Specifications for DEIMOS Input Catalog ASCII table extension file

The DEIMOS user provides one or more catalogs of desirable targets. These catalogs must be astrometrically accurate to within the size of a slitlet. If multiple catalogs are combined then their coordinate systems must coincide to within the size of a slitlet. At the end of an observation the FITS ASCII table described here is provided along with the CCD image data. This permits association of the spectra with the objects.

During the operation of the slitmask design code the user may choose a number of ``sky slitlet'' positions which were not originally in the catalog. These sky positions are converted from their mask coordinates or refracted coordinates back to catalog positions and added to this table. This FITS table should serve as both an input and output file format for the slitmask design code.

This table should contain only information about the objects. Inclusion of other entities would denormalize the schema of the tables as a database.

Keywords for coordinate systems are derived from the proposed WCS conventions and resolution R3 of the OGIP recommendations.

Detailed definitions of the FITS keywords used in this HDU are available in a data dictionary. The Input Catalog Table FITS Header

Here follows a draft schematic for the contents of the FITS header:
XTENSION= 'TABLE   '           / ASCII table extension
BITPIX  =                    8 / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS   =                    2 / always 2 for a FITS table
NAXIS1  =                  xxx / number of chars needed to describe members
NAXIS2  =                  xxx / number of objects in the catalogs
PCOUNT  =                    0 / required FITS extension keyword
GCOUNT  =                    1 / required FITS extension keyword
TFIELDS =                   18 / Number of columns in the table

EXTNAME = 'DEIMOS_Input_Catalog' / This table describes DEIMOS input catalogs
EXTVER  =                    1 / Unique index of this Config table in file
GRPID1  =                    1 / member of group with EXTVER=1 in same file
COMMENT   Because GRPID1 is positive we need no GRPLC1 card
DATE    = 'dd/mm/yy'           / Date of construction of input catalog table
CTIME   = 'WkD CcYy Mon Dt Hr:Mn:Ss TZn' / Time of construction of table

COMMENT   Various keywords specifying the desired telescope axis
RA_PNT  =          xxx.xxxxxxx / Right Ascension of Keck II axis [degree]
DEC_PNT =          xxx.xxxxxxx / Declination of Keck II axis [degree]
RADECPNT= 'FKx'                / Coordinate system for RA_PNT and DEC_PNT
EQUINPNT=        xxxxxx.xxxxxx / Equinox for RA_PNT and DEC_PNT [annum]
MJD_PNT =    24xxxxx.xxxxxxxxx / needed if RADECPNT is FK4 [diem]
DEISKYPA=          xxx.xxxxxxx / Position angle of DEIMOS on the sky
CTIMEPNT= 'WkD CcYy Mon Dt Hr:Mn:Ss TZn' / Planned time of observation

TBCOL1  =                    1 / First character in column
TFORM1  = 'A8'                 / Fortran 77 format of column
TTYPE1  = 'SNAME'              /

TBCOL2  =                   xx / First character in column
TFORM2  = 'F11.7'              / Fortran 77 format of column
TTYPE2  = 'RA_OBJ'             /
TUNIT2  = 'degree'             / Unit of measure of column

TBCOL3  =                   xx / First character in column
TFORM3  = 'F11.7'              / Fortran 77 format of column
TTYPE3  = 'DEC_OBJ'            /
TUNIT3  = 'degree'             / Unit of measure of column

TBCOL4  =                   xx / First character in column
TFORM4  = 'I4'                 / Fortran 77 format of column
TTYPE4  = 'PRIO'               /

TBCOL5  =                   xx / First character in column
TFORM5  = 'F7.3'               / Fortran 77 format of column
TTYPE5  = 'MAG'                /
TNULL5  = '-99.999'            / Indicates data not provides in input

TBCOL6  =                   xx / First character in column
TFORM6  = 'A128'               / Fortran 77 format of column
TTYPE6  = 'NAME'               /

TBCOL7  =                   xx / First character in column
TFORM7  = 'F13.6'              / Fortran 77 format of column
TTYPE7  = 'EQUINOX'            /
TUNIT7  = 'annum'              / Unit of measure of column

TBCOL8  =                   xx / First character in column
TFORM8  = 'A128'               / Fortran 77 format of column
TTYPE8  = 'CAT_FILE'           /

