ay 212: dynamical astronomy home, syllabus, projects, links, lectures


"There are tens of thousands who could be successful in all the ordinary walks of life, hundreds who could wield empires, thousands who could gain wealth, for one who could take up the astronomical problem [computation of an astronomical ephemeris] with any hope of success. Those who have done it are therefore in intellect the select few of the human race - an aristocracy ranking above all others in the scale of being. The astronomical ephemeris is the last practical outcome of their productive genius!"

-Simon Newcomb, 1903

Dynamical astronomy is heavily intertwined with numerical computation. The following codes will be used to generate examples and illuminate various aspects of this course. They are written in standard Fortran 77.







fewbody.f. - Basic point-mass integrator.

fluid.iso.f. - 1D isothermal Lagrangian Hydro Code.

fluid.f. - 1D Lagrangian Hydro Code (with diffusive radiative transfer).

von_3daniken.f - von_3defs.h - gravity.f - makefile - parameters. - 3D Eulerian Hydro Code.

integrator.f - README - input - Planetary system integrator (uses Bulirsch-Stoer).