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This page lists some software that I've written or co-wrote, and is available for download. It is intended to be useful for research purposes.  


pyro is a simple Python/C hydro code that currently implements unsplit and split versions of a 2nd order Godunov compressible hydrodynamics scheme. It is written as a testbed, not for performance/production. It is very much beta quality software, but maybe you'll find it interesting...
  More information


Numerical Python Notes

Some notes on using python and numarray for numerical analysis.
  [numerical python notes]


Multigrid examples



A simple python class for solving 1-d Poisson equations on a finite-volume grid. The driver program (mg_test.py) solves uxx = cos(x), u(0)=0, u(1)=1. The discretization is second order.
  multigrid.py (the multigrid class), patch1d.py (the patch class); mg_test.py (a sample driver)


A simple example of using multigrid to solve a 1-dimensional Poisson equation: uxx = cos(x), u(0)=0, u(1)=1, using a finite-volume discretization. Dirichlet boundary conditions are supported. This is a nice test case, as it has a simple analytic solution, and demonstrates how to properly set the boundary conditions for a cell-centered discretization (otherwise you get only first-order convergence). A pure relaxation code is provided for comparison, demonstrating that with enough iterations, you converge, with second-order accuracy. Residuals are printing out at each step of the multgrid, showing the effects of the intergrid transfers and smoothing.
  Pure Gauss-Seidel red/black relaxation: relax.f90
  Full Multigrid: fmgfvb.f90


Implicit thermal diffusion

A 2nd order accurate, Crank-Nicholson differenced, finite volume solver for the heat equation, using basic multigrid V-cycles. This is just to serve as an example. Dirichlet boundary conditions are supported.



FLASH is a parallel, adaptive mesh, explicit hydrodynamics code, developed at the Center for Astrophysical Thermodynamical Flashes.
  Code request


Monte Carlo demonstration -- poker odds

A simple demonstration of Monte Carlo techniques -- computing the odds of the different hands in a straight 5-card poker game.


FLASH Code Parallel I/O benchmark

The FLASH I/O benchmark routine measures the performance of the FLASH parallel HDF 5 output. It recreates the primary data structures in FLASH and produces a checkpoint file, a plotfile with centered data, and a plotfile with corner data.
  [about the benchmark]


Parallel I/O Tutorial

A simple tutorial showing various ways to output data from a parallel hydrodynamics code into a single HDF5 file.
  I/O tutorial



A simple python script that takes a LaTeX ApJ manuscript and renames all the figures (both in the file and on disk) to conform to the f1.eps, f2.eps, ... naming convention that ApJ wants. Use at your own risk--this is still beta quality. See the notes contained within.



An IDL routine to read in ASCII tables. Originally written by Helge Rebhan, this modified version is much faster for large tables, as it eliminates a very expensive copy by assuming a maximum number of lines. Also added the /DOUBLE option to read in as double precision.



updated June 24, 2004

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