti S., van der Marel R.P., Rix H.-W., Chonis T.S., Carballo-Bello J.A., Aloisi A., Maccio A.V., Gallego-Laborda J., Brodie J.P., Merrifield M.R. 2012, ApJ, 748, L24

42. "Testing Yukawa-like potentials from f(R)-gravity in elliptical galaxies", Napolitano N.R., Capozziello S., Romanowsky A.J., Capaccioli M., Tortora C. 2012, ApJ, 748, 87

41. "The ongoing assembly of a central cluster galaxy: phase-space substructures in the halo of M87", Romanowsky A.J., Strader J., Brodie J.P., Mihos J.C., Spitler L.R., Forbes D.A., Foster C., Arnold J.A. 2012, ApJ, 748, 29

40. "Kinematic properties of the field elliptical NGC 7507", Salinas, R., Richtler, T., Bassino, L.P., Romanowsky, A.J., Schuberth, Y. 2012, A&A, 538, A87

39. "Stellar mass-to-light ratio gradients in galaxies: correlations with mass", Tortora C., Napolitano N.R., Romanowsky A.J., Jetzer Ph., Cardone V.F., Capaccioli M. 2011, MNRAS, 418, 1557

38. "Wide-field precision kinematics of the M87 globular cluster system", Strader J., Romanowsky A.J., Brodie J.P., Spitler L.R., Beasley M.A., Arnold J.A., Tamura N., Sharples R.M., Arimoto N. 2011, ApJS, 197, 33

37. "The relationships among compact stellar systems: a fresh view of ultra compact dwarfs", Brodie, J.P., Romanowsky A.J., Strader J., Forbes, D.A. 2011, AJ, 142, 199

36. "Galaxies in ΛCDM with Halo Abundance Matching: luminosity-velocity relation, baryonic mass-velocity relation, velocity function, and clustering", Trujillo-Gomez S., Klypin A., Primack J., Romanowsky A.J., 2011, ApJ, 742, 16

35. "Global properties of 'ordinary' early-type galaxies: photometry and spectroscopy of stars and globular clusters in NGC 4494", Foster C., Spitler L.R., Romanowsky A.J., Forbes D.A., Pota V., Bekki K., Strader J., Proctor R.N., Arnold J.A., Brodie J.P., 2011, MNRAS, 415, 3393

34. "The fossil record of two-phase galaxy assembly: Kinematics and metallicities in the nearest S0 galaxy", Arnold J.A., Romanowsky A.J., Brodie J.P., Chomiuk L., Spitler L.R., Strader J., Benson A.J., Forbes D.A. 2011 ApJ, 736, L26

33. "An extremely luminous panchromatic outburst from the nucleus of a distant galaxy", Levan A.J., Tanvir N.R., Cenko S.B., Perley D.A., Wiersema K., Bloom J.S., Fruchter A.S., de Ugarte Postigo A., O'Brien P.T., Butler N., van der Horst A.J., Leloudas G., Morgan A.N., Misra K., Bower G.C., Farihi J., Tunnicliffe R.L., Modjaz M., Silverman J.M., Hjorth J., Thöne C., Cucchiara A., Castro Cerón J.M., Castro-Tirado A.J., Arnold J.A., Bremer M., Brodie J.P., Carroll T., Cooper M.C., Curran P.A., Cutri R.M., Ehle J., Forbes D., Fynbo J., Gorosabel J., Graham J., Hoffman D.I., Guziy S., Jakobsson P., Kamble A., Kerr T., Kasliwal M.M., Kouveliotou C., Kocevski D., Law N.M., Nugent P.E., Ofek E.O., Poznanski D., Quimby R.M., Rol E., Romanowsky A.J., Sánchez-Ramírez R., Schulze S., Singh N., van Spaandonk L., Starling R.L.C., Strom R.G., Tello J.C., Vaduvescu O., Wheatley P.J., Wijers R.A.M.J., Winters J.M., Xu D., 2011, Science, 333, 199

