Esperanza High School site

Historical USGS topo maps

and links to other online materials about the site

Historical map data are available via web interface at
and as downloads in many formats from the federal government at

Image 296372.jpg

Terminal station of the Pacific Electric Railway had been completed to the point shown on this map by 1911 or 1912. The station was named for Jacob Stern, the man who acquired the land from the Yorba family. Topography shows pit not yet excavated, but end of the rail line well positioned for loading gravel and transporting it to LA.

Image 293738.jpg

Railway is gone. Documents about the Pacific Electric indicate that it had been out of service since 1938, and the EPA report indicates that the petroleum refinery waste dumping started in 1940. There is a road in the site of the gravel pit that is consistent with digging, but the topography is not updated to show the pit. The EPA report mentions a contaminated water well in 1947 at a location that is consistent with the house in the orange grove. EHS handball courts currently occupy that spot.

Image 293739.jpg

Topography now shows the excavated pit. Imperial Highway exists on old rail right of way. Conversion of orange groves to houses has begun.

Image 293740.jpg

More housing development, Orchard School exists, EHS site is still an orange grove.

Image 293742.jpg

EHS is built, neighborhoods are developed all around.

Historical Aerial Photos of the region from 1946 to 2012 are available from
CSUF Oral History Program
Yorba Linda Community History Project
Remembrances of Yorba Linda's Early Years
Daniel L. Hoppy, November 14, 1968 and January 8, 1969
John Tugwell, April 26, 1972

Interviews with George Kellogg, the man who planted the orchard on which Esperanza High School was built.
Also tells the story of Jacob Stern, the man for whom the terminal station of the Pacific Electric Railway was named.
EPA report about the contaminated well and the toxic cleanup
see pages 6, 47 to 50, 98 to 99

This EPA writeup was based on documents from the California Department of Health Services (CDHS).
(CDHS was reorganized in 2007 resulting in creation of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH).)
Agencies mentioned as part of those documents are California Regional Water Quality Control Board and the County of Orange Human Services Agency (which, to no surprise, has also been reorganized).
Another anecdote about sulfur dioxide emissions during the cleanup at
Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association
John A. Wood & Michael L. Porter (1987),
Hazardous Pollutants in Class II Landfills,
JAPCA, 37:5, 609-615, DOI: 10.1080/08940630.1987.10466250
Most of the live online EPA information seems unlikely to have been updated in the 20 years since the zip code changed.

EPA Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO)
Detailed Facility Report

EPA Facility Registry Service (FRS)
Facility Detail Report

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
Facility Information
From page 96 of the 1983 Quetzal yearbook as seen at

Toxic waste causes death Relatives of a San Clemente resident who died after being exposed to hazardous waste from the Kellogg Terrace toxic dump site, filed a wrongful death suit in Orange County court against the Shupe Trucking Company alleging that the driver of the truck, whose job it was to deliver the toxic waste being taken from the dumpsite near the school campus, did not take precautions to wash out the waste at the legal dumpsite in Kettleman Hills. The driver allegedly drove his truck back to San Clemente and cleaned the truck there. Charles Dunston, who lived adjacent to the area where the truck was hosed out, reported respiratory problems and died at Camp Pendleton's hospital within 48 hours of being exposed to the waste.

Birth and death information about Navy Commander Charles Edward Dunston are at
DropBox full of newspaper clippings and other documents from Lisa Pruitt-Star
Information gathered by the facebook alliance...
Contamination from the EHS auto shop oil tank, its cleanup, and the monitoring well that was put there by USGS.
Note in particular the detailed report that gives water test results. At that location the groundwater contamination could be a mix of things from the EHS auto shop tank and the Kellogg Terrace site.
The report also references the nearby Concerto Investigation into water wells possibly contaminated by gas stations at Imperial and La Palma and also Esperanza and Fairlynn.

Also on the state water board geotracker is a misplaced marker for the gas station which was once at the KT site. Its documents hint that it was opened in 1950 and closed in 1965.

Note also that there is not anything in the state water board database about the KT site even though the EPA report above contains information about the contaminated well on the site of EHS.
Location of the Ballad and Concerto wells is shown here

More details on the water system in that area are at

The Ballad well tests are at
Ballad well seems to have been shut down by 1999.

The Concerto #1 tests are at
Concerto #1 seems to have been shut down by 1999, and was destroyed in 8/04.

The Concerto #2 well tests are at
Concerto #2 seems to have been shut down by 2010.
This was right after the 6000 feet of 16-inch water main were "fast-track" installed along Orangethorpe from Van Buren to Boisseranc in order to connect Golden State Water Company Yorba Linda to the wells that supply Golden State Water Company Placentia.
Maps of water system boundaries are at
and also by choosing "Public Water Systems" at
Steve Allen <>