APF Spectrometer coordinates

coordinates for the APF spectrometer

as a PDF file
For reference see the manufacturer data sheet from 2006 showing pinouts and layout and the manufacturer data sheet from 2003 showing different QE curves.
coordinates for the APF guide camera

WARNING: This diagram is for the temporary breadboard mounting used when the guide camera was mounted at the Nasmyth focus by itself, without the spectrometer.
The orientation of the guider when mounted in the spectrograph will be flipped.
These diagrams are syntheses of the contents of what should be several separate diagrams and documents.
The engineering diagram documenting the APF spectrometer focal plane should not include
This is a draft. It all deserves double checking.
Please let me know if you find anything that seems awry.

The FITS coordinates can be redefined, but the current coordinates indicate the manner in which the ucam code writes the pixels into the FITS image array.
Steve Allen <sla@ucolick.org>
Initial deployment 2011-02-22T16:35
$Id: apf.html,v 1.4 2019/12/18 18:04:43 sla Exp $