Usage: mklinks link-rootdir real-rootdir subdir... Purpose: Create a "shadow" tree of symlinks pointing at real files: For each non-directory file real-rootdir/subdir/XXX, we create a symbolic link named link-rootdir/subdir/XXX. For each directory file real-rootdir/subdir/DDD, we create a directory link-rootdir/subdir/DDD, and recursively invoke mklinks on those files. Example: If you have /opt/xyz/bin/prog1 /opt/xyz/bin/prog2 /opt/xyz/man/man1/prog1.1 /opt/xyz/man/man1/prog2.1 /opt/xyz/man/man4/prog1.4 Then the command mklinks /opt /opt/xyz bin man will create links in /opt/bin and /opt/man that shadow the actual files in /opt/xyz/bin and /opt/xyz/man. USE WITH CAUTION -- you can create lots of unwanted files!