32. "The dark halo of the Hydra I galaxy cluster: core, cusp, cosmological? Dynamics of NGC 3311 and its globular cluster system", Richtler T., Salinas R., Misgeld I., Hilker M., Hau G.K.T., Romanowsky A.J., Schuberth Y., Spolaor M., 2011, A&A, 531, A119

31. "Unravelling the origins of S0 galaxies using maximum likelihood analysis of planetary nebulae kinematics", Cortesi A., Merrifield M.R., Arnaboldi M., Gerhard O., Martinez-Valpuesta I., Saha K., Coccato L., Bamford S., Napolitano N.R., Das P., Douglas N.G., Romanowsky A.J., Kuijken K., Capaccioli M., Freeman K.C., 2011, MNRAS, 414, 642

30. "Evidence for two phases of galaxy formation from radial trends in the globular cluster system of NGC 1407", Forbes D.A., Spitler L.R., Strader J., Romanowsky A.J., Brodie J.P., Foster C., 2011, MNRAS, 413, 2943

29. "Optical and near-infrared velocity dispersions of early-type galaxies", Vanderbeke J., Baes M., Romanowsky A.J., Schmidtobreick L., 2011, MNRAS, 412, 2017

28. "Crazy heart: kinematics of the "star pile" in Abell 545", Salinas, R., Richtler, T., West, M.J., Romanowsky, A.J., Lloyd-Davies, E., Schuberth, Y. 2011, A&A, 528, A61

27. "The PN.S Elliptical Galaxy Survey: a standard ΛCDM halo around NGC 4374?", Napolitano N.R., Romanowsky A.J., Capaccioli M., Douglas N.G., Arnaboldi M., Coccato L., Gerhard O., Kuijken K., Merrifield M.R., Bamford S.P., Cortesi A., Das P., Freeman K.C., 2011, MNRAS, 411, 2035

26. "Star clusters in M31: Old clusters with bar kinematics", Morrison H., Caldwell N., Schiavon R.P., Athanassoula E., Romanowsky A.J., Harding P., 2011, ApJ, 726, L9

25. "Central dark matter trends in early-type galaxies from strong lensing, dynamics and stellar populations", Tortora C., Napolitano N.R., Romanowsky A.J., Jetzer P., 2010, ApJ, 721, L1

24. "The central dark matter content of early-type galaxies: scaling relations and connections with star formation histories", Napolitano N.R., Romanowsky A.J., Tortora C., 2010, MNRAS, 405, 2351

23. "The globular cluster system of NGC 1399. V. Dynamics of the cluster system out to 80 kpc", Schuberth Y., Richtler T., Hilker M., Dirsch B., Bassino L.P., Romanowsky A.J., Infante L., 2010, A&A, 513, A52

22. "Probing the 2D kinematic structure of early-type galaxies out to three effective radii", Proctor R.N., Forbes D.A., Romanowsky A.J., Brodie J.P., Strader J., Spolaor M., Mendel J.T., Spitler L., 2009, MNRAS, 398, 91

21. "Central mass-to-light ratios and dark matter fractions in early-type galaxies", Tortora C., Napolitano N.R., Romanowsky A.J., Capaccioli M., Covone G., 2009, MNRAS, 396, 1132

20. "Mapping the dark side with DEIMOS: globular clusters, X-ray gas, and dark matter in the NGC 1407 group", Romanowsky A.J., Strader J., Spitler L., Johnson R., Brodie J.P., Forbes D.A., Ponman T., 2009, AJ, 137, 4956

19. "Dearth of dark matter or massive dark halo? Mass-shape-anisotropy degeneracies revealed by NMAGIC dynamical models of the elliptical galaxy NGC 3379", De Lorenzi F., Gerhard O., Coccato L., Arnaboldi M., Capaccioli M., Douglas N.G., Freeman K.C., Kuijken K., Merrifield M.R., Napolitano N.R., Noordermeer E., Romanowsky A.J., Debattista V.P., 2009, MNRAS, 395, 76

