The UCSD/Keck Damped Lya Abundance Database: High Resolution Spectra

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This web site disseminates our ESI and HIRES spectra to the general community. A full summary of what is released here, the quality of the data, the DLA included, etc. are all given in Prochaska et al. (2007), ApJS, in press.

Notes on the spectra:

Format: All of the spectra are written as 1d FITS files with a separate file for flux and error array.

Wavelengths: The wavelength information is written to each header. All of the wavelength solutions are 'log-linear', which means each pixel has identical size in km/s (not Ang). This is the best match to the properties of these instruments (i.e. roughly constant resolution).

lambda_i = 10^(CRVAL1 + (CDELT1 * (i - CRPIX1) ) )

The HIRES data (pre CCD upgrade)

The ESI data (pre 2003)

last modified 11/08/06