What is the DEEP2 Pipeline?

The DEEP2 Pipeline is everything one would ever want in a pipeline. The pipeline reads in the data directory, sorts the data into subsets all observed with the same masks, reduces the data to generating extracted one-dimensional spectra (all while find serendipitous sources) and requires no human intervention.
Currently the software and the documentation is maintained by Michael Cooper.


Installing the package itself is straigtforward. The file is gzip'ed tar file of routines, and the rest that is required is the Princeton SDSS IDL routines.
This can be obtained, precompiled, from my IDL webpage.

Running the code

Running the code is detailed in the link below. The setup requires an input data directory, which selected as a environmental variable (for example setenv DEIMOS_data /Volumes/Data1/deimos/rawdata). Running the script deimos_planfile in the data directory will generate the files required to do the individual data reduction. From there, the IDL command domask runs the code. In only a few hours, 1-d spectra in FITS Binary tables are produced.


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Last modified: Wed Oct 14 10:20:17 PDT 2009