Trunkles a corner-crossing hankie dance This is a long dance wherein the corners first challenge and then cross during each of the DFs. (In the Sherborne tradition each crossing may be performed twice, making the dance excruciatingly long.) During the CFs (FU, HG, WG, HR, WH) dancers should maintain awareness of their partners. During the DFs (corner crossings) inactive dancers should stand still (no bells jingling) facing their corners and watching the pair who are currently performing. Corners perform a step and jump at both the beginning and end of challenges and crossings. Each of the challenges is the same, always starting on the right foot and thus doing the HL on the right foot. During each challenge, the corner dancers should approach on the double step and do the HC in each other's face. Each of the crossings uses a different step or caper, always ending with a hook leg (on the right foot) into the corner's place. The first 2 crossings are done to B music, and the second 2 crossings are done to the even slower C music. This gives the dancers time to perform the capers. Dancers should pass right shoulders during the crossings. (According to Sharp the middles (3 & 4) never actually cross, but merely orbit around each other and return to place.) For the sidestep and the UC crossings the dancers should try to follow a zig-zag pattern across the set: to the right, to the left, to the right, and to the left. ---------------------------------------- OY = ftj FU DF = 4 HC HL(r) sj = challenge + ssr ssl ssr ssl HL(r) sj = cross w/ open side steps HG DF = 4 HC HL(r) sj = challenge + HCr HCl HCr HCl HL(r) sj = cross w/ up two threes WG DF = 4 HC HL(r) sj = challenge + FCr FCl FCr FCl HL(r) sj = cross w/ toe backs HR DF = 4 HC HL(r) sj = challenge + UCr UCl UCr UCl HL(r) sj = cross w/ cross hops WH = 4 4 HL sj 4 4 PC PC PC PC ends with PC facing up