1) Setup vi .cshrc setenv IDLUTILS_DIR ~/idl/djs # You might use idlutils instead of djs setenv IDLSPEC2D_DIR ~/idl/idlspec2d setenv XIDL_DIR ~/idl/xidl setenv IDL_PATH +$IDL_DIR\/lib:+$IDL_DIR\/examples:+~/idl:+pro/ 2) IDLUTILS (a.k.a. djs) Grab and unpack the tar file or CVS distribution from the SDSS website: http://spectro.Princeton.EDU/idlspec2d_install.html cd idlutils bin/evilmake clean bin/evilmake 3) IDLSPEC2D Grab and upack the tar file or CVS distribution from the SDSS website: http://spectro.Princeton.EDU/idlspec2d_install.html cd idlspec2d $IDLUTILS_DIR/bin/evilmake clean $IDLUTILS_DIR/bin/evilmake 4) XIDL Grab and unpack the tar file from my website: http://www.ucolick.org/~xavier/IDL/index.html cd xidl bin/evilmake clean bin/evilmake 5) Run IDL and try IDL> .com x_splot and IDL> a = djs_median(findgen(100,100),1)