The California Ale thru history

The first California Ale was hosted by Berkeley Morris in 1987 August.
1987 August
Malt and Malted Ale. Hosted by Berkeley Morris.
1988 April 8-10
The Sunset Duck. Hosted by Sunset Morris of Los Angeles.
Pterodactale. Hosted by Palo Alto teams
1990 April 20-22
The Duck, Take II. Hosted by Sunset Morris and Pennyroyal Morris of Los Angeles.
Quakes and Ale. Hosted by Berkeley Morris.
1992 April 24-26
The Lame Duck. Hosted by Sunset Morris and Pennyroyal Morris of Los Angeles.
1993 May 7-9
Pterodactale, Ptoo! Hosted by Mayfield Morris and Sword, Deer Creek Morris Men, and Fools' Choice Morris of Palo Alto.
(no California Ale this year)
1995 April 21-23
Holy Gr'Ale. Hosted by Berkeley Morris.
1996 April 12-14
Duck and Cover. Hosted by Sunset Morris and Pennyroyal Morris of Los Angeles.
1997 April 25-27
VirtuAle. Hosted by Seabright Morris and Sword of Santa Cruz.
1998 April 10-12
Roll Out the Bear'Ale. Now being hosted by Berkeley Morris in celebration of their 21st year. See the schedule of dancing at the ale.

If you got here without seeing the upcoming ales page you will probably want to have a look there.
Steve Allen <>