18. "Kinematic properties of early-type galaxy haloes using planetary nebulae", Coccato L., Gerhard O., Arnaboldi M., Das P., Douglas N.G., Kuijken K., Merrifield M.R., Napolitano N.R., Noordermeer E., Romanowsky A.J., Capaccioli M., Cortesi A., De Lorenzi F., Freeman K.C., 2009, MNRAS, 394, 1249

17. "The Planetary Nebula Spectrograph elliptical galaxy survey: the dark matter in NGC 4494", Napolitano N.R., Romanowsky A.J., Coccato L., Capaccioli M., Douglas N.G., Noordermeer E., Gerhard O., Arnaboldi M., De Lorenzi F., Kuijken K., Merrifield M.R., O'Sullivan E., Cortesi A., Das P., Freeman K.C., 2009, MNRAS, 393, 329

16. "Testing the nature of S0 galaxies using planetary nebula kinematics in NGC 1023", Noordermeer E., Merrifield M.R., Coccato L., Arnaboldi M., Capaccioli M., Douglas N.G., Freeman K.C., Gerhard O., Kuijken K., De Lorenzi F., Napolitano N.R., Romanowsky A.J., 2008, MNRAS, 384, 943

15. "The dark matter halo of NGC1399 – CDM or MOND?", Richtler T., Schuberth Y., Hilker M., Dirsch B., Bassino L., Romanowsky A.J., 2008, A&A, 478, L23

14. "The star pile in Abell 545", Salinas R., Richtler T., Romanowsky A.J., West M.J., Schuberth Y., 2007, A&A, 475, 707

13. "The PN.S Elliptical Galaxy Survey: data reduction, planetary nebula catalog, and basic dynamics for NGC 3379", Douglas N.G., Napolitano N.R., Romanowsky A.J., Coccato L., Kuijken K., Merrifield M.R., Arnaboldi M., Gerhard O., Freeman K.C., Merrett H.R., Noordermeer E., Capaccioli M., 2007, ApJ, 664, 257

12. "The Araucaria Project. An accurate distance to NGC 6822 from near-infrared photometry of Cepheid variables", Gieren W., Pietrzynski G., Nalewajko K., Soszynski I., Bresolin F., Kudritzki R.-P., Minniti D., Romanowsky A.. 2006, ApJ, 647, 1056

11. "A deep kinematic survey of planetary nebulae in the Andromeda Galaxy using the Planetary Nebula Spectrograph", Merrett H.R., Merrifield M.R., Douglas N.G., Kuijken K., Romanowsky A.J., Napolitano N.R., Arnaboldi M., Capaccioli M., Freeman K.C., Gerhard O., Coccato L., Carter D., Evans N.W., Wilkinson M.I., Halliday C., Bridges T. J. 2006, MNRAS, 369, 120

10. "Planetary nebula velocities in the disk and bulge of M31", Halliday C., Carter D., Bridges T.J., Jackson Z.C., Wilkinson M.I., Quinn D.P., Evans N.W., Douglas N.G., Merrett H.R., Merrifield M.R., Romanowsky A.J., Kuijken K., Irwin M.J. 2006, MNRAS, 369, 97

9. "Wide-field kinematics of globular clusters in the Leo I group", Bergond G., Zepf S.E., Romanowsky A.J., Sharples R.M., Rhode K.L., 2006, A&A, 448, 155

8. "Mass-to-light ratio gradients in early-type galaxy haloes", Napolitano N.R., Capaccioli M., Romanowsky A.J., Douglas N.G., Merrifield, M.R., Kuijken K., Arnaboldi M., Gerhard O., Freeman K.C. 2005, MNRAS, 357, 691

