Highlights selected text from stdin; lines w/o matches are optionally deleted. hilight [-hboruB] [-e] pattern [-e pattern] ... [file ...] where pattern's are valid sed patterns. The default highlighting method is to use the "standout" escape sequence. Hilighting Options: -b -- bold hilighting, if available. -r -- reverse-video hilighting, if available. -u -- underline hilighting, if available. -B -- underscore-backspace hilighting: precede each character with _\b. This man page convention is interpreted by "less" to mean underline. -o -- overstrike hilighting: replace each character x with x\bx. This man page convention is interpreted by "less" to mean boldface. Other Options: -e -- The next word is a pattern. This is optional before the first pattern, but required before the other patterns, else the patterns will be interpreted as filenames. (The name "-e" is used by analogy with sed's "-e", although "e" has no mnemonic value in "hilight"). -d -- delete lines without any hilighted text (default: print all lines). -h -- print this message, then exit. -D -- debug mode (print sed hilighting command before executing). Note: options must be entered separately; don't run them together.