





BOSS Completeness

BOSS Mocks


BOSS Galaxy-Halo Modeling

Mock Catalogs

Our mock catalog is based on SHAM, highly relying on the S82-MGC catalog and the Rockstar subhalo catalog in the Multidark N-body simulation (currently we are using MDR1 ). We prepare ascii (.txt) and FITS (.fits) files, and explanations for each column can be found in the header in the ascii file or in the header comments in the primary HDU in the FITS file. In case you need other halo properties  not included in the mock catalog, you may find them in the Multidark database by refering to the HALO_ID or ask Shun Saito.


  ascii: Mock_Saito2015_AbM-V_PEAK.txt

  FITS: Mock_Saito2015_AbM-V_PEAK.fits


  Each row corresponds to one subhalo which has the following columns;


(0) MASS_IR_BEST: stellar mass, log10(M*/Msun)

(1) CMASSFLAG: 1 if it is a CMASS galaxy and 0 otherwise

(2,3,4) X,Y,Z: redshift-space position in units of [Mpc/h], Z-axis is taken as a redshift direction

(5) V_PEAK: Peak Vmax in units of [km/s] over mass accretion history

(6) M_VIR: virial mass of a subhalo, log10(M_VIR/Msun/h)

(7) HALO_ID: ID of a subhalo

(8) U_DISTINCT: -1 if it is a distinct host halo, others points to its HALO_ID of host halo