7. "Tracing the star stream through M31 using planetary nebula kinematics", Merrett H.R., Kuijken K., Merrifield M.R., Romanowsky A.J., Douglas N.G., Napolitano N.R., Arnaboldi M., Capaccioli M., Freeman K.C., Gerhard O., Evans N.W., Wilkinson M.I., Halliday C., Bridges T.J., Carter D. 2003, MNRAS, 346, L62

6. "A dearth of dark matter in ordinary elliptical galaxies", Romanowsky A.J., Douglas N.G., Arnaboldi M., Kuijken K., Merrifield M.R., Napolitano N.R., Capaccioli M., Freeman K.C. 2003, Science, 301, 1696

5. "The Planetary Nebula Spectrograph: the green light for galaxy kinematics", Douglas, N.G., Arnaboldi, M., Freeman, K.C., Kuijken, K., Merrifield, M.R., Romanowsky, A.J., Taylor, K., Capaccioli, M., Axelrod, T., Gilmozzi, R., Hart, J., Bloxham, G., Jones, D. 2002, PASP, 114, 1234

4. "Dynamics of stars and globular clusters in M87", Romanowsky, A.J., Kochanek, C.S. 2001, ApJ, 553, 722

3. "Constraints on H0 from the central velocity dispersions of lens galaxies", Romanowsky, A.J., Kochanek, C.S. 1999, ApJ, 516, 18

2. "Twisting of X-ray isophotes in triaxial galaxies", Romanowsky, A.J., Kochanek, C.S. 1998, ApJ, 493, 641

1. "Structural and dynamical uncertainties in modelling axisymmetric elliptical galaxies", Romanowsky, A.J., Kochanek, C.S. 1997, MNRAS, 287, 35

Unrefereed Papers

"A revised velocity for the globular cluster GC-98 in the ultra diffuse galaxy NGC1052-DF2", van Dokkum, P., Cohen, Y., Danieli, S., Romanowsky, A., Abraham, R., Brodie, J., Conroy, C., Kruijssen, J.M., Lokhorst, D., Merritt, A., Mowla, L., Zhang, J. 2018, RNAAS, 2, 54

"The Maybe Stream: a possible cold stellar stream in the ultra-diffuse galaxy NGC1052-DF2", Abraham, R., Danieli, S., van Dokkum, P., Conroy, C., Kruijssen, J.M.D., Cohen, Y., Merritt, A., Zhang, J., Lokhorst, L., Brodie, J., Romanowsky, A.J., Janssens, S. 2018, RNAAS, 2, 16

"Structure and substructure of galactic spheroids", Romanowsky, A.J., Brodie, J.P., Bullock, J.S., Ciardullo, R., Guhathakurta, P., Hoffman, L., Olsen, K.A.G., Primack, J.R., van de Ven, G. 2009, Astro2010 Science White Paper, arXiv:0902.3025

"The star formation histories of disk and E/S0 galaxies from resolved stars", Olsen, K.A.G., Romanowsky, A.J., Saha, A., Skillman, E., Williams, B.F., Wyse, R.F.G. 2009, Astro2010 Science White Paper, arXiv:0902.4216

"The Planetary Nebula Spectrograph successfully commissioned", Merrifield, M.R., Douglas, N.G., Kuijken, K., Romanowsky, A.J. 2001, The ING Newsletter, 5, 17

"Extragalactic planetary nebula kinematics with the WHT", Romanowsky, A.J., Douglas, N.G., Arnaboldi, M., Kuijken, K. 2001, The ING Newsletter, 4, 23

Conference Proceedings

"Digging for formational clues in the halos of early-type galaxies", Romanowsky, A.J. , in Hunting for the Dark: The Hidden Side of Galaxy Formation, ed. V.P. Debattista & C.C. Popescu, in press, arXiv:1001.3138

