The SDSS LLS Survey

Brought to you by:

J. Xavier Prochaska (UCO/Lick Observatory)
John M. O'Meara (St. Michael's College)
Gabor Worseck (UCO/Lick Observatory)

These pages give tables and figures of LLS surveyed in the SDSS-DR7. We also provide the papers of reference for this material. Please reference these when appropriate.

Data Products

  • Intervening LLS Survey: This table lists all of the quasars surveyed for intervening LLS in our analysis of the SDSS-DR7. It provides the same information as Table 2 of POW10.
  • Proximate LLS Survey: This table lists all of the quasars surveyed for proximate LLS in our analysis of the SDSS-DR7.
  • QSO Spectra: This page shows a cutout of the spectra for all of the quasars that were surveyed, i.e. those in the previous table.
  • Stacked LLS Spectrum: These pages show a graphic of the stacked, rest-frame spectrum of our LLS sample. They also provide the data in a binary FITS file.
  • DR7 Summary: This table gives summarizes the principal results of the LLS survey.

  • LLS Survey, ApJ, 2010, 718, 392 (astro-ph/0912.0292) [POW10]

This research is supported by grants from the National Science Foundation (AST 03-07824 and AST 05-48180) and NASA (HST-GO-10878.05-A).
xavier at
modified 11/22/09