TBCOL9  =                   xx / First character in column
TFORM9  = 'I6'                 / Fortran 77 format of column
TTYPE9  = 'OBJ_PKEY'           / Primary key for table of objects

TBCOL10 =                   xx / First character in column
TFORM10 = 'A8'                 / Fortran 77 format of column
TTYPE10 = 'RADECSYS'           /
TNULL10 = 'NULL    '           / Indicates data not provided in input

TBCOL11 =                   xx / First character in column
TFORM11 = 'F9.4'               / Fortran 77 format of column
TTYPE11 = 'PM_RA'              /
TUNIT11 = 'arcsec/(Julian annum)' / Unit of measure of column
TNULL11 = '-999.9000'          / Indicates data not provided in input

TBCOL12 =                   xx / First character in column
TFORM12 = 'F9.4'               / Fortran 77 format of column
TTYPE12 = 'PM_DEC'             /
TUNIT12 = 'arcsec/(Julian annum)' / Unit of measure of column
TNULL12 = '-999.9000'          / Indicates data not provided in input

TBCOL13 =                   xx / First character in column
TFORM13 = 'F17.9'              / Fortran 77 format of column
TTYPE13 = 'MJD_WCS'            /
TUNIT13 = 'diem'               / Unit of measure of column
TNULL13 = '-999999.000000000'  / Indicates data not provided in input

TBCOL14 =                   xx / First character in column
TFORM14 = 'F7.4'               / Fortran 77 format of column
TTYPE14 = 'PARALLAX'           /
TUNIT14 = 'arcsec'             / Unit of measure of column
TNULL14 = '-9.9999'            / Indicates data not provided in input

TBCOL15 =                   xx / First character in column
TFORM15 = 'F13.3'              / Fortran 77 format of column
TTYPE15 = 'RAD_VEL'            /
TUNIT15 = 'm/s'                / Unit of measure of column
TNULL15 = '300000000.000'      / Indicates data not provided in input

TBCOL16 =                   xx / First character in column
TFORM16 = 'F10.7'              / Fortran 77 format of column
TTYPE16 = 'MAJAXIS'            /
TUNIT16 = 'degree'             / Unit of measure of column
TNULL16 = '-9.9900000'         / Indicates data not provided in input

TBCOL17 =                   xx / First character in column
TFORM17 = 'F10.7'              / Fortran 77 format of column
TTYPE17 = 'MINAXIS'            /
TUNIT17 = 'degree'             / Unit of measure of column
TNULL17 = '-9.9900000'         / Indicates data not provided in input

TBCOL18 =                   xx / First character in column
TFORM18 = 'F11.7'              / Fortran 77 format of column
TTYPE18 = 'PA_AXIS'            / this may not be the best choice of name
TUNIT18 = 'degree'             / Unit of measure of column
TNULL18 = '-99.9000000'          / Indicates data not provided in input

The header is padded with ASCII blanks such that it consists of a positive integer multiple of 2880 bytes (36 card images of 80 characters).

The value of the keyword EXTNAME deserves further scrutiny. Other kinds of FITS groups for DEIMOS data may become desirable; e.g., groups which relate calibration exposures to sky exposures. It may also be desirable to insert other kinds of documentary data using additional standard and/or DEIMOS-specific keywords. The DATE keywords present an obvious problem as we enter a new century, but the FITS community has not yet developed an alternative scheme.

Even though many inputs catalogs will not have values for them, the inclusion of the full set of 3-d astrometric entities in this table is important. It permits the use of standardized WCS software, and encourages full understanding of coordinate system subtleties.

User catalogs will not typically originate as FITS files. There should be a tool which permits the astronomer to transform a given input catalog into this standardized DEIMOS format. In the case where the original catalog does not contain full astrometric information the translation program should prompt with reasonable default values. For objects read from such a file the table will indicate the lack of information by the use of the FITS ASCII Table TNULL conventions. The DEIMOS Input Catalog FITS data table

The above table is sufficiently wide that it is not feasible to create a readable sample version for inclusion in this file. The data definitions of the keywords and columns indicate some of the issues that need to be resolved for the final version of this specification.
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Steve Allen <sla@ucolick.org>
$Date: 1996/03/13 21:29:47 $