"The orbital structure of the massive elliptical galaxy, NGC 5846", Das, P., Gerhard, O., Coccato, L., Churazov, E., Forman, W., Finoguenov, A., Böhringer, H., Arnaboldi, M., Capaccioli, M., Cortesi, A., de Lorenzi, F., Douglas, N.G., Freeman, K.C., Kuijken, K., Merrifield, M.R., Napolitano, N.R., Noordermeer, E., Romanowsky, A.J. 2008, Astron. Nachr., in press

"Probing the early-type galaxy halos using planetary nebulae as kinematic tracers", Coccato, L., Gerhard, O., Arnaboldi, M., Das, P., Douglas, N.G., Kuijken, K., Merrifield, M.R., Napolitano, N.R., Noordermeer, E., Romanowsky, A.J., Capaccioli, M., Cortesi, A., De Lorenzi, F., Freeman, K.C. 2008, Astron. Nachr., in press

"Dark-matter content of early-type galaxies with planetary nebulae", Napolitano N.R., Romanowsky A.J., Coccato L., Capaccioli M., Douglas N.G., Noordermeer E., Merrifield M.R., Kuijken K., Arnaboldi M., Gerhard O., Freeman, K.C., De Lorenzi F., Das P. 2008, in Proc. IAU Symp. 244, Dark Galaxies & Lost Baryons, ed. J.I. Davies & M.J. Disney (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press), 289

"Kinematics of globular cluster systems", Romanowsky A. J. 2006, in Globular Clusters - Guides to Galaxies, ed. T. Richtler, S.S. Larsen, in press, astro-ph/0609251

"Planetary nebulae as mass tracers in galaxies", Romanowsky A. J. 2006, in Proc. IAU Symp. 234, Planetary Nebulae in Our Galaxy and Beyond, ed. M.J. Barlow & R.H. Mendez (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press), 341

"Probing the environment with galaxy dynamics", Romanowsky A. J. 2007, in ESO Astrophysics Symp., Groups of Galaxies in the Nearby Universe, ed. I. Saviane, V.D. Ivanov & J. Borissova (Berlin: Springer), 385

"Dynamics in galaxy halos", Romanowsky, A.J. 2006 in XI IAU Regional Latin American Meeting of Astronomy, ed.. L. Infante & M. Rubio, RevMexAA SC 26, 198

"NGC 1399 and MOND", Richtler, T., Schuberth, Y., Romanowsky, A. 2006, in XI IAU Regional Latin American Meeting of Astronomy, ed.. L. Infante & M. Rubio, RevMexAA SC 26, 198

"Elliptical galaxy halo masses from internal kinematics", Romanowsky, A. J. 2006, in Proc. XXIst IAP Colloq., Mass Profiles and Shapes of Cosmological Structures, ed. G. A. Mamon, F. Combes, C. Deffayet, B. Fort, (Paris: EDP Sciences), 119

"Planetary nebulae as dynamical tracers: mass-to-light-ratio gradients in early-type galaxies", Napolitano N.R., Romanowsky A.J., Capaccioli M., Kuijken K., Merrifield M.R., Douglas N.G., Arnaboldi M., Freeman K.C., Gerhard O. 2006 in ESO Astrophysics Symp., Planetary Nebulae beyond the Milky Way, ed. L. Stanghellini, J.R. Walsh, N.G. Douglas (Berlin: Springer), 324

"Probing halos with PNe: mass and angular momentum in early-type galaxies", Romanowsky, A. J. 2006, in ESO Astrophysics Symp., Planetary Nebulae beyond the Milky Way, ed. L. Stanghellini, J.R. Walsh, N.G. Douglas (Berlin: Springer), 294

"Mapping the stellar dynamics of M31", Merrett, M., Merrifield, M., Kuijken, K., Romanowsky, A., Douglas, N., Napolitano, N., Arnaboldi, M., Capaccioli, M., Freeman, K., Gerhard, O., Carter, D., Evans, N. W., Wilkinson, M., Halliday, C., Bridges, T. 2006, in ESO Astrophysics Symp., Planetary Nebulae beyond the Milky Way, ed. L. Stanghellini, J.R. Walsh, N.G. Douglas (Berlin: Springer), 281

"Halo masses of early-type galaxies: theory vs observation", Romanowsky, A. J., Napolitano, N. R., Capaccioli, M., Douglas, N. G., Merrifield, M. R., Kuijken, K., Arnaboldi, M., Gerhard, O., Freeman, K. C. 2004, BAAS, 36, 5, 1397

"Some dynamical constraints on the halo of NGC 3379 from wide-field spectroscopy of its globular cluster system", Zepf, S. E., Bergond, G., Romanowsky, A. J., Rhode, K. L., Sharples, R. M., 2004, BAAS, 36, 5, 1397

"Galaxy dynamics with the Planetary Nebula Spectrograph", Napolitano, N. R., Romanowsky, A. J., Douglas, N. G., Capaccioli, M., Arnaboldi, M., Kuijken, K., Merrifield, M. R., Freeman, K. C., Gerhard, O. 2004, Mem. S.A.It. Suppl., 5, 255

"Halo tracers in nearby galaxies", Romanowsky, A. J., Douglas, N. G., Kuijken, K., Merrifield, M. R., Arnaboldi, M., Merrett, H., Napolitano, N. R., Capaccioli, M., Freeman, K. C., Bergond, G., Sharples, R. M., Zepf, S. E., Rhode, K. L. 2003, BAAS, 35, 5, 1312

"Elliptical galaxies: darkly cloaked or scantily clad?", Romanowsky, A. J., Douglas, N. G., Kuijken, K., Merrifield, M. R., Arnaboldi, M., Napolitano, N. R., Merrett, H., Capaccioli, M., Freeman, K. C., Gerhard, O. 2004, in Proc. IAU Symp. 220, Dark Matter in Galaxies, ed. S. Ryder, D. J. Pisano, M. Walker, K. Freeman, (San Francisco: ASP), 165

"Early-type galaxy halo dynamics inferred using the PN Spectrograph", Douglas, N. G., Romanowsky, A. J., Kuijken, K., Merrifield, M. R., Napolitano, N. R., Arnaboldi, M., Freeman, K. C., Capaccioli, M., Gerhard, 0. 2004 "Elliptical galaxies: darkly cloaked or scantily clad?", in Proc. IAU Symp. 220, Dark Matter in Galaxies, ed. S. Ryder, D. J. Pisano, M. Walker, K. Freeman, (San Francisco: ASP), 171

"Is there a dichotomy in the dark matter as well as in the baryonic matter properties of ellipticals?", Napolitano, N. R., Capaccioli, M., Arnaboldi, M., Merrifield, M. R., Douglas, N. G., Kuijken, K., Romanowsky, A. J., Freeman, K. C. 2004, in Proc. IAU Symp. 220, Dark Matter in Galaxies, ed. S. Ryder, D. J. Pisano, M. Walker, K. Freeman, (San Francisco: ASP), 173

"Modern techniques in galaxy kinematics: Results from planetary nebula spectroscopy", Romanowsky, A. J., Douglas, N. G., Kuijken, K., Arnaboldi, M., Gerssen, J., Merrifield, M. R. 2003, in Proc. IAU Symp. 209, Planetary Nebulae: Their Evolution and Role in the Universe, ed. S. Kwok, M. Dopita, R. Sutherland (San Francisco: ASP), 639

"Modern techniques in galaxy kinematics: CDI and the Planetary Nebula Spectrograph", Douglas, N. G., Kuijken, K., Romanowsky, A. J., Merrifield, M. R., Arnaboldi, M., Freeman, K., Taylor, K. 2003, in Proc. IAU Symp. 209, Planetary Nebulae: Their Evolution and Role in the Universe, ed. S. Kwok, M. Dopita, R. Sutherland (San Francisco: ASP), 637

"Dynamics of stars and globular clusters in galaxy halos", Romanowsky, A. J., Douglas, N. G., Kuijken, K., Arnaboldi, M., Kissler-Patig, M., Sharples, R. M., Zepf, S. E., Rhode, K. L. 2003, in ESO Astrophysics Symp., Extragalactic Globular Cluster Systems, ed. M. Kissler-Patig (Berlin: Springer), 310

"Dynamical constraints on early-type galaxy halos", Romanowsky, A. J., Arnaboldi, M., Douglas, N. G., Kuijken, K., Merrifield, M. R., Freeman, K. C., Gerssen, J. 2003, in Galaxy Evolution: Theory and Observations, ed. V. Avila-Reese, C. Firmani, C. S. Frenk, C. Allen, RevMexAA SC 17, 45

"Mass distributions in early-type galaxy halos", Romanowsky, A. J., Douglas, N. G., Kuijken, K., Merrifield, M. R., Arnaboldi, M., Freeman, K. C., Taylor, K. 2003, in ESO Astrophysics Symp., The Mass of Galaxies at Low and High Redshift, ed. R. Bender & A. Renzini (Berlin: Springer), 72

"Dynamics of globular cluster systems in elliptical galaxies", Romanowsky, A. J. 2002, in Proc. IAU Symp. 207, Extragalactic Star Clusters, ed. D. Geisler, E. K. Grebel, D. Minniti (San Francisco: ASP), 336

"Tracing early-type galaxy halo dynamics", Romanowsky, A. J., Douglas, N. G., Kuijken, K., Merrifield, M. R., Arnaboldi, M., Freeman, K. C., Taylor, K. 2001, BAAS, 33, 4, 1533

"Kinematics of planetary nebulae in NGC 4472", Romanowsky, A. J., Douglas, N. G., Kuijken, K., Arnaboldi, M. 2001, BAAS, 33, 1, 719

"Halo dynamics of elliptical galaxies", Romanowsky, A. J. 2000, BAAS, 32, 2, 694

"Dynamics of the Sgr A* cluster", Romanowsky, A. J., Kochanek, C. S. 2001, in ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 228, Dynamics of Star Clusters and the Milky Way, ed. S. Deiters, B. Fuchs, A. Just, R. Spurzem, R. Wielen (San Francisco: ASP), 556

"Halo dynamics of M87", Romanowsky, A. J., Kochanek, C. S. 2000, in ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 197, XVth IAP Meeting, Dynamics of Galaxies: From the Early Universe to the Present, ed. F. Combes, G. A. Mamon, V. Charmandaris (San Francisco: ASP), 401

"Stellar dynamics at the Galactic center", Romanowsky, A. J., Kochanek, C. S. 1999, BAAS, 31, 1, 666

"A global dynamical model of M87", Romanowsky, A. J. 1999, in ASP Conf. Ser. Vol 182, Galaxy Dynamics, A Rutgers Symposium, ed. D. Merritt, J. A. Sellwood, M. Valluri (San Francisco: ASP), 158

"Orbit modeling of the lensing galaxy in 0957+561", Romanowsky, A. J. 1998, in ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 136, Galactic Halos: A UC Santa Cruz Workshop, ed. D. Zaritsky (San Francisco: ASP), 317

"New projections of triaxiality", Romanowsky, A. J., Kochanek, C. S. 1997, in ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 116, The Second Stromlo Symposium: The Nature of Elliptical Galaxies, ed. M. Arnaboldi, G. S. Da Costa, P. Saha (San Francisco, ASP), 107

"Ultrashort-pulse reflectometry", Domier, C. W., Luhmann, Jr., N. C., Chou, A. E., Zhang, W.-M., Romanowsky, A. J. 1995, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 66, 399

Last updated 27 March 2024